Riku was put into the Door to Darkness but never became a Heartless, so he doesn't have a nobody.
Xion sounds a lot like Kairi. It sounds like the Kairi from KH1.
I would be a Shadow Heartless.
After Effects is for visual effects, not editing. A good editing program in the Adobe collection is Adobe Premiere. I don't own it but I've gotten the trial. The editing program I currently use is Ulead Videostudio 10. It is around $70 but it has loads of video effects and it is very easy to use.
Well, I'm at the last save point in TWTNW, will I still be able to get it?
I made this because I was bored. Tell me what you think.
Namine is definitely Kairi's Nobody. If she wasn't what would she be? And alter egos are basically what nobodies are right?
I like Wisdom and Valor. Wisdom for the cool slides and shooting lasers from the keyblade and valor just to wield 2 keyblades. And I have all the forms and I bet you all think I'm crazy for choosing Wisdom over Master or Anti-Form but Wisdom and Valor are more basic and easier to use.
I like KH2 better for gameplay, but KH1 was more difficult. I can't say which is better cause they both have things I like. I like Hollow Bastion in KH1 better than Hollow Bastion in KH2 and that is one of my favorite levels. But I like KH2 for the different Drive Forms and how you can enter Disney Castle. I also like the Atlantica way better in KH1 than KH2.
1.)Well, Org. XIII's members do not have hearts. 2.)They couldn't of had strong hearts cause there whole person got turned into a heartless and nobody. 3.)I get what you mean. 4.)I wouldn't say that Square Enix meant for the game to be sexist.
I saw a TV Commercial when KH I first came out on Disney Channel and thought it looked cool. My brother got it for Christmas and I was the only one who beat the game. And I liked KH I soooo much that I bought KH II the first week it came out and beat the game in a week.
I have to agree. Roxas is way cooler, Sora is stronger, and Roxas is faster.
I would have to say the funniest boss in KHII was probably Demyx or Oogie Boogie (oogie is just so stupid it's funny.)
I would make more worlds cause there aren't that many and to make the game longer they just made you visit each world at least twice :(
1.) Oathkeeper 2.) Sleeping Lion 3.) Bond of Flame 4.) Gullwing 5.) Pumpkin King
That would have been cool if they did Bugs Life. Like see the whole ant city and stuff.
My favorite tracks in KH II are: Kairi Deep Drive The 13th Dilema Roxas The Darkness Unknown
Yea, Xaldin took me a long time too. But it was also because I was low level, like 43 or something.
Twilight Town because I would want to compete in the Struggle Competition! Also I would want to sit on the clock tower and watch the sunset.
The thing is Sora and Mickey's keyblades have some sort of resemblance and Riku's looks quite different. Also, Mickey has 2 keyblades cause in BBS trailer Mickey is wielding Starseeker and his Kingdom Key one in KH2. Maybe Sora is the true Keyblade wielder and Mickey was a previous chosen Keyblade wielder, that's why he has a Kingdom Key too. I don't know about Riku though.