That is Hilarious! LMFAO!:laughing-smiley-004
The last movie I saw was 7 Pounds "sad movie" and on Wensday Im going to see Angels and Demons.
Is makeing me Brunch.
The hardest boss for me was that Mountain Bat Heartless, it took me forever took destroy him, It hurts just to remember the sleepless nights. ---------------------> I never gave a shot to fight Seph.....He is too F******! Hard!
My 1st Anime was Sailor Moon too. I started watching it because it was different then all the other cartoon I watched. And my love of anime stemed from there.
I got 1 thing to say to that Pink Butterfree, Total B***h! :crybaby: "sobbing" could she break that relationship...."snif"..up!
:shocked: What?.......Did I just read that correctly? >>>>>>>>That was a Pretty Creepy Analogy.
Finally! I was wondering if they were ever going to remake that installment of the series. Im deffenitly going to get both. This just made my morning! =D
Hi! I just joined this site and hope to meet new friends who are just as big of fan of Kingdom Hearts as me. I will and more info on my profile later....Im pretty tired..."I shouldnt have joined so late"....But i can sleep and im waiting for some white castle too. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ:sleepy:
Coke!...For the simple fact that I am driking it as I type this.:)