My fave be Larxene
Go Cowboys! Okay, my true winner for the Superbowl is the Cowboys, always and foever America's team but since they had an off day, well go with the NY Giants cuz the Patriots suck
Sly Cooper! Oh my goodness! Sly Cooper is the best game ever! I've finished Sly 2 at least 43 times to the end and Sly 3 about 24 times. Sly is my FAVE
"Keep it the same" I vote for "Keep it the same" as well ;]
I'm posting for FFKHfreak for now.Just for to night. And you guys are no help
I love newbs I love newbs! I helped one out and they like requested me as a friend and..... .....:]
I think it outta be Rikku the girl for Riku the guy. It sounds cute and I think they would really bring out the other sides of each other great start to that by the way
Amen to that Amen to saying good vids can be made on WMM, I'm so tired of people sayin you need somethin bette. WMM is all I have and all I want.
Aqua I'm all for modesty, so as much as I love Rikku and Yuffie, they dun get mine. I pick Aqua cuz she looks pretty great so far, but my second is Tifa :] Jesus loves you!
dude, Darkwatch, i luv yur sig Jesus loves you!
Chocolate Bar, duh? I vote chocolate bar ALL THE WAY! Hersheys and Kit-Kat all the way, man! I hate spinach but eat it anyway :P Jesus loves you!
My song :] I'm listening to Comatose by Skillet!
Um HELLO!?!?! Its Tifa! The strongest, or atleast my favorite strognest character is Tifa. She kicks butt without a weapon and has those "Final Fanatasy Powers" to slow down, change direction in mid-air and stuff. She is MY pick, despite her NOT being listed as a choice
Larxene rox Mine is Larxene. #1, i luv her name. #2, I must agree, its pretty sweet that shes the only chick in the group. #3, i luv her personality, how mean she is. I dunno, i usually dont like characters like that, but i luv it in her. and #4 her and axel should SO be together. they're like one of my favorite pairs. Just watch my vids and you'll see
Wow! This is SWEET! I've only had an account for like a week or so, okay a little longer, and i got in the top five! Thanks so much and congrats to all winners, especially Stardust! Jesus loves you!