thanks for the pic commentttt. I know I love my KH icons lol
And I'd just like to add in that his original voice actor, Billy Zane, wasn't black either. I don't know much about the guy in KH2 sooo thats cool I guess. Also, he was paler in the flashback that Mickey has when he first sees Xemnas & goes, "Now I know!", so as everyone else is saying it's just an effect of the darkness.
Volume 12 is out in Japan now, actually. I read scans of it a while ago [I don't have a link, sorry D=]. But yeah, she was on hiatus for a while. I own all the DVDs of the English Dub & almost all of the manga. I'm missing like.. 2, 5 and I had 10 but it got lost somewhere. But yeah, I absolutely love it =] I read it because I thought Daisuke looked like Sora and I thought it was funny also that there was a girl named Riku. I cosplayed Riku in her school uniform at Animazement this year, actually<3. I changed though because the shoes were killing me and my friends wanted me to change into Sora. EDIT: Volume 12 is coming to America soon =D
Ouch. I've only ever gotten a tiny fracture in my wrist from falling out of a golf cart & landing on it weird but man the pain is so intense....
Owww that sucks. I fail at handling pain so I know I would have died. Like when we were playing football in gym and catching the ball jammed all...
I'm pretty sure that Sora, Kairi, and Riku [and technically only Sora and Riku made it because Kairi stored her heart within Sora] were the only people that made it off the island while everyone else on the island vanished or possibly became heartless? Because once Kingdom Hearts was sealed, all the worlds were restored & I'm sure all the hearts were restored along with it [this is the first game I'm talking about]. So everyone that disappeared with the island has no recollection of anything ever happening. & to quote Selphie about Riku, "Whatever happened to him? I sure miss him." and Kairi replies, "He's far away. But I know we'll see him again." Which seems to imply that Kairi didn't really remember the events of KH either, since she couldn't remember Sora completely. So the parents wouldn't worry about their kids if they didn't know anything was wrong. As for Sora's mom, since Naminè messed up everyone's links to Sora she probably didn't remember she even had a kid >.< Riku's parents...I have no idea. And does Sora have a Dad? Because many fanfic writers, myself included, always have Sora's mom as being widowed or just single. Just another question to throw out there.
Roxas would be the cool, popular kid in highschool in real life. Sora would be that 'aw he's kinda cute and funny' stuck in the friend zone forever type of guy [of course us fangirls wouldn't let that happen. But if he was honestly a real person, he would be that guy]. As for strength, I think Roxas and Sora are pretty evenly matched. And I think Sora is faster cuz he can fly once he gets the ability anddd I dunno I feel like Roxas's long pants make him slower lol.
Hey, I'm pretty new as well so we can be noobs together =]. I'm familiar with being on forums, though, so I can help you ouut if you have like really general questions. Welcome~
I just got back from a week long vacation up in Snowshoe, West Virginia today. It's a ski resort but it's summer & I don't ski anyway so no sports...
Added you~
You just listed like all of my favorite shows when I was a kid, except add in Are you afraid of the Dark? for Nick and Ed Edd n' Eddy & the PPGs for Cartoon Network. I only watch Nick & Cartoon Network when there's absolutely nothing on, and I usually try to avoid doing so even then. But do they serious show a penis and say the word sex on there now? ...That's just wrong. Why can't kids have a childhood anymore. Lastly, I would like to say that the show Chowder on Cartoon Network kinda makes me wanna just go die in a corner. It's that bad.
hahah. I cosplay KH2 Sora, the only thing that I consider slightly gangsta is the pants cuz they're so like poofy. And well the side bags always fall down when I'm walking so I feel like I'm constantly pulling up my pants. Sora's KH1 jumpsuit definately wins for poofyness though. I've never wore that but I'm guessing from the look of them.
I knew because my two best friends were OBSESSED with Jesse McCartney at the time KH2 was about to come out (we were in 7th grade). And I joked about Jesse McCartney being Roxas, totally not being serious about it. And happened. And I was like this: O_______o But I honestly love him as Roxas now. I would have been sad if he didn't return for 358/2 Days, but he did so all is good with the world. Unfortunately, Hayden has become too famous to want to do KH games so they had to replace Kairi... although I'm growing on Alyson Stoner, at least from what I hear her do for Xion. I wasn't too fond of her performance of Kairi in RE: COM.
Hey! Yeah of course we can be friends =]. Uh well I'm..okay. I had a big/serious convo with my boyfriend but it was on a more positive note then...
Older Sora, sheerly based on looks because I'm shallow like that =P not really. But also, KH2 Sora is pretty epic in his fighting. You can tell how much more skilled he is after all of KH in the smoothness of his attacks. I do miss dodgeroll though, sigh. And I found KH1's voice to be adorable.
I just went on the Tokyopop website & they didn't have any info but the comments on the bottom had this link: According to the comments on Tokyopop, the release date originally said May 30th. So now that it says October, I can't tell you how exactly reliable this is. But you figure a huge book chain like Borders would have a valid release date *shrug*. I do really want the 3rd one though. I love Roxas, but I'm ready to see Sora's part of the story.
Whoa, hey everybody. Thanks for the welcoming XD. @Amethyst Heart: thanks<3. I really wanted a new & original screename in 8th grade (I'm going into 12th now, if you're wondering) and I came up with that & I've used it on like everything ever since. @Reaper Review: A fan of TWEWY, I see. And yay, I hope I am an epic member~
Thanks~ and I used to, I haven't in like 2 years. & @Spaze: I shall. Although probably tomorrow 'cuz I'm a lazy bum and I'm probably not gonna post on anything but this topic for tonight so I think I'll be okay for now.
I'm new here ^_^. I haven't been a part of a KH forum since before KH2 came out & since the RP site I used to go to died. Soo, I'm excited. As long as I don't stumble upon spoilers for 358/2 Days, it's all cool. This is the first game I'm trying not to let myself see spoilers XD. I knew like...literally everything about COM & KH2 before they came to America. It was sad. Of course, I still enjoyed the games because I'm that obsessed.