Oh, can I be in it!? :D An overly perky girl with long red hair who follows Seifer (or any character of your choice, really) around and annoys him. She wears an out fit similair to Seifer's, only it's purple with black panys. :D
I have 6! YAY! *celebrates* LOL :)
Uh, hi Catch the Rain said I could join, and since she was nice enough to respond to my "Welcome" thread, I decided to join! :)
Um, I think it's pretty obvous what mine means..... *holds up sign that says rabid Seifer fangirl* :)
*raises hand* I'm pretty good! :D
What is this thing you refer to as "sleep"? LOL ;) I usually sleep on my side, or on my back. (my friend says I look like I'm sleeping in a coffin, lol :D )
Hello and welcome! I just joined here myself! Everyone here's really friendly, for the most part, so you'll have a great time! I like your sig, by the way. :)
Hello! I hope to get to know you too! :D I just joined myself, but everyone here is really friendly! :)
Don't feel bad or left out! I may have just joined, but everyone here seems really friendly, for the most part! :D
Wow, everyone here does seem pretty friendly! :) Thanks to everyone who's helped me so far! :D
Thanks, I will ! :)
:) Ok, thanks alot! :)
Thanks to all of you! You all seem really nice! By the way, how do you make the writing in your sig scroll from right to left like that?
Yup, I hope so too! :D
YAY, I feel so welcome! *hugs* :)
Hello everyone, I'm new here! I guess this is the part where I start rambling on about myself, so here I go! I love KH and FF, especially VIII, and Seifer's my favorite character! I hope to see you around! :D