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  1. ButcherKnifeBetty
    thank you ^^
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Mar 9, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. ButcherKnifeBetty
    I need help!!!
    I'm going to AnimeExpo this year (yay) and i have decided to make some of my cosplays.
    One problem.... I have no idea how I'm going to make my cosplays and accessories!!!! (NNnnoooo :eek: )
    Its a four day event and I would like to wear 4 different cosplays >.<
    So w/out further rambling here are my cosplays;
    • Shampoo from Ranma 1/2
    • A Maid
    • A Yankee (a deliquent)
    • Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon

    I already have Shampoo's outfit but I would like to make her Chui's (the weapon she uses) and I would like to know if anyone knows how to make them or can give me any ideas as to how they should be made. I will post a pic of what they look like once I figure out how use the spoiler again(sorry its been a while).

    For the maids outfit I was wondering if it was possible to make the headband, and if so can anyone tell please tell me what I will need to make it?

    As for the Yankee cosplay I want to know if the skirt has to be pleated or not. I would also like to know what length they have to be.
    Thread by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Mar 3, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. ButcherKnifeBetty
  4. ButcherKnifeBetty
    Here's to Misaki-san!!!
    May your Holiday be filled with joys and thrills
    Let not the temperature chill the warmth you feel this night
    n may you n yours find much cheer
    in each n every kodak moment this year :)

    View attachment 33456
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Dec 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. ButcherKnifeBetty
    A Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthrone :confused:
    I had to read this book for my English class was the most boring book ever!!! I never even finished reading it n i tried i really did. its the only book Ive never finished it was just so tedious n it went on and on. the plot itself was interesting but the way it was written was just terrible, at least i thought it was.
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Dec 18, 2012 in forum: Literature
  6. ButcherKnifeBetty
    "those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war."
    -Winston Churchill
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Dec 18, 2012 in forum: Literature
  7. ButcherKnifeBetty
    lol well i understand far to well what your referring to >.< n im afraid to say in some instances ive fallen in that category :oops:

    so which pony is your fav?? or do you have none??? o.O
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Dec 13, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. ButcherKnifeBetty
    y does the mlp community sicken you??? o.O
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Dec 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. ButcherKnifeBetty
    how do u feel about MLP???
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Dec 10, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. ButcherKnifeBetty
    Okay so the Anime Expo is having a black Friday deal (of sorts) it will last until Cyber Monday
    the four day tickets which where originally $55 are now $45!!
    if you have already purchased a ticket then you will be entered in a raffle, the prizes will be;
    • Prize Package -1st Place (1 winner): 4-Night Hotel Stay, 2 Premiere Passes, 2 t-shirts, 2 posters, 2 pairs of concert tickets and 20% off at AX Merchandise Booth.
    • Prize Package – 2nd Place (2 winners): 2 pairs of concert tickets, 2 t-shirts, 2 posters, and 15% off at AX Merchandise Booth.
    • Prize Package – 3rd Place (5 winners): 1 pair of concert tickets and 15% off at AX Merchandise Booth.
    Thread by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Nov 24, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. ButcherKnifeBetty

      Adventure Time - Flame Princess
      Pucca -Pucca & Geru
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. ButcherKnifeBetty
    behind blue eyes -limp bizkit
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. ButcherKnifeBetty
    - V, V for Vendetta
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Nov 17, 2012 in forum: Literature
  14. ButcherKnifeBetty
  15. ButcherKnifeBetty
  16. ButcherKnifeBetty
    i think her name was Mildred? (not 100% sure) i personally think there are no wrong points in the story and that everything was writing in the a certain manner to further demonstrate what society had become.
    i can understand why her life can be in and of itself a pivotal point in the the story. her life was pitiful, but it wasn't her fault she was a creation of the society in which they lived in.
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Nov 4, 2012 in forum: Literature
  17. ButcherKnifeBetty

    -The Doctor, Dr. Who
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Literature
  18. ButcherKnifeBetty
    Oerba Yun Fang is right!!! ENJOY IT! ENJOY IT I SAY!! LOL
    but seriously there are some things you just cant do anymore after you reach a certain again :/
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Oct 24, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  19. ButcherKnifeBetty
    "i never intended all this madness and no one really understood well how could they that all i ever wanted was to bring them something great. why does nothing ever turn out like it should. well what the heck i went and did my best and by god i really tasted something swell and for a moment why i even touched the sky..."
    -Jack Skellington, The Nightmare Before Christmas
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Oct 15, 2012 in forum: Literature
  20. ButcherKnifeBetty
    i haven't read it in a while and my memory of the book isn't what it used to be but i do believe Clarisse's death was necessary.
    just the off hand manner in which her death was spoken of and treated spoke volumes about the society as a whole and the desensitization which had become the norm for the people in the society.
    Post by: ButcherKnifeBetty, Oct 15, 2012 in forum: Literature