Join the club :3
Zach climbed up using the rope, and when he was about halfway up his eyes opened wide. He didn't feel something heavy pressing against his chest, no leather around his neck.."My necklace!" he shouted, looking downward into the sand. It was probably whipped away by the roaring winds, since it was actually quite light, the necklace. he thought frantically. Nobody likes a sad guy. Suck it up like a man, you can sulk later when you're not walking toward death's door. He looked at the direction the wind was blowing, "Ahh..who cares?" he lied, his voice shaking as he lifted himself up. "Now let's get out of here. I'm done with this alien land already." he grinned, not even the least bit happy, but not showing it.
☆ ➟ Name; Wetch "Will" Markna ★ ➟ Appearance; 5' 10", wears a plain black bandana and has spiky brown hair that is just short of his shoulder. His top is simply a black vest, and he has a bit of a 6 pack. He wears battered camouflage pants with several rips, and wears no shoes. Has brown eyes that always look confident. ☆ ➟ Age; 17 ★➟ Personality; Extremely sarcastic, kind, caring and very protective although he doesn't show it. Keeps his feelings to himself, because seriously, who likes somebody who's gloomy all the time? Immature although can be mature under special circumstances, and slightly hyper at times. Doesn't listen to others opinions, and sometimes zones out. ★ ➟ Village; Volcana ☆ ➟ Alliance; Humans
Zack looked down at the flowers, "Angeal's hometown is Banora Village, so you figure he would visit there at some point, right?" his voice sounded the slightest of unsure, but he looked up at Aerith with a slight look of determination on his face, "I think we can find him."
Zack casually walked along, swinging his arms back and forth. He thought about Cloud, Tifa, and all the other back on The Planet, but he knew they would come through in the end, he had no doubt about that. He had his doubts about other things though, but it was no time to worry about that now. He saw Aerith and sped up his pace just the slightest, waving and walking right next to Aerith, turning to the direction she was facing and sitting down next to her.
I'm about to epically fail at Zack. I'm disappointed in myself. Hopefully Vincent will be better.
?> Pats GLADSTONE on the back and say "It's okay!"
Mike ran up behind Phisoxa, looking at the Raven's Roost..or the remnants of it, his mouth opening up wide. "Holy-" he muttered.
"Oh yes, ignorance, my favorite!" he muttered, kneeling down next to Allen. What a great way to start out the day. Somebodies injured. Joy oh joy. he thought sarcastically, shaking off his immature thoughts. "I-is there anything we can do to help?" he asked.
"Sorry I'm not a book." Zach muttered, grabbing onto 'it' and trying to pull himself out of the sand, which was about waist high now. "Oh..yes..and by the way, the sand isn't safe. Now can somebody grab my hand, this thing is all..well, kind of hard to grab onto when your knee high in freaking sand." he announced.
Thank you. Sorry I haven't posted yet, I'm currently doing insane studying for Vincent Valentine and I'll post for Zack in just a second. Thanks...
Oh. Wow .
Where will Vincent be at the time?
OOC: I'll try to do a little recap, but I stink at these. Last night there was a battle with a strange man who ended up leaving. We skipped ahead to the morning, it's currently about 5:30, and we're all going into Merlins house right now.
Noo nooo that is not fair you make me crave pokemon!!
NOOOOO! I want pics for proof.
I. Must. See.
Hello !