There you are. I threw in some wisdom and power, too.
lol rumscape.
Yeah, I'm writing a temporary departure thread, as it probably seems necessarily at this point in time. So anyway. I'm probably not gonna be here for a while, because I've suddenly became interested in other hobbies, and the fact that school is currently pummeling down on me, and as a result of this my education is academic life is lagging a bit because of the amount of time I'm spending on here. So anyway, don't expect this to be a long time, give it 2 to 3 weeks, I suppose. Plus the additional lurking when I have time. <3 Play nice now.
Hm .
lol .
Melodies aren't really a problem for me, though. It's the damn drumbeats. I can't stand rearranging samples so I can add rhythmic changes, my imagination jumps out of me. :/ And thus I have terrible breakdowns despite an awesome intro.
The stock appears to be hard to see, and the way you brushed over it slightly isn't making matters any better. I appreciate you're trying, though. Read tutorials, go and stock up on your brushes. You should get better. EDIT: Question, are you using GIMP, Photoshop, or something else?
Nope, Enlighten me. btw, you got MSN?
And you got these terribly specific statistics from where?
Lofl. Meh, I find it fun to be hyper. Dispite the fact that it doesn't often happen. Most kids actually look at full-on pornography...
What was that?
Lol - I never drink coffee that much. It's just because I'm having an all-nighter to figure this beauty of a program out. And Changes in society,...
Okay, just drinking way more coffee than I should, you? And nah. I'll just assume that she got sick of calling ******ed mythical animals to do...
Because it simply wouldn't be anime if they were not present.
Yo .
This. I remember a time when I was a mod a few years back at a sonic forum. They decided to incorporate a shoutbox on the main It was whored to the max by noobs and idiots in general who didn't have anything better to do. Posts reduced drastically. It got so bad, that I had to suggest to have it removed completely, in which it did. There's always the option of an IRC chatroom, but then you encounter the problem of people having to have an IRC client(excluding those which have chatzilla), and what I stated above. So no, probably not a very good idea.
There you go.
You love it really. Because I've had this stupid block from me being able to develop my track for over 3 days now and it's getting on my nerves. Lack of imagination. Love it.
I'm a musician who can't make music. How bout that.
You cannot POSSIBLY be human.