My bad, I fixed the problem, I turned off the abilities and modded modded my HP to 105. The problem has been fixed :D
Hey mates! I have a quick question. I accidentally used the max HP code instead of the max HP for Ven code, so now Ven's health bar looks ridiculous, does anyone know of an HP mod that can set his health back to normal, for level 99? I can't find one and I tried modifying the code for it on CWCheat. Any help would be great!
Enjoy and rate please :D I tried very hard on this one. Took me forever to figure out how to rip the footage from the disc haha
Finally got Youtube to unmute it! Enjoy!
Hey. I was trying to set the battle difficulty to Deadly, using the code below: Code: Battle LVL Deadly (Difficulty) 20340E8C 001FFFFF The only problem is, instead of giving the enemies more health and damage, it gives them infinite HP. When I tell it to work on sephiroth by doing a char mod for donald Sephy has the HP part of the bar, but no actual green health. What have I done wrong?
Battle LVL Deadly (Difficulty) 20340E8C 001FFFFF
Anyway you can show us the T-Stance Model? Just put a watermark over it if you want.
Woops :P I should have searched first. Like I said, I fail ;) Anyway thank you for this! This topic can be deleted :)
I got bored one day figure I wanted to put the song from the opening in as English. So I just ripped the audio from the KH1 opening and added it instead of the Japanese song, and tada~! So it was out of boredom but I like it regardless XD Also how do I add the video itself? Since I fail haha
Out of curiosity how did you manage this? Like getting him to that state?
Kay Thanks again :D
Ty all :D Thanks Janime and SuperSora!
Does anyone have a solution for the DW Roxas code? All it does is make me sora, except when there are no enemies around, he puts the keyblade to his forehead... Is there any fix to let me play as DW Roxas from the Axel battle?
Wait there is there a way to change movesets? Because basically what im trying to do, is make you drive into KH1 sora, but have Valors moveset wielding only 1 keyblade but if you can only wield 2 im fine with that.
Why thank you :D Very much appreciated!
2060D2A4 ???????? Its the Max CP code, what do i put in for the '?'
Does Anyone know of a way to do this: Basically change give Valor form, the KH1 Sora look? Also is there a way to make it look like sora is only wielding 1 keyblade in valor form?
Ive tried the Anti form code on the front page, but it doesnt seem to work. The one where its suppose to put it in your drive menu, is there a code that would like replace wisdom form with antiform, so instead of going into wisdom you go anti? All help is appreciated :D
Is there a code i could add to give the Riku fix, in the shortcut menu (L1) Dark aura as like a usable spell?
Ok ill try that out :D Thanks :P EDIT: Sends me to the horrid black screen of death :P And sits there. Also thanks for the help with Riku Dragon.
Would there happen to be a code that can be used with a joker to not warp you to a boss, but spawn the boss right when you hit the jokered buttons?