Laguna- (face lights up) Denzel, you can call me whatever you want!
Laguna- right! That's who I am!
Laguna- hi kids!
Laguna- is she okay?
Vexen- I realize Demyx is a liability, but you shouldn't endanger his life all willy-nilly.
Laguna- need my help?
Demy- you guys sound sneaky.
Laguna- (spacing off)
Demy- really? Since when do tv commercials lie?
Laguna- you know him, don't you? By the way, my name is Laguna. Squalls father. But he probably never mentioned me...
Laguna- (rushes downstairs and nearly bumps into Lightning on her way up) sorry! What's going on down there?
Demy- only if I can have some red bull first.
(Basically just with my sister and I. And its more like pointless banter than anything exciting or whatever.)
Laguna- (wakes up) Awww man! I only got about an hours worth of sleep?!
Laguna- cool. I'm gonna rest up, and you should not give any more alcohol to Rikku. Shes only in her teens after all. (Falls asleep)
Doing ANYthing while sleep deprived is hysterical.
Leon- I'll kill you. Sora- stop fighting!!!
Laguna- (is worn out. Yawns.) Hey Tifa, you got a bed? I never feel safe in hotels anymore because of an incident.
Lol. I kinda wanna do the same with my phone.
Demy- what? Care that you're wrong?