5 and thats it
are you alone?
okay,seeya later destiny!
you never know XP okie dokie then i love waking up between5-6AM
no,i know someone who was 16 and in 8th grade
i didnt ask that,just grade
wait...are you in gradeschool?
i can understand,this summer wasnt so much fun as others,maybe because my family didnt leave the country this time
Me is good :Phow is you?
*glomps destiny*hallo :P
Hello family of the Twilight Love!
*continues to listen,smiling*last post!Cya!
*calmly listens* um...it was nothing*hears a crash* Hallo i gtg now people,ttyl!
aw,me likes to here singing ^^
*dreams about juicy steak*
*falls asleep too*
oh....um...*heres screeching in basement*oops...
*puts treat next to you and pets*your still my pet remember
Thou speaketh to me?i dunno XP slip n slide!at this time of night?