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  1. Rey Alejandro
    Maleficent is already evil. Her Heartless would be the Dragon Thing, and the nobody is, ummmm, That dragon that Xemnas flies, that's it!!
    Next up: Peter Pan. If he was alredy done, Bambi, there we go.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Jul 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Rey Alejandro
    Sora=Riku, Mickey, or Final Form
    Donald=Riku, Mickey, or Antiform
    Goofy=Riku, Mickey, or Limit Form
    A.I.= Any other form.
    Donald=Jack Skellington
    Goofy=Jack Sparrow
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Jul 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Rey Alejandro
    because of the Disney. And Cloud. I could care less about anything else. DON'T TAKE THE DISNEY AWAY!!!
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Rey Alejandro
  5. Rey Alejandro
    Well, I had just finished watching some spider movie, even though I have extreme Arachnophobia. So I Decided, hey, let's play some KH(1). Unfortunately, I was on Agrabah, and Pot Spiders were everywhere. So I got so freaking scared that, well, I went a little crazy. I tor apart my room looking for spiders, and I broke some Pots thinking they would sprout legs. Then, when my friend came in wondering what was wrong, I grabbed my house keys and threw them at him. he ran away. Then I hurt myself on the head. It's not really angry mad as opposed to crazy mad, but it's still mad. I have more, but I won't divulge now...
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Rey Alejandro
    When you mutilate you're school project to make a keyblade, then spend over $100 trying to Alter you're clothes to look exactly like Sora's/Riku's Clothes, and on Hair Dye, Incredibly long Hair extensions, a Gel that will hold those extensions up as spikes, and Paint for the Keyblades. Oh, and trying to get your friend to weld metal to have realistic Keychains. I never did that of course... Ok, I did, but I learned my lesson. I was lucky the project was already done.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Rey Alejandro
    OMFG, Piglet? He is always in Pooh's shadow, secretly brooding dark feelings of hatred towards him. But he is also dark in his fear of nearly everything, to the point of total engorgement of his fear.

    Heartless: A giant mass of Fearful energy, With Piglet trapped in the center.
    Nobody: Giant Piglet with Fangs and a vampire cape thing. And Pooh's head on his right hand. oh, and he has claws, and his cape turns to wings. YAY EVIL HATRED!!! All right, next up... if he hasn't been done, Simba!!! If he has, Mushu!!!
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, Jul 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Rey Alejandro
    I'm not sure if this should be in KH1 or KH2, but I'm puuting it in KH2 because it has something to do with World that never was. You know how on the Cover of KH1, there was a heart shaped moon?Is that Kingdom Hearts as shown in KH2 in the World that Never Was, or something completely different? If it is the same, Then WHat world are Sora and Co. at in the cover of the first game? Just a little something to think about...
    Thread by: Rey Alejandro, Jul 20, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Rey Alejandro
    Didn't know about the ARMAX thing. I never saw it before. It isn't there when I log in for some reason...
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Rey Alejandro
    The Mirror: Riku
    Difficulty:Same as Mirror Roxas, Mickey
    Bars: Same as Mirror Roxas, Mickey.
    Area: First Time-Mirror Altar Of Naught. Second time: Mirror World.
    The Deal: First time- After you beat Xemnas after you play as Riku, then When you reload your save, you will start playing as Riku. You notice a Corridor of Darkness. When you go through it, you will end up in a reversed World That Never Was. You see a strange cloaked figure at the Altar of Naught. It is Xehanort-Riku(riku in the form of xehanort, not the one from KH1 that you had to fight twice). After you beat him, He runs off. You follow him to Memory's Skyscraper. You run after him, but hit a wall. It turns out to be a mirror. The Riku in the Mirror walks out, and turns out to be the one you fought earlier. After you defeat him(in a fight very similar to the first xemnas fight), you will get thrown out of the world playing as Sora again.
    2nd time- You go to the newest world, Mirror World. There will be four Chambers. 3 will be blocked by Mirrors, one will be open. You go into that one, and you turn into Riku. You go to the Skyscraper, and the fight commences. Once you beat them, you get sent out of the Mirror World with a new ability: Riku. It lets you switch to Riku whenever, Switch bach with ability: Sora.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 25, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Rey Alejandro
    It's a thread to discuss various glitches Accessable with an Action Replay, and the codes for them. For example, does anyone know the code for the Edge of Ultima Keyblade? Or how to get to Villains Vale?
    Thread by: Rey Alejandro, May 23, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Rey Alejandro
    The Mirror: Mickey
    Health:Same as Mirror Roxas
    The Deal:1st. time: After the first time you go Mickey, you die. Instead of going back to Sora, you stay as Mickey and get transported to Mirror Disney Castle. You fight your way to the Hall of the Cornerstone, and see real Minnie being held by Mirror Mickey. You fight him, and he retreats to Mirror Timeless River. He Teams up with Mirror Pete, and you have to fight them both. After you beat them, you go back to being Sora, and you have to fight that boss all over again. 2nd. Time: You are traveling to a new world, a world of mirrors. There will be 4 chambers. 3 will be blocked, and one will be opened. You go into the opened one, and you transform into Mickey. You go to Mirror Cornerstone of Light, and see Mirror Mickey. You fight him, and you get a new ability: Mickey. After using, you will turn to Mickey. to change back, use ability:sora.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 23, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Rey Alejandro
    I just have a question. I know Limit form can use Sora's abilities from the First game, But how do you get them? On second thought, How do you get it? And can you use it against Sephiroth? Please answer, because i'm Importing KH2FM+, and I want to be prepared for it.
    Thread by: Rey Alejandro, May 22, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Rey Alejandro
    So, just because Anti can't heal, he is useless? Ok, let me bring in this scenario. You take all the forms and Bring them to the real world, where you have to let your body heal naturally, and there's no such thing as magic. Well, Wisdom's power is magic, so he's out, Master just lost half his strength, so he's out because he has half Valor's strength and half Wisdom's magical ability. With the magic gone, he only has half Valor, so he's out. Valor, Final, and Anti are left. Final loses most of his power because most of it relied on magic. There's no real strength involved. He can't glide either so no escaping. He's out. That leaves Just Anti and Valor. At this point, it could go either way. Valor has amazing strength, so he could pwn Anti pretty easily, if he could catch him. That's where Valor Loses. Anti outruns him, then charges back. Valor is tired out, so Anti can quickly dispath of him with a quick flurry of Punches. Anti Wins.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Rey Alejandro
    Good Idea, but that all happens in the past. I can't think of this stuff because I hate both of them. I just Despise Sora and Kairi.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Rey Alejandro
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 21, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Rey Alejandro
    wow... I didn't think that this would catch on. Anyway, let me explain the Sora never changing back thing, since that's what everyone seems to hate the most. You see, After Sora turns to a Heartless, he runs to find Kairi, Donald, and Goofy. However, they already left. So, Sora has to get to Traverse Town. But, theres a twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan and his increasingly bad movies(not really): The other Heartless all know that he was once the One killing them all. So, they don't want them to turn back. And, to make things worse, Sora is increasingly turning Evil, and getting dark powers. But, Sora is also evolving into more powerful forms of Heartless. He goes from Shadow, to Neoshadow, then Invisible, then Anti-Sora/Antiform. the final bosses are Donald and Goofy, trying to protect Kairi. Then he turns back, and the story continues as normal. I think it's pretty good.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Rey Alejandro
    Anti Form. Here's why. Anti vs. Valor: Valor runs and pulls off a giant slashing combo, but Anti dodges back and Drives his claws into Valor's chest.
    Anti vs. Wisdom: Shoots, but Anti Deflects them and starts pulling toward Wisdom. Wisdom tries to Quick run away, but Anti disembowels him.
    Anti vs. Master: Master Aerial Dodges everything that Anti tries, but then Anti does his glide around thing and claw combos him to death.
    Anti vs. Final: Anti just does his Seeker Claw Combo thing on Final and pwns him. Evil power Rules.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Rey Alejandro
    I was going to say "Hey maybe i'll use Goofy instead of Donald in worlds if they changed so much", But Goofy still seems useless for anything but Knocksmash and Valor Form.
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Rey Alejandro
    The E.S.(Terra for those who don't know.)
    Post by: Rey Alejandro, May 21, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts