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  1. Seapeople
    Assuming that a 2.5 HD Remix will be released, do you think there will be any small tweaks in the gameplay similar to how KH1 received changes? I haven't played BBS or 3D, but are there any minor mechanics from those games that could be brought over to KH2? Are there any changes you'd like to see that most likely won't happen? (i.e. nerfing drives, limits, reflect, etc).

    Let's speculate :D
    Thread by: Seapeople, Mar 16, 2013, 53 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Seapeople
    Song: The Cave by Mumford & Sons
    Video: The Walking Dead, Seasons 1-3

    Big spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the show.
    This is my first attempt at doing something like this so comments are definitely appreciated :)
    I didn't really do anything fancy because I don't know how lol. But I thought this song fit perfectly with the Walking Dead's storyline so that's what I focused on, especially...
    Rick coping with the loss of Shane & Lori, and moving on with his new born daughter and Carl.

    Thread by: Seapeople, Jan 12, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. Seapeople
    This video was recently uploaded to youtube by "TheKHRP".
    Throughout the video he shares his general thoughts about Kingdom Hearts, and explains his wish for the entire series to be remade on the same console(s) so that all fans can better appreciate the story and gameplay.

    In my opinion it's extremely unlikely that these ideas would ever happen, and some of his suggestions I don't necessarily agree with (such as adding a dedicated multiplayer mode). However, he does bring up a lot of great points on where the series could use improvement. These issues deserve a lot more attention so that hopefully they can be resolved in future KH games.

    I personally feel that the HD Remixes could be the perfect solution to many of the problems mentioned here. The HD remixes will bring all the games together on 1 console, provide the most complete version of each game (Re: or Final Mix), slightly improve the games' quality, increase the fanbase, and set the scene for Kingdom Hearts 3.
    All the more reason that the remixes should absolutely be localized to North America, Europe and Australia.

    Anyway that's my opinion on the whole thing. What did you all think of it? :)
    Thread by: Seapeople, Jan 3, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Seapeople
    I wasn't sure where to post this since it's just a general Kingdom Hearts topic. Mods feel free to move it if there's a better location.

    Do you all like the similarities between various characters throughout the series? Here's some examples I thought of off the top of my head. (Spoilers from basically every game btw)

    Similar Name:
    Master Xehanort, Xehanort the apprentice
    Ansem the wise, Ansem (Heartless), Riku (as Ansem)
    Riku, Riku Replica
    Terra, Terranort
    Ventus, Vanitas
    x-blade, Keyblade
    Similar appearance:
    Sora, Vanitas
    Roxas, Ventus
    Riku, Riku Replica
    Organization XIII and their former selves
    Terra, Terranort, Xehanort the apprentice, Xemnas
    Master Xehanort, Terranort, Xehanort the apprentice, Xemnas, Ansem (heartless), Riku (as Ansem)
    Similar connections:
    Sora, Vanitas, Ventus, Roxas, Xion, Namine, Kairi
    Riku, Riku Replica, Riku (as Ansem), Ansem (heartless)
    Terra, Master Xehanort, Terranort, Xehanort the apprentice, Xemnas, Ansem (heartless)
    Normal worlds, Worlds in Sora's memory, Worlds coded into data, Sleeping worlds
    I've heard a lot of people say they like the plot of KH1 the most because the sequels can get pretty confusing for your average player.
    Do you think these character parallels add depth to the series and make it more interesting, or would you rather everything be more clearly laid out?
    Thread by: Seapeople, Dec 18, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Seapeople
    Yeahh I went there. This is the game to end all boredom :D
    It can get pretty addictive when there's nothing else to do. What are some of your high scores? Right now mine is at 62,140,272 (about 20 million without second shot bonuses).
    Here's a small guide I put together after figuring things out along the way. I think there are ways to hack the game to make your score go through the roof, but this obviously won't be using anything like that. Anyway, I hope it's helpful :)

    Basic Tips:
    -Fully upgrade all of your power ups. That's a no brainer :p
    -Focus more on surviving than grabbing every coin on the course.
    -There are basically three motions in the game: jumping, ducking & turning. You can cancel any motion into any other motion. You can even cancel a jump into another jump as soon as you hit the ground. This can make reacting to obstacles much easier once you're running at full speed.

    Bonus Targets:
    -You will come across at least one bonus area every time you enter the part of the course that you started on.​
    -Shooting targets is extremely easy once you get the hang of it. You don't have to aim, swipe or anything fancy. Just tap the side of the screen that the target is on.
    -There will never be obstacles in the bonus area.
    -Try to get good at shooting targets on reaction while using the speed boost power up.
    -Sometimes you'll come across a power up while in the middle of a bonus area. If this happens you can do a "jump shot" in order to grab the power up and shoot a target at the same time. This is done by swiping up and either right or left depending on which side the target is on.
    -To get the "Sharpshooter" achievement, you will probably have to run about 40,000 meters. (Good luck!)

    -Resurrects are the #1 key to success. They're cheap and you can hold a maximum of 99 at a time. Keep one of these active at all times and you will be nearly invincible.​
    -Resurrects have a cooldown time of about 15 seconds.​
    Wisp World:
    -You are sent into Wisp World for about 10 seconds after obtaining the wisp power up.
    -Wisp World is no different than the regular world except that it is night time, there are no power ups, and you collect wisps instead of coins.
    -After collecting a certain number of wisps you will be given a wisp boost that slows down your movement speed for about 6 seconds. This boost can be activated whenever you choose.
    -The best time to activate the wisp boost is while your resurrect is on cooldown.

    Second Shot:
    -Second shot is a new power up that was added in the lastest update of the game. You don't have to buy this power up from the store and it can't be upgraded.​
    -Second shot is by far the best powerup in the game. It's really overpowered right now so I hope it gets fixed eventually. For every one of these you collect, you receive a random bonus at the end of your run. The bonus can range from absolutely nothing to adding lots of points to your score, or even making it easier to gain points on your next run.​

    Other Power Ups:
    -Coin magnet is the second best power up you can get. It triples the value of all coins, making blue coins 6 times the normal coin value.​
    -Speed boost is another great power up as it puts the game on auto pilot and sends you 600 meters further.
    -Head start boosts are only worth using if you have extra coins to spend. I'd suggest holding off on these until you've bought and upgraded everything else in the store.

    King Fergus:
    -King Fergus is a new character that can be played in the latest version of the game. It costs 500,000 points to unlock him. I haven't unlocked him yet, but I'll update this section once I do.​
    Thread by: Seapeople, Nov 26, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Game Help
  6. Seapeople
    Hey guys. I don't own a psp or nintendo DS so I haven't been able to play Days, BBS, Re:Coded or Dream Drop Distance. I was just wondering if I would be able to follow the plot to any of these four titles just by watching the cutscene archives on this site. Thanks for the help.
    Thread by: Seapeople, Oct 28, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Seapeople
    What is the duration time of enemy cards? For example, when i use vexen's card at the beginning of the match it wont revive me if i have been fighting for a long period of time. Do enemy cards like this one only stay active for a limited time?

    How do i use 0 cards effectively? I know its a dumb question lol. I remember at the beginning of the game it explains that 0 cards are the most powerful cards when used at the end of your deck and the least powerful when used earlier. Does that mean I need to only use 0 cards after using all other cards?

    Thanks in advance for the help :)
    Thread by: Seapeople, Oct 21, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Seapeople
    Since anytime a nobody is created its heartless is also created, who are the heartless of the Organization members & what happened to them? I've never played any of the handheld games so I might be missing something here.

    We know who Xemnas' heartless is (Ansem) as well as Roxas' heartless (heartless-Sora). What about the others?
    Thread by: Seapeople, Oct 18, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Seapeople
    Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the forums. I recently decided to pick up this game for the first time in years. Right now I'm just trying to beat the data battles + terra on regular difficulty without looking up any strategies.

    Anyway while I was fighting Roxas, I had a glitch happen that turns the whole screen white so you can't see anything. I'm pretty sure I know how to make it happen:
    After you land a full combo on Roxas he usually goes into the air & spirals down at you with his keyblades. If you double reflect at this point it will cause the glitch. Hope that makes sense.

    It's happened to me twice now under the same circumstances so I think the glitch is pretty consistent. Has anybody else experienced this problem? It might even happen at other times throughout the game.
    Thread by: Seapeople, Oct 15, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Seapeople
    During a scene in Agrabah, Genie says that he heard about a keyhole from someone 200 years ago. Do you think that will have any significance to upcoming Kingdom Hearts games? (Related to Birth by sleep, the keyblade war, etc.)

    Here's a video of the scene, at 14:12
    Thread by: Seapeople, Nov 9, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. Seapeople
    I think it would be great if a 2 player Kingdom Hearts fighting game could be made. It shouldn't add to the storyline imo but just focus on gameplay. Sort of like Street fighter, Tekken, MK etc. Really, I would just love to see a 3d fighting game with the camera control and fluid movement of Kingdom hearts 2.

    Of course a lot of things from the regular game would have to change for this to even work. I've thought of a few ideas:
    -Sora, Riku, Roxas and other possible characters are all given AP and a limited number of abilities to choose from. That way even if the roster is small due to the game's complexity, you are never playing against the exact same character.
    -Only 1 round but no time limit.
    -4 different bars: A health bar, MP bar, Limit bar/special abilities, and a Drive bar

    -MP used for Fire, Blizzard, Reflect and Cure. Basically the same as they were in KH2.
    -Reflect still blocks attacks but doesn't hurt your opponent. (That would be crazy broken lol)
    -Cure heals X% health based on how much MP you have left.
    -If fire or blizzard are used 3 times consecutively, the 3rd hit does more damage and is

    -A bar for limit commands and special abilities could work very similar to Street Fighter's ultra meter. When you block attacks or your opponent blocks your attacks, you gain part of your Limit meter. You could save up and use the whole bar for a powerful ability like Trinity limit or use part of the bar for an ability like Ars Arcanum.
    -I'm not sure how the Drive bar would work, but drives definitely have to be toned down a lot.

    -Techs from KH1 are a must. If you block your opponents first attack of a combo at the right time, you knock them back and can quickly hit them.
    -Combos can't just be button mashed. Somehow, skill needs to be involved to do more damage to your opponent when attacking.
    -Just like regular bosses eventually escape attacks, you should have a chance to escape your oppponents combos at a certain point. (Maybe through a well timed reaction command).
    -Arenas could be various places throughout Sora's story. They would all have to be fairly small so that people aren't constantly gliding away and wasting time.

    None of that has to be set in stone, just my ideas lol. This topic may have been discussed before and it might not even be possible, but I'm just throwing it out there because it could be really cool. What are your thoughts?
    Thread by: Seapeople, Apr 12, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX