Ah thanks. (Actually it's a gif)
Nothing really....O_O So.....uh.....how are you?
Man I was just looking at my old 27 user notes...(27 is a shame...) And I realized I acted like a......weirdo >_> I'm not even kidding, I was...
Pssh I can beat that. *Dances around in squares*
Hello fellow pie lover. XD What goes on my good man?
Yeah well after our last chat my internet got screwed up...>_> But I unscrewed it and now here I am? XD (Made another Amv Woot)
I know right?
Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff Zeff ZeffZeff.O_O TeeHee.
Well atleast some more people read this!:) Anyway like I said I will be visiting but not so much =P Anyway I think the majority of you guys dont know me*Reffers to second post*
Well im leaving now....Simple as that. I guess I got borred here casue well I had nothing to do?(my freinds here are still leet so dont think im leaving cause of joo) If anyone plays Fiesta you will see me at the forums there! Anyway goodbye to all that actually care!:) I might check here and then but I wont really post just usernotes and pm.
Awww your too nice!
I JUST HAD A GREAT IDEA!!! Why dont we go with her?!? And we can be her bodrgaurdzzzz! See: Us:guns::guns2::guns3: Bad guy::ninja:= DEAD!!!!!!! And alive Rain!!!! WEWT!
Dont talk to my new buddy like that! *Slaps* *Gives everyone BUT mouse PIE*
Isnt that a bit off topic? (But than again I never knew a make shift sig could get meh a buddy...*Thanks sig*)
Wow I woulda loved if I could do that! (Lucky you =P)
Even though I dont know you...Baibai!
Hallo! and :birthday: I mean :lol2:! Well just post lots...Obey the rules....get some friends.....AND HAVE FUN!!!! P.s do you liek pie?
Yayness....yayness?....Oh wtf YAYNESSSZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! Ima go to sleep now so later guys!
:lol2: Well Hi Marie Im Hasan....I love deathnote too and....Have a great time here and post lots!(While folowing the rulez)
Meh I dunno what to say. I dont even know you XD! But to make you feel better... *Types*