I for one am a Christian, and I believe in the Big Bang theory. So what? The Bible never states, not once, how God created the universe, not once. Who is to say that he didn't cause the big bang?
I win. /thread over. loljk.
v1. v2.
Change it to Death Note, and I'm happy. :D
Tifa, you must teach me how to color with photoshop.
I have to agree with Cin on this one, BK. The lighting has to be toned down a lot. Horridly monotone, add some more colors.
The text is grainy because I think I over sharpened it. =/ Thanks for the comment.
FF:SW was a great movie. I've seen Stay Alive more than eleven times in a weekend. :D
if i live to see you again i'll take out my eyes with this I have no way, and in consequence want no sight i've tried my hardest to forget every connection always being the blind villain my end meets the old curse of death the last courtesy I give get the horses for your mistress there is a cliff, with sky high peaks make your way to the very brim of it stop it from every showing repair the misery give me your hand the departure of the thief and monster is far from over but everything is gonna be just fine everything will be just fine with robbers hands, cunning and false label him a thief, bring him before us bind fast his corky arms filthy traitor! hang him instantly pluck out his eyes rip the haunting smirk from his face may heaven help him, but only through its plagues for our means secure us for our means secure us and our defects prove our worth. give me your hand the departure of the thief and monster is far from over but everything is gonna be just fine everything will be just fine we live in fear and danger of them their delicate cheeks will turn to rotting flesh one day women will all become monsters
Jesus Christ in your pants. That isn't even funny.
I play every now and then, I used to be obsessed with this game, majorly, I used to have a level 124, Ace Gamer, I gave him to my friend after I quit, if anyone want's to help me out to get started again, PM me.
Collab with a friend.
Thunder in my pants.
Yeah, you're clear. I was clearly defending myself, although I did flame a bit. -is sorry to chaser and TBK- -Shutting up now-
A tag I posted in my clan thread. >.> Don't worry about it.
I was talking to chaser. You do that, stop spamming.
And you're crit is any better? "OH LAWD ITS AMAZING 20938402934/10". That blue haired knight tag is not flat. =/
Stating what I can do, is not bragging. It's barely floating head syndrome. No, you don't know. And we're not being being mean, we're giving constructive criticism. If he wants to take it the wrong way, then thats not my problem. Being flat is a problem, it takes away from the tag.
66 layers, eh? I could have done this in like 1/4 of that. =/ No offense. It's not about how many layers it took you, it matters about how many layers it looked like it took you. =/ So don't go off bragging. Now for the CnC. The transition from light to dark on either side is to sudden, make it more fade into the sides, not abruptly. Not a very noticable sense of flow in this one, it's also extreamly flat. =/