wisdom form sora looks hot in blue
the ending to kh2 was easier than Xigbar i beat almostr everything on my first try{except for the gummi ship battle]
Rikku Auron and Lulu dont ask me why none of them are the main characters
i really like the female i guess the fact that there are only guys fighting the bad guy having a girl in there is awesome
always great to have a new member everyone here rocks so be sure to post a bunch
or when your in gym and you hold a tennis rakkit like sor or riku holds his sword i know what its like all of my friends think it is a stupid idea and no one likes it
the hardest boss for me was sinspawn gui from ffX. i know that was a really easy boss but i was new to the game and i didnt have any p downs so you can imagine what happed to me
im in Character:Mena Age:21 Weapon:Betwix&Between A mysterious girl who has no family but remembers a quiet boy who she thinks once lived but was killed in the keyblade war.
hola!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i enjoy just to say random things and see what everyone else says
hey guys dont mean to ruin everyones fun but the game is only for the japanese version of the playstation:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Has anyone realized that the final mix game is only for the japanese version of the playstation?? It might be kind-of hard to play it if the game wont work huh??
any of you guys go to kingdomhearts3.net?? they have all this stuff and some screenshots of the seacret vidoes and loads of info on the next game. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
that is a cute picture=]
going back to what deal_wielder had i went to the website and sat all the screens and it turns out that [i didnt know this but some of you may] the japanese version of COM is animated!!!!! like the good animation.
anyone notice that in the second scan, that sora looks like he does in the first one??? or is that just the way he looks in the japanese version??? that would be kind of weird though.
i want to join too, [ besides i have nothing better to do] character: Demyx Age:16 Scheule[i spelled that wrong] 1]defence class 2]reaction commands 3]forward attach LUNCH 4]backward attach 5]self-control class 6]how to look and sound tough 7]Extras[ i ran out of ideas] weapon:sitar instrament: guitar
got to be kairi [ why do you think my names kairis_blade]
that is so awesome!!!!! not only do i get to download these videos to use on mine but now i might be able to see videos before other people!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like it i think its fine just the way it is, i like it!!
Ripoff!!!!!!!!!!! personaly i think that that is a complete ripoff!!!! in the english version of kingdom hearts II screen number is just a scene, you dont get to fight.