Are you really this old? I'm not sure if what you say are true.
Shame we don't care ~ DA
'Cause I keep my promises, I told you I would break my 320 keepie-ups record for you... and I did, twice. The first new record was 440... but later I did more. 600 juggles man, just for you.
Against Roxas (and also against Sephiroth) everything is guard. You keep guarding until he finishes an attack, then you do only 2 combos (you can't do more, he'll attack you) and then go into the center of the field again. Have cure and some elixirs in the shortcut menu, they help a lot.
I was about to reply but then I saw the newer posts so I decided to stop and see what you will do next...
16,5/male/Greece you?
Your dad played soccer too? Mine too :) Btw it just started raining hard so I'll do the "keepie up's" tomorrow :)
After many posts, and mainly my first one, you still haven't got it, that I am speaking as a neutral member. An outsider, call me however you want. I don't want to lose that objectivity by posting here. The reply goes to kitty.
Yeah it was hard :/ But Today I'll try and more just for you man!
Check when I registered. I'm here a few months before then.
You don't know how to make a conversation and you rely on "shut up" and other stuff.
Firstly, I know who ducky is. Annoying? You can't tell who's annoying and who isn't. Unless the whole forum believes that. And even if all of the people here believe that, then... so what? Again, I said I'm not breaking any rule. And btw is a spammer called a troll?
What for? o.o
Well since it's only the spam zone then I'm not breaking any rule.
For youtube videos you use this code: [youtube=Option]value[youtube] With a "/" in the second bracket.
Yeah, but he left a few hours ago.
[Do you keep calling me a troll? I'm an ordinary member here]
Yes or No?
[juggles can you do with your feet? My record is 320]