[video=youtube;Ep-J6aMSNFo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep-J6aMSNFo[/video] As a huge Megaman fan, especially of the DASH/Legends series, I am forcing myself not to squeal in extreme happiness. But, anyway... **** YEAH!!!!!!!! NEW MEGAMAN LEGENDS GAME!!!!!!!!!!
To my sig?! O_O I changed it a few weeks ago, to a poll thing, but now it's back to what it was?! Anyone else have this problem?
[Soylent Green is people. Darth Vader is Luke's father. Princess Leia is his sster. It was his sled. His daughter is not the sacrifice... HE IS. You misunderstand... Gort IS the master. Jesus dies... then comes back. L dies. Kira dies. Roxas is Sora's Nobody.] That's all I can think of now.
ほら見ろ! 俺がキサマらを好きに侮辱できるのに、キサマらは何でも出来ないぞ! 日本語に喋れば、俺は不死だ! では、俺を殺してみるがよい!キサマらは、俺にとって、ただの虫に過ぎぬ。
Not that much, but it's snow alright! It's not even winter yet. Perhaps this is a sign for good things to come?
What are chicapoos, you ask? Chihuahua+Poodle. Gaze upon there cuddliness.
[... have all the Suzumiya Haruhi-no novels now! The below is a lie, like the cake.] ... killed killed my uncle. Am I going to jail?
Speak in any and all languages you can! Sprecht, in jede und alle Sprachen, das ihr könnt! Parlez en toutes langues que vous pouvez! 出来る言語に話せ!
Linkage. More in depth linkage. This is a historic day in American History!
俺は詰らないんだぞ! だが、いろいろなアニメを見たから、新たなものが必要なんだ。俺にくれ! I'm bored! However, I've seen many anime, so I need a new one! Gimme!
I have the game Spore for PC :D However, there is one problem. I just finished the Creature stage and started the Tribal stage. However, I can't do anything. After I clicked the check button to finish evolving my Creature for the Tribal stage, it just goes into a cutscene of a few of them standing in a nest, a stick being thrown into the air, the stick falling in the middle of the nest, and then the Creatures just standing there, doing nothing but moving. It won't stop. The cutscene doesn't end. It's not locked up per se, as they're all moving. I'm stuck here. XD
I survived the hurricane. SHWEET! We are, however, minus one carport. Also, the wind RIPPED the breaker off our back house. We JUST got cable and internet. Still no electricity. Thank you, generator, though! How many thought I was dead?
Yes, another one of my hurricane threads. Living in SE Texas can get risky. Looks like this one may be a wittle bit more powerful than Gustav (not saying much. Gustav barely felt like a tropical storm here!).
... may destroy my laptop, or at the very least, leave me incapacitated for an excruciating amount of time. Yyyeah. When I get out of college, I'm moving up north. The Gulf of Mexico iz t3h suxxors (sorry, reading too much Megatokyo.)
I live in the south of America. I am an educated, tolerant city-boy living in the same house as stupid, racist hicks. I am sick of it. It all started when my grandma came to pick us up from school. Now, my school is majority black. She started complaining about the people in front of her cutting the lines and stuff (my mom does this too, but she doesn't use racist terms, to my knowledge) spouting the N word. She knows that I don't like that. I grit my teeth, and we head home. When I was about to get out of the truck, my brother said it. I told him, "Good luck in the workforce!" as they'd fired him then and there if he said that on the job. To that, he says "Oh, shut up. Everyone says it." At this, I get angry. I quickly got out, obviously mad. My grandma said, "Who do you think you are?" I told that I did not like that word. After that, I angrily went in the house. I cannot remember what was all said, but I'm sure I said something around the lines "You stupid, backwater, hicks! This isn't frggin' 1960!" and slammed the door. My grandma then proceeded to yell "You dumbass!" Then, I promptly slammed the door, about to show her just how "stupid" I am. I am smart. I may have a temper, but I got a brain in my head. I planned to prove her wrong by speaking in Japanese (almost fluent). All I got out was "omae," a rude way to say "you." She then said something. I don't remember. My brother said "You better shut up or she'll pop you in the head." At this, I shouted, "I don't friggin' care!" To tell the truth, I didn't. It would prove that she has no argument except authority. I went in my room and turned on my computer. My grandma then said, "One word out of you and your going to bed now." At this, I just turned off my laptop saying, "Fine." I then spent the next hour-and-a-half in my bed, crying a bit, wondering what went wrong in the sixties. Why do we hate? Nothing comes from it. It hinders progress and clouds judgment. Ignorance is the root of all hatred.
Is the Wii regionally locked? As in, can I play the Japanese game Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk on my American Wii?
... You're lucky... ... Looks like my summer vacation is... over. *disappears in light*
I this thread, you say a phrase, quote or whatever that refers to a book, TV show, movie, or anime, and the next person guesses the reference, and adds another quote or whatever. Like: Poster A:
... has the most horrifying taste known to man. It's just disgusting. But, hey, it works!
... makes it very wet and windy... pretty much nothing more. My pops made us buy lots's of foods, water, and stuffs. We even had the two generators prepped and ready for the "imminent" blackout. At first, he expected a hurricane. We all did. But, what do we get? Nothing but a little wind and rain! As you obviously tell, we still have perfect electricity. Oh well. We won't need to go shopping for a week. XD