Will try that. I was told that i could also use a card reader. What make things more complicated is that even my music files are corrupted and the music player won't respond.
Tell that to Seurat.
So about an hour ago i linked my cellphone to the pc to store some really important photos but as soon as i opened the file i wanted to use, everything was really messed up! I don't understand what happened, out of all the stupid files i have in my phone my most important, with stuff i need for university and some really awesome pics with friends is destroyed! I access it through my cellphone and find a bunch of unknown files that never exist there in the first place, everything is corrupted and when i try to access it via the computer i see this Spoiler PLEASE PLEASE tell me that i can fix this! I am freaked out! EDIT: So, i found some sites that seem to be able to help but i seriously have no idea if i should do anything. http://www.datadoctor.biz/bak-s2.htm http://www.werecoverdata.com/ http://www.magicqsoftware.net/index-en.html
Oh, so it is a new manga. I thought that something was going wrong with mangastream XD Will check on it as soon as i find some time.
This. is. creepy.
lol orichalcos It's because of this card that Atem/Yugi actually lost a duel. Not useful, it's like the three Sphinx's, i have them all but they are not usually used in tournaments and such. At least as far as i can remember, i haven't bothered with anything Yugioh aside from the online game in years.
There's a premium member in that picture called Princess Ariel. O________o Go to Serebii, it never loses its activity.
It sucks actually. I haven't used my account in a year or more.
Oh please do correct me. I should have said mopping right?
More accurate to what...? As i said, it does have its share of problems, that is why i experiment on it on the first place. I have a full folder of unfinished/ruined sketches. I do that, i always research before drawing something. I mean, i did a huge research on samurais before trying to draw one. What concern's me about the cloak is how i can keep the shading if i have to ink it black. Ienzo suggested something which i am really thinking of trying out, but most likely will do so at another sketch. lol, i have become a master at covering mistakes in my drawings and to be honest i also use some of those "techniques" that you mention :p But that doesn't take away the fact that i know it is there even if i fool others. Anyway, moar ink Spoiler I must admit i am having more fun than i thought doing this. I might add the rest of the colours and try to fix as much as it is now possible the problems in this, when i have the time.
^This. lol yeah, she's the lady NPC standing at the cafe in the game. A heartless just rips her heart of. Didn't expect it either. I hate this manga btw. Though i love the jokes. Roxas and the tissue holder XDD Or Riku moping the floor XDD
Which one? If you are talking about her first English album then i have to agree. Some songs are really bad. This is The One on the other hand has some really good songs.
Wait a sec. I'm having a deja vu here. I've seen the exact same thread months ago O.o BTW i thought you would say you were pregnant or something.
This part is between 3:15 and 3:30 but there's no gibberish words. [video=youtube;kWoJLdXJt0E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWoJLdXJt0E[/video] Anyway as i was watching this again i realized that the place at which she sings in, looks a lot like the castle Oblivion and when it dissolves there are parts that look a lot like those things that hit you when you try to beat the core before the battle against Xemnas. Not to mention that her outfit looks like Xemnas's Zebra Form and that those girls look like the Dancer Nobodies.
^Lucky ;) Still waiting here. Which pretty much means that some people will enter a couple of days before the official opening of the site which in some way beats the person of this whole thing.
It is not of major importance, and it doesn't reveal anything plot wise, not to mention that the majority of the planet has read the books, hence i see no reason to do so.
Exactly why i believe they completely ruined that chapter. It didn't make much sense and was quite horrible. Spoiler In those memories we see Snape as a kid when he met Lilly, Harry's mother. In the book their relationship in those memories is described a lot better, Snape was the one that informed Lilly about her being a witch and he gave her info on everything magic. Petunia also appears a little more in that story but hey it's movies... As for the stone, it is supposed to be able to bring back the dead, hence its name, Resurrection stone, but since no one can actually bring back the dead (unless you are in Naruto's universe XD), only a short of ghost form of the person(s) you think of, when you turn the stone three times in your hand, appear. Death pretty much fooled the second brother. The wand.. god the wand, they are so stupid...
I am more interested in the trailer rather than gameplay footage to be honest. It's not like i am gonna get a 3DS any time soon so i care more about the plot although i guess maybe we'll get to see the new enemies in possible leaked gameplay videos.
^Exactly this And wait until you get older. Being fed up will be pretty much your constant mood.