hy I wanna join 2! Name: Trane Weapon/abilitie: Soul reaper (keyblade)...ablity:his power is from the darkness and it cangive an ablity to transform it to anything Base story: Well his brother has killed Tranes parents to gain the ultimate power... Trane has gone to twilight town cuz his world dissapeared. his left hand is cursed by a 10000 year old magic sometimes it takes over his mind when hes angry..... Nature:male Good bad/bad guy: neutral Heartless/Nobodie (only if ur a bad guy): ...nothing Where u wanna appear:Twilight town
i dunno maybe on maybe off who da hell knows these stupid questions?!
I dunno maybe xaldin is well...a little old :) And demyx is kinda weak...
i wote for : CHUCK NORRIS!!!! he pawns evrybodys *** :D:D:D:D:D
Yen sid is the old ******??? XD It could be interesting... AND 1 more question... What da fak happened with maleficent and pete??? Cuz in KH2 are the happy endings on the end they showed that what happened to da others,BUT nothin about Maleficent and pete...... Are they ded? Or living in castle oblivion????
We Should Start!!!!
LMAO!:lol3: Nobody likes King Micky:yelling:
we should start now... But we dont have even 5 guys...
yea and its name is...i dunno...
28867 sup guys?
I wanna be Sora!
OOC:This Is Sooo Slow
well this question is kinda stupid...:guiltygearXpc37:
Awesoome :bounce:!Thank ya
Roxas PWNS evrybudy!
LOL i love stupid files
i think i vote for Riku!::lol:: i like when he says on the ground- LIAR!!!
-it has no sense too search the others said Xemnas appearing behind Xaldin and Xigbar. The others are ... how could i say
-Sora watch out!!!a heartless jumped at sora but riku pushed him and the heartless hit riku.