Anyone remeber what level you get second Chance in KH2FM? I've been leveling up for a while and still can't seem to get it
Just a funny episode of Team Dattebayo's Deathnote abrigded Christmas Special: That one is funny especially at the end
anyone wanna battle on halo trial. I have this mod based off of silent cartogarpher
This is very funny.
Just wondering what cutscene freaked you out alot. mine was that 3 dark link one in TP. man thought that came out a horror film. Here is the link so you can see it
this is a battle with riku and zexion
here is the link: look under more fom this user for more re battles This is funny to me!:)
..... Yondaime is the leader akatsuki! I even looked it up!
How do you beat the water jafar.