I heard about this on E3. It's gonna be 4 player and coming Nov. 15 2009 in the U.S. Anybosy else thinking of getting it?
I can't wait for it. My first Pokemon game was Crystal version so i think i will like these games.
Is okay. It's not as good as its preceders. Drake and Josh was better and so were The Amanda Show and Kenan and Kel. All of them woulden't exist if it wasen't for All That.
i don't know if anyone had made a thread of this yet. has anyone heard of it. it takes place in 2012 and the end of the world theary. it looks kinda good and may go see it when it comes out.
An anyone ever watched th anime or read the media? It's good one of the best animes out there.
Has anyone heard there might be a Paper Mario game for the DS? it is supposed to be a remake of the first one.
Best- zeldaOOT/SSBB Worst-Superman 64
I heard Earthbound for the SNES is rare.
T rated game.What would it look like? I don't think SSBM and SSBB count.
Whos your best? Mine is Mario or Pikachu.
OoT is the best It got a 10/10 and TP got a 8/10 i think OoT also has a better story.
10- Super Mario Bros 1 2 3-Classic games and the best sellng ones. 9-Kingdom Hearts-Best ps2 game of all time 8- Paper Mario series-Like them all but thr N64 is the best 7-Mario Party-The N64 ones are the best 6-EarthBound-my favorite SNES game 5-Super Metroid-My favorite Metroid game 4-Pokemon gameboy series-Like them all,great adventures in them 3- Zelda Twilight Princess-My Favorite Wii 2-Super Mario 64/Sunshine/Galexy-Don't know which is best,There all great 1-Zelda Ocarina of Time-A great game with a great story.It had good grafics for its time and is named the best N64 of 1999 and The Best Zelda game Of all time.
Kingdom heart games
I most likely be Mario,Link or Pikachu becouse there my best players.
I hope it is for the Wii. I would be so alsome.
Whats the best game system? Mine is the Wii or N64.
The world does need a little violence. If we diden't we would not have are sports and video games.
Who plays it? Its very fun but hard. I usally play the Miis but also everybody else.
I like it but not as good as OOT.
Does anybody make famous or Cartoon Miis? I have Mario,Link.Kenny,and lots of others.