Thanx XD they are awesome but i cant take the credit cuz they're not mine
GIR: IT WAS ME! I WAS THE TURKEY THE WHOLE TIME! Zim: huh? i was wondering what that turkey was doing there GIR's awesome XD
YAY!!!! Sly fans!!! although i think that ratchet is better Sly still wupps Jak at everything XD
y doesnt anybody like Sly?
k ill do my tallest thing now... Bob we're sending u to help Nim...and dont forget it'll be probing day soon!! so prepare the puppet show. (u might need to pm Nim to get started)
YA!!!!!!!!! but i do think that bloody GIR is kinda creepy but still we must renew the series!!!!!!!!!!
RATCHET ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!! then sly then jak i've played all the ratchet games and the jak games and 2 of the sly games so i think i know what in talking about
k its good but ill put the GIR part into an other section oh would u like to help Nim or go to a different planet?
ya ohwell u can think what u want... [GIR is disguised as a government agent] Gir: I am government man, come from the government. The government has sent me.
uh u know Dib was supposed to die right ...and i dont like himXD
thats an awesome quote i've made an rp about invader zim!!! check it out
it should be for u. but ur GIR can do that if u want but what i meant with expertise is that maybe ur good at weaponry or stategy and stuff like that.
before i accept u i wanna know do u trun into the giant GIR or does ur GIR?? its kinda confusing and to pm me... its somewhere in the user cp i forget XD
Zim: I put a tracking device on you. Dib: You did? Where is it? [GIR is grabbing the back of his head] Gir: Your head smells like a puppy! Gir: I love this show! (i really do)
good choice it looks really good
i dont think u need it to be at lvl 9 im pretty sure i got it at lvl 7-8
ya have u read any of his other comix before?
I love it to all im missing is deadlocked but im gonna buy it sometime eventhough i've beaten it. i also cant wait for Size matters to come out on the PSP
INVADER ZIM IS SOOO AWESOME!!!!! gir is the absolute GREATEST!! "IT was me! I was the turkey the WHOLE time!" "Zim: GIR! What are you doing? Gir: I made mashed po-ta-toes! Zim: Yes... and muffins... " i love quoting it
all i can say is ur evil i get that for one reason. u have an XBox-360 its made by microsoft microsoft is evil but ur not as evil because u have 2 PSPs which is awesome...i only have one but i dont see the need for another