either Xigbar or xaldin. Xemnas was pretty easy the only hard part was when Rku or I forgot to heal me.
ok, You know I'll just keep the errors so people can learn from them:P
I'm not good at making it longer...Just imagine 2 chapters is one chapterXD
I'd have to say David Gallagher
thanks, I know I need a trasition but i hate when the story goes to slow, I'm not a good writer I just come up with good ideas:p I'll try to rewrite it, thanks:D Edit:YAY! ok I changed it. Better?
this is my story star gazer. I already posted the first chapter but that was like 1 month ago. Star Gazer “I can’t believe you’re leaving.” said my best friend Kira. I didn’t want to leave but “my parents said that I should get a good education.” I said staring up at the stars. “star” “what?” “Do you like it. It’s going to be my new name. I’m going to need a new image for a new place.” “But I like-” “Are you alive?” said an unfamiliar voice. Of course I was alive! I open my eyes to boy with unbelievably spiky hair and warming eyes. “Where am I?” I say getting up and looking around, and for some reason it looks familiar. “Well ummm I’m Sora and this is Donald and Goofy.” the boy- I mean Sora says gesturing to an unusually large duck and a goofy looking dog-I get it! “Did I ask for your names?” I say in a rude voice just to mess with them. I feel dizzy and can’t remember a thing. All that’s in my head is what I think is my name, Star. “I’m kidding! My name is Star.” “Oh why Hello Star! Where are you from?” says Sora “I’m not so sure.” I reply “where’d you find me?” “There” Sora says pointing to the floor in front of what looks like a star-shaped shrine. “Oh….. So where is this place?” I ask “Traverse Town” he answers. He looks so happy on the outside but you could tell he misses someone dearly, His happiness has faded away, and I sense who ever is missing was really important to him. “We were just on our way when…” Sora says, but I’m not paying attention I’m trying to figure out why this place is so familiar. But I can’t think of a thing, not a thing. Tears start rolling down my eyes. I don’t want Sora to see them so I quickly turn away. “…and that’s why we’re here…Are you Ok?” says Sora finishing his story. “I’m fine, I just… I can’t remember anything, It feels horrible” I start bursting out tears when- “Heartless!” yells the large duck. “what?!?” I yell. “Come with me!” screams Sora. I follow along. I’ve never seen creatures like this well at least I don’t think so. We enter a hotel and hide in a room that’s all green. “I think we’re safe” Sora says. I feel exhausted and close my eyes promising myself mot to fall asleep but before I knew it I’m in dream-mode. “You’ll have a great education. Ansem the wise is the best teacher around.” I hold on to my mothers hand tight. I hate going to new places they always scare me. I see a sign that says “Welcome to the radiant Garden” well I don’t feel very welcomed. As soon as we enter the huge castle I can feel something dark. Then we are approached by a man in a lab coat and long silver hair. “Ansem will meet with you soon just wait right here.” the man says, his name tag says Xehanort. I scan the room. It’s a very nice office, but its clattered with papers and books. “hello It’s very nice to meet you-” I cut the man off “Star, my name is Star” my mother gives me a peculiar look “no, her name is-”my mom starts “star and what a great name it is. Right?” I say trying not to blow my new identity. “well hello Star, My name is Ansem.” he says “I hope you will have a great experience here.” Chapter 2 Under the Castle “Umm you went to sleep.” says Sora. Thank you Dr. Obvious. I open my eyes and he’s just staring at me. I try to remember the dream I just had. It was so weird and familiar, like deja vu . Maybe It‘s my memory, or not. Before I can tell Sora about my dream “Heatless!!” yells the dog. I panic and hide. I watch Sora fight the mysterious creatures. He’s very strong and wont let anything get in his way. You can tell the pain he feels for this missing person is used as rage in fighting. The duck casts lighting out of his wand, and the heartless vanish. “Ummm Sora…”I say “yes” he answers “Why are you so sad, I can sense you miss someone. Who is it?” “huh? I thought I told you while I was telling my story.” he says. “oh eheh…You did? hmmm well I forgot please remind me again.” “My two friends…Kairi and Riku. We used to always play together on the island where we lived. My island was gobbled up by a monster, and now I’m searching for them.” “oh I’m so sorry” I go back into the hotel and I lay on the bed. I felt so sorry for him, but It’s not as worse as losing your memory and possibly everything you had. “And that is the anatomy of the heart.” said Ansem the wise. I tried to stay awake but I didn’t want to learn about the anatomy of the heart. I wanted to learn about fighting and magic. But all I did every day was stay in a rusty desk and watch Ansem talk on and on. Please help me!!!! I’m bored out of my mind!!! After class I try to explore the castle but there are guards everywhere(now I definitely know something’s up). I try my best to sneak past them and make my way down to the basement. It’s very cold down here and I can sense evil. I see a some sort of shrine that looks like a heart and I know that’s where it’s coming from. I hear someone enter the room and I quickly hide. I rush out the basement before anyone can see me. It’s Xenahort. He look’s around then starts doing some calculations. He looks so suspicious. I walk closer to get a better look, and I accidentally slip and fall! I get up to see Xenahort staring at me. “Does Ansem know you’re here?” he asks. I shake my head, and he escorts me up to Ansems office where I wait for the punishment of a lifetime.
my fav is Roxas but then It's kairi then rku's then namine
zexion fight yeah so I wanted to know where i can get the Zexion fight from KH2FM+
thanks! alot!
hi well this is my new fan fic... well my first one acctually Star Gazer “I can’t believe you’re leaving.” said my best friend Kira. I didn’t want to leave but “my parents said that I should get a good education.” I said staring up at the stars. “Star” “what?” “Do you like it. It’s going to be my new name. I’m going to need a new image for a new place.” “But I like-” “Are you alive?” said an unfamiliar voice. Of course I was alive! I open my eyes to boy with unbelievably spiky hair and warming eyes. “Where am I?” I say getting up and looking around, and for some reason it looks familiar. “Well ummm I’m Sora and this is Donald and Goofy.” the boy- I mean Sora says gesturing to an unusually large duck and a goofy looking dog-I get it! “Did I ask for your names?” I say in a rude voice just to mess with them. “I’m kidding! My name is Star.” “Oh why Hello Star! Where are you from?” says Sora “I’m not so sure.” I reply. For some strange reason I can’t remember a thing ,beside my name. “where’d you find me?” “There” Sora says pointing to the floor in front of what looks like a star shaped portal. “Oh….. So where is this place?” I ask “Traverse Town” he answers. He looks so happy on the outside but you could tell he missed someone. “We were just on our way when…” Sora says, but I’m not paying attention I’m trying to figure out why this place is so familiar. But I can’t think of a thing, not a thing. Tears start rolling down my eyes. I don’t want Sora to see them so I quickly turn away. “…and that’s why we’re here…Are you Ok?” says Sora finishing his story. “I’m fine, I just… I can’t remember anything, It feels horrible” I start bursting out tears when- “Heartless!” yells the large duck. “what?!?” I yell. “Come with me!” screams Sora. I follow along. I’ve never seen creatures like this well at least I don’t think so. We enter a hotel and hide in a room that’s all green. “I think we’re safe” Sora says. I feel exhausted and fall asleep on the bed there. “You’ll have a great education. Ansem the wise is the best teacher around.” I hold on to my mothers hand tight. I hate going to new places they always scare me. I see a sign that says “Welcome to the radiant Garden” well I don’t feel very welcomed. As soon as we enter the huge castle I can feel something dark. Then we are approached by a man in a lab coat and long silver hair. “Ansem will meet with you soon just wait right here.” the man says, his name tag says Xehanort. I scan the room. It’s a very nice office, but its clattered with papers and books. “hello It’s very nice to meet you-” I cut the man off “Star, my name is Star” my mother gives me a peculiar look “well hello Star, My name is Ansem.” he says “I hope you will have a great experience here.” feel free to reply oh and this is ch 1 I'll come out with Ch2 later when i'm not lazy
Hi!!!! oh and very cool.
my least favorite world is space paranoids, it was hard for me. then it would have to be pirates of the carribian, that world is so BORING!
I dont think the E.S's frozen arm has anythin to do with Riku but his arm does seem hurt
I think the reason sora got the keyblade from riku was because he was talking about how his friends were inmpotant to him and stuff adn he had a heart and at that time riku kinda didn't have a heart and yeah that was why roxas was like "What?!?" when sora called his keyblade back when they were fighting.
it was hard to choose between Axel adn vexen so i picked axel cause i like him more.
yes yes well i haven't really been paying attention and coming up with ideas so sorry if my thoery is "outdated"
i was just watching it again and alot of things accured to me adn also reading other people's posts. 1. I think teh bald guy is the father to teh guy whose eyes glow 2.this could be a whole history repeats itself sort of thing. because the vid looks like it is happening in teh past adn it is just a warning that it might happen again, Y'know. adn you know how mickey sensed tehworlds were ikn danger, wel mickey could of sensed another keyblade war or something greater and that is what the letter was about
i think it just look like roxas cause he's frozen but when you look at him when his helmet is broken and you could see half of his face he looks nothing like roxas
well then whoever draws the characters should think of come new ideas.
the org members were the best team ( i wouldn't say team but thats all i can think of) of ebil people ever.