The usual. ^^ Yourself?
"I can't believe I shot him..." She buried her face in Anita's shoulder. The paramedics came in and picked Jason up and put him on a stretcher. They took him away.
Jason's finger twitched slightly. Rose didn't see it. She was too busy crying.
Oh yes, I love the introduction.
Not a problem. ^^ Enjoy the movie.
Are you using XL or the standard version? It may be the version you are using. I usually use XL.
Anything I can do?
Sirens could be heard in the distance. The ambulance was close.
Here you are, my good man.
Rose called an ambulance and hung up the phone. "She's right. We're not using the gun."
Jason laid unconsious on the ground. Rose stood up. "I-I... should call an ambulance..." She rushed to the phone. OOC: I have to go, guys. I'll be back in about 20 minutes.
Rose dropped the gun after she realized what she did. Jason/Krueger laughed, blood coming from his mouth. "You're next, biitch..." The smoke came out of Jason's mouth and floated out the window.
"Filthy pig?" Jason/Krueger chuckled. A gunshot rang out. Krueger's chuckling immediatly ceased. Rose had shot him.
Rose slightly twitched at the sounds around her. Jason/Krueger approached the two. The glove was now fully formed on his hand. He showed it to the two. "Sweet dreams..." He raised his arm to attack.
Jason/Krueger tossed the gun over his head. "I don't need that..." He chuckled as Krueger's glove began forming on his hand.
It's pretty decent. The fight scenes are my favorite. You can find the video on Youtube. I'll gladly link you if you want. And that's awesome. I...
Jason/Krueger pointed the gun at Anita. "Now, what's that you said? If I kill her, you'll do much worse to me?"
Jason sat up. He chuckled. "You called?" He said in Freddy's voice. He stood up and opened the nightstand beside the bed. He pulled out a gun.
Freddy VS Jason. First time I saw it since 2003, when I saw it in theaters. What will you be watching?
I am well. Finished watching a movie just now. Yourself?