Yeah, why not. Here we go. It's an Axel and Roxas Tribute set to Haunted. Enjoy! Yes, the video is mine.
I think they are the only Nobodies that have hearts and emotions. They were the only Nobodies that didn't try to gain access to Kingdom Hearts. DiZ said himself that Roxas had a heart. They were the only two Nobodies whose original selves didn't stay heartless. They didn't fade back into darkness. So, that's what I think. Discuss, please.
Since the old topic was closed, here's the new one...but slightly different. So, what's your ideal deck? Some cards that you HAVE to have are the Vexen, Jafar, and Shadow cards. Oogie Boogie is a plus, too. Lots of zeros and nines help. Cures and Clouds are even better. No other summon card is necessary, except for Cloud. Obviously, elixirs work. I'd stay away from Bambi only because Gifted Miracle heals enemies too, and Tinkerbell, Dumbo, Genie, and Simba aren't very good. For key cards, I say Pumpkinhead and Olympia, with some others thrown in.
Does anyone here like it? I've played 7, 8, and 9. I want FE6 to come out in North America, but it hasn't, and I can't acquire the japanese version.
Don't call me a newbie... Um, yah. I'm in Wonderland, and I cannot find Alice anywhere. Where is she? I've been all over the door room thing, I've activated all of the paintings, but I can't find Alice. For Deep Jungle, I made it to the treehouse, but where do I go next?
Hi everyone! I'm Shadow Sword Master. You can call me SSM if you want. Um...I'm a slight KH fan (haven't played in a bit) and a huge VG fan! Especially Fire Emblem! So, hello!:)