no i meant for the english BBs it said multiple new bosses i just think lea might possably be one i know of the other allready oh yes is thare anway to make aqua and terra have thare dbl jumps and dashes and thare guard counterattacks in other stories i know one is done allready for ven but not terr an aqu yet O_o and aww but the wooden blade is so kewl is thare a way to make any of th other keyblades for dif chars hit at all ive learnt u can fight terranort in terras story with ven but itl crash if u use any other keyblade other than gaiabane and even then is dosent hit anything :/ Edit: oh something i found unexpectedly Ghost drive works almost 100% on Ven (This Ven code but I fixed it so you can use all skills and actually hit with him in Terra's and Aqua's stories.) _C0 Perfect Ven _L 0x00367014 0x00000001 _L 0x0171C1D5 0x00000001 _L 0x1171C238 0x000000F5 _L 0x1171C240 0x000000FE _L 0x1171C248 0x000000FB _L 0x1171C250 0x000000F6 _L 0x1171C258 0x00000112 _L 0x1171C260 0x00000100 _L 0x1171C268 0x000000FC _L 0x1171C270 0x00000110 _L 0x1171C278 0x00000104 _L 0x1171C280 0x0000010E _L 0x1171C228 0x00000055 _L 0x1171C230 0x00000127 thats the one i used
i was wondering is it possable to hack the Wooden keyblade (teras) for ven and terra (since its seen with them in multiple cutsceenes) also the wooden sword for ven (also on a side note i think Lea might be a possable mini boss for ven) Unconfirmed just thought id throw it in thare XD
awe D: well if u need a test dummy for any code give me shout XD
im wondering has anyone gotten to make a change BGM code love that music when u fight an unversed boss : D
oh yeah i think truthkey was working on a roxas skin for ven is that finished at all also any news on a Terranort skin or usage of master Xs dark keyblade ? i allready know the Xblade seems a lil impossible atm T_T
lol no matter then i figured out the problem anway turns it WASENT put in properly XD so im a bit fail on that is thare any room mods for the destiny islands cave whare sora drew in ??
well could u give me your cheat db and ill c if i put the code in right or not that and i also want some or ur cheats XD :]
active im trying to go to the destiny islands main but when i go through a area it just gives me a BSOD and the music still plays
ok so why is the room mod stil giving me BSOD and i know i put it in properley :/
ok im having a lil trouble everytime i select a code the game freezes and shuts down any ideas what might be causing this ?? oh nvm ppl i fixed it just mucked up some digits of the code by mistake anyway has the codes to fight different bosses been released yet ? i wld like to fight terranort and Venitas codes if possible also for the room mod codes are they temperamental cause i know i put the code in correctly i activate it and go to the next room and BSOD but music is still playing any ideas on this ??
yeah the cheat DB is whare is should be and i deleted all other cheats cept for 3 or 4 other games so what am i doing wrong :/
yup deffnetly
yeah ive already tried that but it dosent show any cheats at all just some blacked out pixels :/ so im not realy shure whats gone wrong :/
k still confused here after i his select ingame it shoes me a menu from thare i get lost on how to select and activate the codes i try the search menu and i get nothing and i know i added codes in correctly i hacked Kh Kh2fm and Kh1fm many times :/ any ideas T_T
nope never herd of it ??
sweet thanks now it works only one problem now none of the codes i put in are even working they done even show up on the cheat menu any ideas ?? or if you could just give m DL link for a cheat file with kh bbs codes pre loaded if possable ?
i held it for like 3 mins and wtf is up with my post O_o proably when i dced lol so any other ideas :/
yo guys i finaly got bbs and English patch to work but when i want to try using the codes by hitting select i get nothing and i enabled all the plugins and everything any ideas?? yo guys i finaly got bbs and English patch to work but when i want to try using the codes by hitting select i get nothing and i enabled all the plugins and everything any ideas??
hey dose anyone have the riku code jokered to L2 that has a finished (to beat bosses) i was hoping to do a riku vs larxene vs leaxeus fight hes workng on it again and its almost done hes translated a few of the sceenes and most of the menus and this is in the description of his video Q: Why is this in all caps? A: Because KH2FM doesn't have a full set of lowercase letters. Using only some lowercase would make this look -very- ugly and make your eyes cringe. Q: Are you ever gonna fix that? A: I will look into it, yes. Q: Whens this gonna be released? A: When im done. Q: Where can I get updates on this? www(dot)majik.comoj(dot)com he also mentioned to me that this would work on ps2 (thou i will not mention how because it involves some questionable things)