:huh: Let's just make Larxel_lover happy and say it was alright. Not the greatest but alright. Happy now? :D
C'moooooooooooooon! I wanna know who won! I go overseas on the 4th! Which is probably the 3rd for everyone else. I won't be able to see who won! Please hurry with the results!
I'm tired to waiting... I'm also litterally tired... but, seriously, I wanna find out the winners! I'm hoping the name thing doesn't apply to the YouTubers... I can't remember what videos I entered, it was that long ago! *Yep, that's an overstatement* Will the winners be up before Thursday? Im' leaving the country for a week on Thursday...
Extending?! Aaaaaaaaaw. I wanted to find out who won... Oh well. I guess I'll have to see who won when I get back from the Anime Convention I'm going to on the 28th-29th.
We can enter three? That's awesome! *Finds last one on my channel I actually like* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppMK36GdjNc Here we go!
It's alright. I haven't actually finished the game, I have only just passed the first bloody boss, but I'm finding it REALLY different from the other two FF games I have, X and X-2. For one, there are no save points, the game randomly saves itself. I had to run around for AGES trying to get it to save so I could go to bed but I had to give up. Another thing, I ran out of bullets faster in DoC than I ran out of magic after using Cure in KH2. Then I discovered Vincent's magic... and ran out of that... Then discovered physical attack! But couldn't reach the last guard... Lots of problems fighting. Third on the list, the short cuts were completely off for me. It took me an hour to figure out what I was actually doing and how I was going to do it. My friend has VII and she reckons it's awesome except she can't get past the first boss. If I were to add us DoC to any game I've played, it'd be almost like me running around with cheats in Grand Theft Auto. There, I've said what I think. By the way, SilentNocturne, Paine said a "curse" word in X-2's first mission in Zanarkand, a LOT worse than just "hell", it's a "password". XD
Two weeks ago today, I had my birthday. Got lots of presents and what not but my sister's present to me arrived recently, aka, yesterday. Now, I'm lucky to get this present. Mum said "No toys" but, I managed to get one off my sister. SHE GOT ME A CHOCOBO PLUSHIE! Right, all my toys *the four three feet by three feet boxes in my room* have names. This Chocobo though, doesn't have a name. Question: Can anyone come up with a name for this http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e296/MMCRUNCHIE/IMG_2431-3.jpg Chocobo? Please? I need a name for him before I go to the biggest anime convention in Australia on the 29th! My backup names are "Takoradi" or "Demyx"...
Really? That's awesome! Well, here's my second entry then! http://youtube.com/watch?v=ACbzPcQrWUs
Here's mine! *Had MAJOR issues deciding over two different AMVs* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCgglXPJVw8
That's why I said "Yeah, original!", I was joking. I'm always open for other options. Like Thir13en name for Saix, Ais, good name, mate, good name.
There is? Oh well. Can we keep our thread? I like some of the names that have popped up. My list seems really bad now that you guys have said yours... Then again, when I came up with mine, I had just finished a really hard Science test... Saix: Sai *Yeah, original!* Axel: Ale Demyx: Meyd *I still think he should've been named Semyx* Luxord: Rodul Marluxia: Rulamia Larxene: Nerela I guess I should've posted my list in my first post but oh well. You should've seen the massive list I made trying to come up with names for Saix, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene. They took up half my page! XD
I thought the other day "Right, there's Ansem, Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo and Sora but what're the original names of Saix, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene?" Then another thought occured to me yesterday "Demyx's name should've been Semyx..." For those who did not just get my last thought, it's an anagram of "Smexy". So, does anyone have ideas on what the rest of Organisation XIII's name should be or any changes to make their names more interesting? And do not say "Mansex", I'm sure we all know that one, please.
YAY! Those two were my favourites anyway. Thanks for announcing the winner after SO LONG OF WAITING FOR HIM TO REPLY!
I DID PM him. He hasn't replied yet. The day I PMed him, he'd been active so this is probably a practical joke...
*BOOM* I've been patient enough! I'm sick of waiting! *patience ran out at school today*
I PMed him a couple of days ago. It said he had posted that day so he's active. Haven't got a reply yet. Thanks for fixing your mistake, DarknessKingdom
Darkandroid and I will who is the winner, now, ey? *Grammar Nazi present!*
Now THERE'S an idea!
Yeah, I'm dying to know, yo'! *Not really, if I were dying, I wouldn't be able to say this XD*
I just noticed people entering two AMVs so I'm entering another one. You Are A Pirate [Kingdom Hearts AMV] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg42eJ5Qi3A