I really hope it would be released on the PS3...
Let me explain as simple as possible as it is--when Kairi got chased down by those Unversed at Radiant Garden, Kairi spotted Aqua and ran up to her. After Aqua destroyed all the Unversed, she put a spell on Kairi's amulet--which holds the light that enabled her to use the keyblade and eventually took her to Destiny Islands when Radiant Gardens was destroyed. The only connection that Kairi had with Aqua was that Aqua gave her light so that she could be more powerful and fight back the Darkness.
Then if they are, then the games won't be as fun if the Pokemon are just mixed DNA. ._.
To fear death is to fear the way you live. If you just keep on thinking that oh, am I going to die the next day? You won't live a pretty good life if you keep worrying about Death at your doorstep...
Oh god--so you're saying that those Pokemon are genetically enchcanced?
It depends on how a lot of people view the universe. I view it as an expanding widened space that goes on forever and ever. I'd think that if multiple universes did exist, we would be able to visit them, but that would mean making high-tech technology. Some people thought the universe was created by God--the all supernatural being but I think the Big Bang had created the universe a hundred trillion years ago before life even started. There are actually other species out there, but they are way too far away. If you hadn't seen any UFOs in videos, those might be them dropping over for tea. cx I've actually been wondering--what if there were other life forms out there similar to us humans? That would be pretty awkward...
Oh god--you should. The acting was really awesome.
Alright--this is what I think--if they got rid of the guns--how would people protect themselves when they're in danger? The government should explain that part a little bit more...
How has there not been a thread for this yet? This movie was awesome--a tad bit violent--but still--it was good...
That's a pretty nice way of putting it... o.o I haven't ever thought of Nintendo using generics in Pokemon before...
Seriously though, guys--do you think that Nintendo is running out of names for their Pokemon games? cx The legendaries look cool and all but I don't know about the game titles...
Thanks. c: I'll try it and see if it works...
The display on the screen looks a little strange to me. O_o One side is dark while the other is light. I don't know what happened... D:
Thanks. It looks pretty bad to me... O_o Good thing it still works properly...
Yeah I guess--if that's what it's called. Like I said--I've got no clue whatsoever about technology.
But that's not what I was talking about. cx Thanks for the help though anyway. I was asking about inside of the computer. cx
Hey--may I ask--where's the display cable and what tower? cx I'm a newb at this technology stuff, so...
cx It's a pleasure to meet ya.
Hello there. Thanks for the follow. c:
I recently turned on my computer and one side of it has been darker than the other and it keeps on blinking. Do you guys know how to fix this? Thanks.