And this is me failing at time management. I promise they will be done in the next week or so. I've had a ton of hw...that I haven't been doing meaning I have to do it all right now actually. I want to apologize greatly for this and I'll probably just stop attempting to have a shop as it always ends up like this
Those are absolutely amazing, my mind is blown by the quality and color of those
I Dare You to Move ~ Switchfoot
Totally, gloves are the best See, I'm jealous of all these main characters that can just walk around wearing gloves and not appearing weird...stupid society
I have these nice mental issues where I must please everyone...which sucks if anyone yells at you, I know. Also, b/c its across the internet you don't actually know how the person said it thus allowing misinterpretation. From personal experiences I used to belong to a forum with a rather mean admin who once yelled at me (this was a few years ago, thus I had bad self-esteem). After that I pretty much quite forums and photoshop for over a year. As a result I'm really careful what I actually write on forums now in order not to tick anyone off and I've lost a lot of interest in them. It doesn't help that I'm really lazy
England would be great but that might be just because I want an accent... I would love to live in Japan for a a summer just to experience it without having to worry about a job. Canada would be great (I've only been to Quebec and loved it both times I've gone), unfortunately its so cold. Lastly Austria because it is so pretty there and just seems like a really nice place in general.
Hey guys, I promise they'll be done by friday b/c I have it off. Until then I'm a bit booked.
Yah, the reason for the text was it was supposed to go with the brush but it really does stick out. And now that I look at it again the bg does look sucky :P. It was originally supposed to be just colors for the back with more going on in the front but I gave up on that. I'll probably go fix it later. Thank you!
Here you go Knuckles: If you want anything changed at all just ask edit: Alternate
Is the game still going strong? I really wanted to pick it up but never had a PC...since I might get one soon would you suggest starting now?
I don't know about you guys but I can not wait for this to come out! Anyway, they keep on saying its going to be more story based than other MMO's so that should be good.
Horde ~ lvl: 34 Race: Troll Class: Hunter Professions: Mining/Engineering Rhelm: Khadgar Name: Nezkai Alliance ~ lvl: 21 (i think) race: Human class: Warrior Professions: Mining/Blacksmith Rhelm: Khadgar (I can't remember how to spell her name :P) I picked it up again a month ago after a 2 year hiatus. So far these are what I have newly achieved :)
Daxter, another Crisis Core suggestion and really any Tony Hawk if you like skateboarding games
hey everyone, I would like to apologize a TON for forgetting to check this in like 2 years. If any of you still want your requests done, please respond again and I'll get them done by the end of the week. I would also like to say that I will be open and will actually do things now. I've been craving photoshop for awhile and as long as you give me a week to do your requests that would be great. I'll edit the first post and get back to work
I was bored and needed a bg for youtube so I put together this: (its a bit big so...) I know Yuna is really off but I literally magic wanded her out and then blurred the edges quite quickly thus missing a bunch. Now that I look at it the back looks a little blurry as well... Credit on the page
One Piece - the best anime/manga in the world my opinion. Seriously, I'm even more obsessed with it then I was with KH...and I was pretty obsessed with that (still am actually). So yah... Anyway, what did people think of 318? It was kinda amusing besides the Bellemare copy (when "auntie" freaks out). So far they seem to be repeating lots of things with these fillers... (the last one was a copy of a filler...I didn't think you could even do that...) Anyway, lone live One Piece!!!
My favorite anime opening of all time: One Piece ~ Believe (Opening 2) and some others: Naruto ~ Remember (I think) ~ Opening 8 One Piece ~ Run! Run! Run! ~ Ending 2 One Piece ~ Crazy Rainbow ~ Opening 7 Gintama ~ Pray ~ Opening 1 Thats all I got for now.
what? No One Piece? Oh, sorry :) I think I have to go with Bleach because I don't watch FMA along with reading it while I do that with Bleach...never liked Inuyasha though
Big update. Check the first post. It's amazing how many things you can make while you're at your Grandmas. ^_^
Over a year now, but I've taken lots of breaks. It probably adds up to 3/4 a year, or something like that. Oh, and form now on I'll try to post them all in one. I have to break my old habit.