He has 6 for Card Duels (Impulse [3-Card Duel], Dark Impulse [3-Card Duel in Dark Mode], Maelstrom [5-Card Duel], Dark Maelstrom [5-Card Duel in Dark Mode], Barrage [7-Card Duel], and Dark Barrage [7-Card Duel in Dark Mode]), 4 with King Mickey (MM Miracle LV1, MM Miracle LV2, Holy Burst, and Inverse Burst), Dark Break, Dark Firaga, and Dark Aura...he gets all of those after fighting Ansem for the first time, after the first Reverse/Rebirth world, Hollow Bastion. Is there really a point in hacking it, when you get them after the first world anyway?
Don't think this'll help much, but I tested the jokered Enemy Cards Code, it worked, but it doesn't give you any Enemy Cards other than Heartless (no Boss or Organization Cards, in other words)...
'Kay, thanks, because it seemed the other code froze when you went to the menu in both Sora's and Riku's stories, and froze at the door in Sora's.
You're welcome! Hmmm...That's the correct code...hold on one sec, let me test it out..I've just got this feeling I know what's wrong.
Well, I think I recall EvilMan saying something about Jokering the code if it doesn't work for you, see if that helps. The code for Max CP...it depends on what you want your CP to be. You put in the hexadecimal value for the amount of CP you want. For example... 9999 CP: 2060D2A4 0000270F 270F is the hexadecimal value for 9999. 999 CP: 2060D2A4 000003E7 3E7 is the hexadecimal value for 999. About the All Enemy Cards code, I tried it and it froze for me, but remember to Joker the code if it doesn't work for you. I tried it, and it was fixed. Jokered All Enemy Cards: E003FDFF 0043B91C 4060C984 00070001 08080808 00000000 2060C9A0 00080808 Press R2 for All Enemy Cards. Credit goes to Skiller for the Max CP and original All Enemy Cards Code, and credit goes to EvilMan_89 for the KH Re: CoM joker.
O_O Whoa! Now THAT was sorta weird
Well...cool, but just a tad confusing due to the "X" I guess it sound a bit like the Jak series, you know, Jak and Daxter, Jak II, Jak 3, Jak X
What about Kairi's voice actor? I'm pretty sure we know who it is, though, she's been playing her voice for the past two games already...