lol. I thought I wouldn't like it at all. but you get used to it actually. I use to HATE FFX & FFX-2 gameplay, now I'm pretty good.. people wonder how I tolerate turn based stuff :p
yer.... I'm now half-way through Mercedes. I hated Cornelius. Everything about him.. his story bored me and the whole 'pooka' thing pissed me off too. Mercedes isn't that great either, the story has improved but I hate shooting, I prefer to use a sword. Gwendolyn's story was soo much more heart warming than the others have been. Her controlls were better too. :p
Roxas: Because he is main.. and had a purpose. Axel: Cause of his power and uber-coolness Zexion: For his emo hotness :p
Anyone played it? Anyone like it? Fav Character? Fav story?? basically any thoughts on the game. Love Velvet... but unfortunately only had the game for a little while and I'm only up to the last Valkyrie level. It's quite a good game, but the gameplay is kind-of annoying with the different potions and pick-ups.
thanks for this guys! I think after the scary movie 3 they.. shoulda stopped filming stuff :)
lol. Frozen, Forgiven and The Howling are my favs :)
first one! :p
anyone seen it? going to saturday... worth the money? or too OTT? :D
am I the only one who's heard of this AWESOME Dutch Gothic Rock band? If anyone is into the evanescence style music.. gothic rock with some good ballads too... check em out!! I rekon that their best ablum is 'The Heart Of Everything' *I swear I'm not spamming!!*
I really wanted to watch it! but my dad said not till september :p (that's when I turn 15.. the legal age here) so I'm like 'GRR' Is it any good? my friends RAVE about it ALL the time!
I rekon... they should do Pirates again..
well.. Doesn't BBS earlier than 358/2days. Aqua would either be dead or very old! to be honest. I think ORG member 14 is some random that convinces or scheme with or against roxas to leave the organistation.
thankyou! *hug*
I dunno where this goes but umm... I'm from Australia and I was thinking about buying a KHIIfm+ from Japan. I have a chipped PS2 and it plays Copied Malaysian or Singaporean games. Will it play a Bought Japanese game?
haha! nice... :D
What isd the point of making this game.... going back to KH1 AGAIN and reliving the story... Is it really needed? (Not trying to be mean or offensive)
ROXAS! Axel Zexion or 14th
what JasonXIII said was what I said :( meh. That's what I think too
Xemnas, he was the only one that took skill to beat.
yep, I cried :D