Let's put it this way: My first reaction to Vexen was AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That laugh, that smile!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, in short, vexy scares me in general. :D
Hello my family!!!!!! Now for a pic from my favorite manga........ :D
Personally, I like the third one best. It's so pretty, and (in my opinoin) looks the best. They really all look good, though. :D
Awww, cheer up!!!!! It really doen't look like that!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
*fangirl squeal* OMG, he does!!!!!!! :D
LOL, I agree, he would totally win!!!!!!!! :D
Personally, I don't think it looks like that.......
Yay!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!! :D
Can I be Sephiroth, please? :D
I'm pretty sure the world will come to a halt, fire will rain from the sky, and cats and dogs will actually get along!!!!!!! *gasp* Yeah, or someone'll just start a new one......
I have alot........ "Dilly dally shilly shally!!!!!!" "Run, run away!!!!!!!" and this quote by some random famous person "The only thing we learn from history is that no one ever learns from history." And my personal fav. "You mean the Cival War wasn't started by Axel and Roxas fangirls fighting over who's hotter?!?!?" All those quotes pretty much sum up my philosophy in life.
I would love a KH movie!!!!! But then again, I love anything KH related...... :D
My friend accidently threw her brother's sneaker at my head........ (she was trying to hit her brother.)
Hello and welcome!!!!!! Hope you enjoy yourself here!!!!!!!! :D
Hiya family, I'm back!!!!!!!!!! :D *waves*
Thanks, it looks really great!!!!!!!!! :D
Wow, I really love it!!!!!!! Just 1 thing, could you make Yazoo' s name a different color? It's kinda hard to read...... Other than that it's PERFECT!!!!!!! :D
Wasn't the one you sent me facing left...? Ok, I'll find another one! :D Here ya go!!!!! (It's kinda small though......) http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y155/supersonic2118/Final Fantasy/Final Fantasy VII/Yazoo1.jpg
Aawww, thanks CtR!!!!!! :D *hugs*
Yeah, I guess I am pretty smart!!!!! *cheers up* But still, 5 HOURS!!!!!! *cries again*