Roxas as a partner 9X4A-8A7H-K4R9G A8X9-61WD-GCAMD Roxas in Donald's slot K0YQ-YHBK-WV1NV G3GR-K4GC-2CCBP
In your video here --> you say to joker when walking into a new room. What exactly do I need to press?
when it says to joker when walking into a room, what exactly does that mean you should do?
Is there a code to keep the heartless or nobodies comming, non stop?
Nevermind, problem resolved.
or you could do it the illegal way...No ~ DA
whoa when did this get reopened?
the PS3 really doesn't need them, it's got it's own gems on the horizon.
hey hey go here -->
for me it was one of the biggest surprises of the game, Goofy getting hurt? WOW!
thanks in advance.
ok so I'd like to request the codes that Antiweapon used to get those room mods in his fantastic YouTube video. thanks in advance. and yes I know I asked the exact same question in the other thread.
Thanks. Yeah I've been using this one -- Should I invest in this one? --
Can I ask what specific version of Ar Max you guys use? I only ask b/c mine won't let me enter and use 2 codes in a row. So like I enter one in, submit it, enter another one, and the other is replaces with the new one. This is a problem b/c I can't combine movesets and keyblade codes... :(
are you sure it is programmed so he can fight with it too, not just hold it? Thats what I'm looking for, codes or combinations of codes to wield and attack various weapons. Thanks anyways. :satisfied:
thanks, anymore would be greatly appreciated.
Can I just ask why Riku is so hard to crack?
Can someone please give the RAW codes needed to have Sora weild various weapons and attack with them. I don't have a specific request, any you have. Thanks in advance.
Would someone care to test these together? Both do their job on their own but when I tried them together the game froze loading my saved game... Sora Mod #1: Goofy 50DQ-JF6Y-ZEG7T AKK9-P42M-M6DGD MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC FY7C-MWXP-685FJ KH4H-9502-NXRPE WGKN-DP0Y-YEG9C UDX7-1HK7-TGTRD YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N Replaces Sora's voice w/ Goofy's and resets his attack moves, does not reduce his strength. You can use magic and items but you cannot swap Goofy out of the party. Also, you do not wield any shields however you are assigned to specific keyblades. So for this code your options are: Knights Defender = Monochrome Knights Shield = Kingdom Key Genji Shield = Follow The Wind Sora wields Goofy's nights shield TU8M-0D5R-PUQPT A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 63GT-Z0G0-HF08G 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N Thanks in advance.