I have lurked here for so long, that I finally decided to make an account with you guys. Like, I have lurked here since the FIRST TIME prems names were pink. Do not fret my friends, I know of forums, how they work, and I have even read the rules of this forum, so I now what not to do ;) My name is Hazel, I live in the dreary, weather-deprived(though not so weather deprived as of late), state of Texas. I live a boring life. Um... my favorite games are: Golden Sun Secret of Mana Final Fantasy VI Final Fanatsy II Tetris Snake Mortal Kombat Super Smash Bros. Mario Party 3 Ratchet Deadlocked Spyro(The ones for Playstation, not PS2 or above) Wii Tennis :P Zelda Ocarina of Time Earthbound Final Fantasy VII I guess :\ Sonic Adventure/Adventure 2/Adventure 2 Battle(Same game, haha) Halo Call of Duty Fallout FABLE O.O Oblivion And I must apologize for a long, boring list, but here comes another two. Favorite movies ;) Fight Club How to Train Your Dragon Toy Story 3 Boondock Saints Never Been Kissed Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Favorite Television shows :D The Big Bang Theory Human Target Bones Angel Buffy the Vampire Slayer(First three seasons) Courage the Cowardly Dog Legend of the Seeker Family Guy Umm... I like to read comics and books. I love books. I love games, and, as strange as it sounds, I don't like anime much, mostly because I am picky about my shows, however, I have no problem with it. I think Twilight is the best book ever and that Stephenie Meyer is the best writer in the history of the Universe. Kidding. That would be Douglas Adams. Screw freakin' Twilight. And w00t! Go Steelers <3 Anyone can add me as a friend, I don't mind. I'll probably RP alot. I may make several, but beware: I enjoy starting RPs and joining them, but I hardly see them through to the end D: Just telling you guys ahead of time... My favorite colors are Turquoise, midnight blue, and yellow :3 OH! And my favorite bands are Barenaked Ladies, A Day to Remember, Four Year Strong, Third Eye Blind, Journey, Soul Asylum, and Jimmy Eat World.