could you maybe explain why you're suspicious of me i guess ?? like in your post that immediately followed the new day you said you suspected me and ben strongly but didn't give any reasons ? i mean i know you've said them in the past at one time or another but if you could like gather it all in one post that would be great lol
ugh hella jelly yall
i still don't see how this point is viable ??? i defended her bc your reasons were ridiculous and i didn't agree with them ??? just like with tale ? but obvs since it's confirmed she is mafia it's kinda pointless saying it now but i didn't know at the time ?? i thought y'all were going to pull another tale tbh
lol sorry my b
sure what do you need ??
what does this refrence to
oooh who asked you ?? are you in a relationship with this person ? will it be kawaii
lol i liked her posts bc i saw what she was getting at with the 'head jokes' and thought it was clever
or maybe i firstly started to talk actively to defend a townie [ tale ] and then was suspected and asked them for their reasons [ and tried my best to dispute ] and then tried to point out that thinking people are mafia bc they view the thread but don't post ?????? does that activity count as 'popping in' ??? and besides i haven't voted bc yeah i'm a very indecisive person and i don't want to make a wrong choice [ which obvs i haven't bc everyone that y'all have voted for has been a townie soooo ] and give myself a bad name. and yes i realize that not doing such also makes me more suspicious but there are enough people who are quick to vote and make a bad choice so i don't have to tbh. imo i think my inactivity hasn't helped or harmed yes but even if i were to vote for someone [ and give a reason ] it wouldn't even make a diff bc everyone just follows james' and below's assumptions anyway ??
omf wtf this is legit scary
❥ S U P E R x H I G H x S C H O O L x L E V E L . . . E N T E R T A I N E R ❣ ❥ mood { annoyed } ❣ ❥ allies { n/a } ❥ health { a-okay } ❣ "Hello~!" A blinding light flashed before Victoria's eyes, slightly disorienting her. She placed her hand in front of her hand immediately after in response, the other gripping her specter tightly. She blinked a few times, speckles of blue and green appearing in her vision. She looked to the one responsible, a white-haired girl with a goofy grin and a camera hanging around her neck. She had half a mind to scold the girl, who looked to be younger than herself, but she was sure she meant well. Victoria literally just started her career at Hope's Peak today, she didn't need to go around making enemies already. Besides, it would be people like this that would help her rise the popularity ranks in this school. By using them as mere stepping stones, of course. That wasn't important now, however. The proper time would come, as with all good things. The young girl continued to speak. Victoria rolled her eyes. "Nice to meet ya'! I hope you like getting you picture taken... because I'll be taking tons more of em." Ugh. Why her of all people? Well, she knew that she was probably the best person in the school, so it made sense. She felt flattered slightly, yet agitated at the same time. She'd have to play nice for now, fighting the urge to just walk away and ignore the annoyingly peppy girl. Instead, she flashed a fake smile at her and said in her most enthusiastic-sounding tone. "Yes, nice to meet you as well! My name is Victoria." ...Hopefully this conversation wouldn't last very long.
「 this round, round cake... who could it be? 」
{ inspired by jayn and saxima } { cnc would be much appreciated; first time using more than one gif in one piece; first time using gif in non rectangular shape }
here ya go
i have to agree w jayn this whole thing about people being suspicious bc they viewed the thread but didn't post like... what?? honestly jayn hasn't really done anything to provoke my suspicions i mean like has she done wrong ?? i just feel like this going to be another tale wind situation bc i genuinely don't think she's mafia and accusing someone bc they haven't said anything is just plain silly imo