I just don't know why I don't like it. I think partially because of the crappy keyblade design (Which DDD lacked in, in general).
no i refuse
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. at all.
who is ed sheeren I've just heard his name tossed around??? But now looking at him, I'm sorry he's butt ugly (imho)
... Wow, I've always admired some of the figures from each Play Arts Set, but this is just... not good.
I've thought about it a lot, and I still have absolutely no idea. Part of me thinks there is no clear answer to this question, because perhaps, we're not meant to know (But maybe we are). ffxiii spoiler: Spoiler Maybe it was like in the ending of Final Fantasy XIII - Where the player could hear Vanille and Fang Talking but the party cannot.
I'll send Elmer Fudd after you.
brb calling up my executioner.
his transgressions are too great to ignore. he must be executed.
I like the Hundred Acre wood though >:x. It was really fun. Atlantica however - was useless. I hated the movement system in move games (more so khII than KHI) but the one that I would love to eradicate is the Pridelands.
I've never liked BBS, and I would've been angry if KH3 would've been as crappy as KH2 (since, to me, BBS is a pile of it). But thats' neither here nor there. I personally don't feel like it would've been a good fit. The numbered KH games, imo, should be going in chronological order, and be on a console. Eh.
It actually took me a minute or two to realize anything had changed, and then when I realized it, I wa really confused. But hey! Now that I notice it, it's good. I like how it worked out~ NIce job gurl (and the rest of the staff too)
the goddess appreciates your help anyways ;n;
so I really really really (reallyx24) need tumblr's nightblogging master post except there's one problem all the nightblogging on it is screencapped so I can't ~google it~ and google doesn't provide anything when I search for it anyways. it has a lot of notes, and I thought it was in my likes but it's not?? if you can find me what i'm looking for, i'll make you a free graphics set when I get my comp back~ thanks thanks thanks this really is a matter of life and death ok do u understand that
Gurl, you like Jigoku Shoujo? I do too, it's so wonderful. Too bad I haven't finished the 3rd season ;c Welcome aboard~ You should talk to me about Jigoku Shoujo sometime:3
warnings: pg-13 content, and crack. read at your own risk. edit: no critism/advice. plz. kthx. _ The stars from my observatory were bright that night, brighter than I had ever seen them. They were magnificent, lighting up the sky, bringing a relaxing wave over my heart. There were stories that said that stars lead the way to the truth - that they lead us down our truth paths, whatever they are. In that way, I had always loved the way people thought of stars. Of course, they didn’t really help us reach the truth, but the thought itself, in believing that, could achieve the same effect. But at the same time, I felt something run through my body, a small trickle of a feeling. The truth, also, sometimes wasn’t what we wanted, and sometimes, it meant darkness. It wasn’t always sugar and rainbows, sometimes, it meant things we couldn’t bear to see, or it meant things we couldn’t swallow. I wasn’t wrong. In the coming hour, a great darkness - or light, I wasn’t sure which, swallowed me whole. The only thing that I knew - was that I was somewhere unfamiliar. I woke upon my own bed, but I soon realized I wasn’t where I had been before. Outside, I heard the roaring of cars, and on the inside, a room unfamiliar to my own. It was plastered with pin ups of girls I had never seen before, in clothing that I’d never seen before. In fact, the clothing wasn’t like anything I’d seen in my world before at all. They were simple clothing, covering only the ‘parts’ of the women. On the floor were books scattered. I couldn’t stand the sight of books being treated so poorly, so I carefully stacked them. I began to wonder why I was here - of course it was like to me, to take care of the books before anything else, but that was beside the point. Was there any reason for me being there? Then I remembered, the last thing I remembered was staring at the stars in my observatory - of course, the bright skies that night, they must have had something to do with why I was here, and what was going on. The stars, they must have shown some sort of truth - something in their glimmer must have meant something. That, I didn’t doubt. These events were, no doubt, not without meaning. Their was some connection, and some truth. What it was, I didn’t know. However, what little I could tell, was there was more than it seems, much more truth - and perhaps the start of something great. Teleport stones rarely malfunctioned, and even when they did, they did never do anything on the level of this. Out the window was an unfamiliar city before me, one of grand brick and mortar. Wherever I was, I wasn’t home anymore. That, itself, was a sign that something wasn’t right. My whole life, I spent researching, and reading as a royal Scholar. I loved stories, and my dream was to have my own. When I was a boy, I wish I’d awaken one day and things would change. I never thought such things would actually happen. But now, it seems a truth was hidden, a message waiting to be reading, a secret waiting to be found. Something stirred, I could feel it. And it was the start of an adventure. Doctor Cid GumineMadder SkiesChapter 1: A beginning of an Almost Inevitable End
girls & peace - snsd
.... you didn't tell me we were familiar with the other senpai.