D: Just thought I'd let you know that you where right about the expo xD Alot of random but the best thinkg happened and it was fun x3
xD I've had that song stuck in my head all day XD I lvoe mah Dango <3 Why did that sound weird xD
I'm okay. Just mad at a 'friend'. Makes me misrable ; ;. How are you?cx
Awsome! I only bought season one though they didnt have the after story D: BUT I did get a big Dango plushie :'D
I bought Clannad at Anime Expo today cx
I guess you are right ; ;
Nag I'm just nervous. I'm a screwed up person I can't always handle big crowds. Ya. I am use to the crazy cx
Oh god really? ._. Why do I get the feeling I am going to be jumped on ; ;.... I'm having second thoughts ; ;
Alright ; ; You're welcome cx I plan to go wild xD I will meet crazy people? I'd probely walk away I am way to shy and never really that social...
I CAN TAKE IT! -acts cool- Ya maybe not... >.< I feel the need to bring you back a gundam model D:
-pets- cx Lol wow xD
Did you say shiny :=D: YES VIC MIGNOGNA WILL BE THERE cx He is my fav c:
>.< I already saved up money. I aleady know to spend wisely xD Oh gsh wow xD I wouldnt be caught dead infront of a camra xD
xD Well this is my first one so I am kinda nervous for some odd reason o.o I don't know if I can handle the huge asss crowd xD Lol you weirdo xD...
Ohs >.> xD Kinda. Life here has been knda suckish. But looking forward to anime expo tomrrow C:
How be you! I miss you D:
Who's a$$ you need me to kick for you? I'll happily do it c:
@_@ I never woukd have thought you would have missed me that much >< I MISSED YOU TOO!!!! -hugs- Where was I? dealing with suckish life havnt...
So how is my kitty?
Miss you .