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  1. Finalmaster2

    [B]Demyx over Donald (Boss, Hollow Bastion visit)[/B]
    [B]Demyx over Goofy (Boss, Hollow Bastion visit)[/B]
    You will most likely get in some point INFO : FAKE since there was those "Defeat 50 water forms in 20 seconds", etc. Those infos do not work in this battle.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Finalmaster2
    Well sure but I must warn you that I haven't tested him earlier. So I can only pressume that the game will crash since there is most likely a lot of battle-options disabled (e.g. Luxord uses that bar-thingy instead of HP so he can be invincible when you test the code).

    [B]Luxord replaces Donald (Boss, no HP-bar -> invincible)[/B]
    [B]Luxord replaces Goofy (Boss, no HP-bar -> invincible)[/B]
    You know the drill, PAL 09C9. And leviant1, don't ignore what I just told you, start SERIOUSLY writing proper English.

    EDIT: I also haven't tested this yet but I'd like if someone would tell me does it work:

    [B]Roxas over Sora (all the time, only one blade) [might not work in some worlds][/B]
    [B]Roxas's skateboard over Donald (might not work in some worlds)[/B]
    [B]Roxas's skateboard over Goofy (might not work in some worlds)[/B]
    Tell me that can you jump to the skateboard normally and can you do it outside of the Twilight Town. I think that it should work but then again, I can't be sure. Also, I pressume that the game will crash once you try to enter party-menu. This is because of the skateboard.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Finalmaster2
    Here's the code to have Riku as boss. Be warned though that he is invincible. This is because when you re-entered The Land of Dragons and fought him, the battle ended after he had gotten certain damage. So in short, he is not worth to be fought.

    [B]Riku over Donald (Boss, invincible)[/B]
    [B]Riku over Goofy (Boss, invincible)[/B]
    Yet again codes are in format PAL 09C9. These codes are for all worlds and you can't enter the party-menu unless you go to the Timeless River or such where you are alone/transform to Lion/Dolphin/etc. This is because Riku is, as I already told you, invincible and he is a boss so the party-menu is disabled.

    There is only one boss which we can defeat completely, Shadow-Roxas. Although I haven't tested that can you enter to the party-menu after you've won him or will the game crash.

    And for the crying out loud levant1, post proper English! I don't care are from some jungle or France or such, that Enlglish is purely annoying! I'm from Finland and I still don't post it like that.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 21, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Finalmaster2
    Here. These codes are in format PAL 09C9.

    [B]Large boss-battle-music (replaces all music)
    [e.g. MCP, Jafar...][/B]
    [B]Special boss-battle-music (replaces all music)
    [e.g. Experiment in Halloween Town][/B]
    [B]Mini boss-battle-music (replaces all music)
    [e.g. Beast's Castle in first visit][/B]
    As for Steamboat-Willie-Pete you will get two bosses. I haven't tested these so they might crash your game since you're outside of Pete's normal area (Timeless River). These codes are for all worlds too. DO NOT go to Pause-menu if you have no battle on and only Pete as ally in your team. The game WILL crash. Same goes when you have only Pete as boss or both Petes.

    [B]Old-Pete replaces Donald (Boss!)[/B]
    [B]Old-Pete replaces Goofy (Boss!)[/B]
    I'm not sure that do you get black-and-white-Pete to your team now or not since there was many hashes for Pete in Timeless River (remember that there was that Heartless-Pete too?). Also, you can't get Pete as ally for now since there is no hash found for that.

    All of these codes are for PAL 09C9.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Finalmaster2
    I've got a question. If we put Soras moveset to Roxas does this mean that he could use Magic too without going to T-stance? Or are the movesets only for attacks as for now? I think that why he goes to T-stance from Magic is also because he does not have speech for Magic nor Limits (still he can do one Limit with Donald O_o). Also, Roxas can Drive to another form but sometimes it causes game to freeze. Interesting...

    Also, would it be possible to make Roxas do these :

    - Valor Form drive -> (DW) Roxas with Valor Form moveset
    - Wisdom Form drive -> Roxas with Wisdom Form moveset
    - Master Form drive -> (DW) Roxas with Master Form moveset
    - Final Form drive -> (DW) Roxas with Final Form moveset

    There would be actually no idea to put Roxas in Wisdom Form with WF moveset since I think that he still could not use Magic. Same would go to the Master Form too, it's more like a Magic-Form than Strength-Form. Since Roxas most likely can't Shoot from his Keyblade would the WF be then unusable?

    I'm just curious to know these.

    EDIT: I'd also like to know how to exchange right-hand-weapon for normal Mickey. I'd like him to use Star Seeker and the hooded Mickey would use his normal, so called Invert Kingdom. So I'd need jokered codes:

    Disney Castle & Twilight Town ONLY

    - Mickey wields Star Seeker (jokered, can switch back to hooded Mickey with Invert Kingdom)
    - Hooded Mickey wields Invert Kingdom (jokered, can switch back to regular Mickey with Star Seeker)
    - Kill-boss-movement for both Mickeys (i.e. Valor/Wisdom/Master/Final/Anti Form moveset, just so that Mickey can kill bosses and he does not freeze).

    Hopefully I'm not asking too much here.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Finalmaster2
    Evilman_89, whoops, didn't know that you had ported it in the first place.

    Now, I'd need that Sora, Roxas & Riku-team in TWTWN. I had one but it didn't work properly (it replaced Donald with Riku but it did NOT put Roxas over Goofy).


    - Sora is Sora (could be jokered to KH 1 Costume, back to KH 2, to Roxas and to DW Roxas)
    - Donald is Riku
    - Goofy is Roxas (could be jokered to DW Roxas and back to regular Roxas)

    Please note that I'm asking these codes for ONLY to the TWTNW. I don't want them to mix and match in other worlds. I.e. I have code that let's me to switch Roxas to DW Roxas & Mickey to Hood-Mickey but they mix and match during the screen-loadings.

    Also, please post other codes that I would need to get codes belowe to work.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Finalmaster2
    Here, thanks to the Cloudstrife252 for the code:

    [B]3/4 Sora Fix[/B]
    It works with PAL, 09C9. I tested it and apperentally it works. Well, quite hard to say actually since I have no clue what it really does. :D
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Finalmaster2
    Well I'm not a hacker but I know how models work. There is no way to get landing-animation for those models which you drive into (i.e. you drive to Goofy -> T-stance). You just can't extract animation from model so that's about it.

    Of course if there would be a way to extract characters falling-animation that would save the day too. Again, this is impossible since the animation is included IN the model and it can't be extracted.

    Of course some have been toying around with Mickeys Keyblade and Rikus Way to the Dawn but as you have noticed, they are glitchy. These files are not meant for user to crack so I think you'd better give up before you kill your game.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Finalmaster2
    Here is what I got, took about 2 hours to get it correct. I know that Roxas is missing and some areas are still bit pixelated but you get the picture. :P I also wasn't sure should there be Age-stamp or Nintendo-stamp. Well, just look it. And for last, the /-mark is missing 'cause KH-font did NOT have it and it was too late to make it.


    *This is a thumbnail. Click to enlarge it.*
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Finalmaster2
    Could you put that "3/4 Sora fix" too since forums Search does not give any results for me? And why does KH 1 Sora & Roxas-codes have same joker-button?

    EDIT: And yes, please use different key-combos than just the L2 all the time, my game is going to go crazy otherwise. Could you also clear this up for me so that you'd put my requested codes to CODE-tabs? Many thanks's for you mate.

    EDIT 2: Ok, got all the codes and I'll wait until you've exchanged some jokers to better ones. :) Also, I don't usually release codes what I use for game since I just mess around with the game so. But IF I happen to post them on public, no worries, I WILL mention your name.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Finalmaster2
    Meh, I have yet another code-request, I though think that this one is VERY hard. Sora, Roxas & Riku-party for The World That Never Was. I'd also want it to have :

    - joker to let you switch to Roxas as playable
    - joker to let you switch to DW Roxas as playable
    - joker to let you switch to Sora as playable
    - joker to let you switch to KH 1 Sora as playable
    - joker to put party back to stock (Donald = Donald, Goofy = Goofy and Sora = Sora)

    I think that only jlhack7 or EvilMan_89 can handle this. :D Also, port it to RAW or PAL 09C9. Thanks in advance.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Finalmaster2
    You could clear out what Kraken you mean. I think that cocohints meant Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean 2. If this isn't the case then forget it. :P

    Also, someone had already fought against Sephiroth with Roxas (dualwield and one Keyblade only). I think that video was in YouTube.

    But I'd like to see Sora, Roxas & Riku as one party. That'd be nice, especially in Hades Paradox cup in battle #49 (avoiding to spoil that cup for those that haven't played it yet).

    There is lot's of stuff that would be cool to see in KH 2 but I think that most important one would be this. Sora & Mickey versus Pete. This is doable and fun (requires cheats though). No need to go to any cup since we can overwrite i.e. Donald with Mickey and Goofy with Pete (to make him really hard you have to enable that Pete from Hades Paradox cup).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Finalmaster2
    I would like to know character slots for Sora, Donald & Goofy for:

    - Twilight Town (all visits)
    - Disney Castle (all visits)

    And also these:

    - Switch to playable Mickey in DC (robes) [joker, replaces Sora]
    - Switch to playable Mickey in DC (robeless) [joker, replaces Sora]
    - Switch to DW Roxas in TT [joker, replaces Sora]
    - Back to Roxas in TT [joker, replaces Sora]

    DC = Disney Castle
    TT = Twilight Town

    This is because I'd like to put Roxas back to TT since that is his town and Mickey to Disney Castle (it is his castle). RAW is fine but you can also post them in PAL (09C9). :)

    PS: I know that I already posted this to the PAL-code-section but just wanted to make sure that people get my message.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Finalmaster2
    I would like to know character slots for Sora, Donald & Goofy for:

    - Twilight Town (all visits)
    - Disney Castle (all visits)

    And also these:

    - Switch to playable Mickey in DC (robes) [joker, replaces Sora]
    - Switch to playable Mickey in DC (robeless) [joker, replaces Sora]
    - Switch to DW Roxas in TT [joker, replaces Sora]
    - Back to Roxas in TT [joker, replaces Sora]

    DC = Disney Castle
    TT = Twilight Town

    This is because I'd like to put Roxas back to TT since that is his town and Mickey to Disney Castle (it is his castle). RAW or PAL (09C9) is fine. :)
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Finalmaster2
    Hmm. Is there digit for that stronger Cloud that is in Hades Paradox Cup (etc) with Tifa, Leon & Yuffie? I found the weak one (08F9) but man, just one hit and he is down. That is not much of a challenge.

    Oh and btw, is Soras KH I custom supposed to work? I made the code for that suit but it didn't work. Weird. If someone has it PLEASE post it in RAW (if you have to post it in ArMax : 09C9, PAL).
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Oct 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. Finalmaster2
    Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts II
    (Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+)

    The last one is in ()-marks because I'm waiting PCSX2 update so that I can emulate FM+.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Finalmaster2
    Err.. Ok, I'm lost. I don't really care about remakes of the earlier KH's but I think that the new KH where Ven is playable is worth to buy. I'd though want to know what KH this one is and which platform is it coming for? It would be quite idiotic to not to produce any of these new KH's to PS2/3 since they can handle quite well graphics and are really common in gamers (well not the PS3 yet since it is so expensive).

    If the new KH with playable Ven, Terra & Aqua (if that was her name) goes only to PSP then I have to become illegal. There is no way that I'm going to buy PSP & KH since I don't care PSP at all, I'd rather buy PS3.

    Also is any of these games coming to Europe? I can't believe that they woudln't come but I know that these aren't coming:

    - KH II Final Mix+ (have to get it illegally + wait for stable version of PCSX2 on Linux to emulate it [for PS2])
    - KH COM remix (? I can't remember the name but I know it's coming for PS2)

    Also could someone post me the links to trailers? I can't find them thanks to those nooblets in YouTube that give exactly wrong names to the trailers. Damn AMV's & nooblets...
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Finalmaster2
    Well, the Solo-Drive worked out great! I could even keep my custom-party on and go to Forms. :) Now I'd like to know six more cheats.

    - Drive instead of Valor to Dualwield Roxas (at me the game frozed O_o)
    - Riku over Guests in all worlds (I did get it working, but game frozed when I entered to other world)
    - Adding Mickeys Keyblade to inventory (note ADD-werb)
    - Adding Way to the Dawn to inventory (note ADD-werb)
    - Adding Anti-Form to Drive-Menu (note ADD-werb)
    - Add Mickey to the party (I know it's possible to have 4 party-members, remember the Twilight Town in the end of the game and some other events) (Note ADD-werb).

    Either in RAW-format or in ARMAX, PAL, 09C9.
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Finalmaster2
    @Mighty-Matt91: Are those in PAL-format? Also, are they in 09C9? I don't have any use for them if they are in wrong format. :P
    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Finalmaster2
    2008 edit : adding attachments.


    I've seen a video in YouTube where person went to Drive-Forms without Donald & Goofy + Guest-members. Would someone tell me it in RAW so that I could convert it to my PAL-version?

    Also, is there any risks by using that code? Like game freezes randomly, etc.



    Here's the attachments that I promised. You can find them also by clicking this link:

    Post by: Finalmaster2, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Code Vault