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  1. -Xero-
    I have not been active on here in... years. I've popped in and lurked every now and then but wow, I have a lot of RP memories here. I kind of want to try being active again and if any of my past friends that are still here see this, HI!
    Thread by: -Xero-, Feb 14, 2022, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. -Xero-
    I've been seriously debating on going back to college. I've gone before to try and get my basic classes done at North West Vista (a community college) but ended up dropping out within 2 or 3 months because I didn't like it.

    Now I'm wanting to go back and try and get a degree in either Game Art & Design and/or Animation. The school I'm looking at is the Art Institute in San Antonio. I know... it's the Art Institute; but I literally have no other options. This is the only school that I can go to in my city that will teach me what I want to learn. I've tried looking up other schools and there aren't any other ones really...

    I've talked to a guy who was a customer where I work about the Art Institute and he said "Yes, it's way too expensive for what it is. But it's not a bad school." He went on to say a few other things like everybody he's known that went there got a job right off the bat after graduating pretty much or got a job because they were in school.

    The only reason why I'm hesitant about going is because of how expensive it is. I think it costs over $17,000 a year; maybe more. I can't remember. I've asked my grandmother about helping out with pay she said since I dropped out last time I would have to pay for my first semester, which is fine. I'm pretty sure my mom is fine with it because she keeps telling me that I should go back to college.

    My boyfriend keeps telling me to do it. He's very supportive about the whole thing, which I appreciate very much. I'm just not sure... I'm afraid of going and then not liking it and then dropping out again.

    Does anyone have any thoughts and advice?
    Thread by: -Xero-, Oct 11, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  3. -Xero-
    ☆ OOC THREAD ☆

    There were a lot of things that had happened in Oda City lately. A Mutant Mafia had recently been going around terrorizing and destroying places around the city, outbreaks of corrupt Boju, and a few other things. People have been worrying over their safety within the city and wondering why no one has tried to take action yet. The city is slowly getting worse and worse with its crime rates due to the mafia; and there have been more and more dangerous creatures seen around the outskirts of the city as well (people believe it is because there is a corrupted Bojuyeba lurking nearby).

    Ro and Hiro were walking around a shopping mall as they were both out running errands for Ryoichi. They lived with him and the only thing he asked for in return was to help with patients or to go out shopping for whatever supplies they needed. Ro was carrying a few plastic bags and was looking at a list of things they needed.

    "Hmm... We have bread, cereal... ramen, meat, food for the rat..." Ro continued to mumble out the list of things they got and turned to Hiro who was struggling behind and carrying a bunch of science equipment, "Well I got everything we need for food... What about what Matoi wanted?" Hiro practically dropped everything onto the ground, possibly breaking something in the pile as he did, "I got all the crap he wanted. Why the hell does he even need all this?"

    "I've learned to not question it and just roll with it honestly..." Ro replied, not even sure why Ryoichi wanted any if it herself. She sighed and helped Hiro pick everything back up and began to walk towards home, "You know, I don't see why we don't just get a damn car already. It doesn't have to be fancy; Ryoichi makes enough money to be able to pay it off doesn't he?" Hiro grumbled as he spoke.

    "Not exactly... most of the money he makes goes towards buying new medical equipment for the patients and paying rent."

    "Well you'd think he'd buy equipment from people who weren't so shady or who'd actually have sterile syringes..." Hiro pulled out a syringe with a rusty needle as he spoke.

    "We don't need the needles thankfully... But even if we did, and they weren't rusty like that one, we clean them pretty well ourselves already."

    After a while of walking and talking, they were finally able to get home and Hiro dropped everything onto the dining table and Ro began to put things away. Hiro went into the living room and plopped himself onto the couch with a groan, "Ey, Matoi! We got the crap you wanted, the least you could do is come out of your damn room and look at it!"

    "Hiro, don't be rude! You're lucky we don't have any patients here right now!" Ro shouted from the kitchen as she heard Hiro shouting at Ryoichi. She then noticed a note on the fridge that looked like it was left by Ryoichi and read it.

    I've gone out. Went to run a few errands.
    Be back late.

    Feed Pudge for me. ♡

    Ro sighed and took the note off the fridge and walked into the living room, "He's not even here." She handed the note to Hiro and he read it too, "What the hell? Why did he tell us to go get errands if he was going out to get crap himself?"

    "You know Matoi, he never tells us anything." Ro then walked back into the kitchen to continue putting things away. "Yeah well if you ask me he doesn't pay us enough for the crap he makes us do."

    "He doesn't pay us, Hiro... We live here as our payment."

    "Exactly why he doesn't pay us enough!"

    "Hey, you're lucky we even took you in when you escaped the facility! I could've just left you out there you know! Now stop your b*tching and help me put this stuff away!" Ro was getting a bit irritated at Hiro for talking about Ryoichi that way. Sure she was a bit annoyed that he never told them anything about what he was doing, but in a way she owes him for basically adopting her.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 13, 2016, 25 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. -Xero-
    I'll try to keep the information short and simple... ish.
    This is sort of a reboot of another RP I have rebooted a couple of times before. I have completely revised it and the plot is quite different, but the universe is basically still the same.

    If you have a Skype, and would like to be a part of the chat group for this RP, then send me and part PM of your Skype name and I'll add you! c:

    • Long before the galaxies that we know of came into existance, two titan gods had become enterlocked with each other in a deadly battle. Etryis, was considered the queen at the time and was known for her telekinetic powers and speed. Her brother, Vanirus, was known for his brute strength and powers over the elements of nature.

      Etryis had been losing the battle and was in a critical condition; so she had fled from Vanirus hoping to find a safe haven. But she could not find anywhere to go, for Vanirus had turned her kingdom against her. Etryis had then ran even further away to where there was nothing but a black void of nothingness around her. Not knowing what else to do, she had created a cocoon for herself along with another creature known as Bojuyeba. These creatures would "regenerate" Etryis's cocoon whenever it began to wither and die.

      After so long, her cocoon soon became its own planet as it drifted a long the vast sea of blackness. It eventually found it's own solar system it had stumbled upon and life began to appear. Creatures of strange beings began to inhabit the planet and soon after humans did too.

      * * *

      Oda City: the city of science and experimentations.

      They city is a futuristic city located in the middle of a vast wasteland. There are canyons, dried up rivers and if you look far enough you can see greenery. However it would take at least two days to leave the wasteland, but it is considered suicide to leave the city on your own. There are many creatures that lurk around the wasteland, mostly preditory and hostile ones.

      There have also been reports of colossal creatures roaming around the wasteland close to the city. These creatures seem to be harmless and people have clamed to see them raise trees and plants from the ground; no matter how dry and withered it is. There have been other reports of what seem to be "corrupted" Bojuyeba. They go around destroying things and and terrorizing other creatures and places.

      The residents of this city are known as Mutans and Spyrix Users. In 2119, there was a breakout of a new gene in newborns. Scientists believed that it was some kind of evolution of the human brain. They began to examine these newborns and as they grew older they began to demonstraite certain abilities such as telepathy and/or telekinesis.

      Scientists then took DNA samples of this gene and began to research it, and eventually somehow modify it. They had created an artificial gene from the one they took from the samples. They injected the gene into willing subjects and the side effects varied. Depending on the person, the gene would either bond with their body (enabling them to have different abilites such as manipulating elements, shape shifting, powers over nature, and the list goes on), or reject their body and cause physical side effects such as mutations of limbs, hair and eye color changes, etc.

      A mutant is going out and hunting the Bojuyeba. He claims that he will become the most powerful mutant and he has been ordering people to go out and find the Bojuyeba to bring them back and experiment on them. Some people think that this is why there have been so many corrupted Boju appearing.

      There have also been rumours about this mutant being the leader of a mutant mafia that have been hiding around the city. No one really knows what their motive is exactly other than that they have been hunting down Bojuyeba. Groups of people have tried to go out and fight this mafia of mutants, but many come back in critical condition or dead.

    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 4, 2016, 8 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. -Xero-
    Thinking about making an rp for Undertale. It would probably be a pre game rp where the human and monster war took place.

    Please let me know if you're interested.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Nov 2, 2015, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. -Xero-
    I've been in this relationship with my boyfriend for 4 months; he is probably the best thing that's ever found its way into my life. He is so nice to me and he is just more than I could ever ask for. But, due to my anxiety, I start to think things and make up stupid scenarios.

    Why do I do this? Because past relationships still have me paranoid about things... He could be lying to me, he could be going behind my back, he could not actually like me, etc. Now don't get me wrong, I trust him with my life. But the thoughts are always there saying there's a possibility; even when I know it's not true in the least.

    I want to get over this anxiety about my past relationships repeating themselves with this one... But I'm not entirely sure how. I'm so afraid of screwing up. I have talked to him about my past relationships and he knows of my anxiety about things like this and other stuff. He says it's all completely understandable and that it's fine. But I still hate that I do this.

    I'm not sure how to stop it. Does anybody have advice for this kind of thing..?
    Thread by: -Xero-, Jul 26, 2015, 6 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  7. -Xero-
    Arcane and her team were inside of Shinwa Guild's library. It was quiet and no one else seemed to be in it except for the Pokemon that worked there. She was trying to find information about the ancient artifact as she surrounded herself within a few piles of books, marking pages that seemed important. So far she hasn't found much other than that it is supposed to grant whoever possesses it power; but that was already known to most Pokemon.

    The Weavile closed the book and began rubbing the sides of her head, "Why are these things never clear...?" She grumbled to herself. Arcane sighed and leaned back in her chair before turning to a blue canine standing on two legs, "Hey, Ryuk. Did you find anything yet?"

    Ryuk was helping as well by trying to look for books on the Lost City. He hadn't found much of anything either other than things that were already mentioned in rumors and legends. He frowned at the book he was reading and turned his head to Arcane as she spoke, "No. Nothing really." He simply said. They had been in the library nearly all day trying to find something that could help them reach the Lost City or tell them how they could destroy the artifact.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 9, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. -Xero-

    A war between the ancient Pokemon Legends has erupted apon the Pokemon World. The mighty creatures have begun to wreck havic across the land with their battle, leaving behind wastelands in their wake. The Pokemon World is doomed to end if the battles continue the way they are. However, there is only one known way to be able to possibly stop the war. An ancient artifact is what the Legendairy Pokemon are all looking for to gain more power; if one were to find it and destroy the artifact, the war between the Legends would hopefully stop. However, no one knows where the artifact is, including the Legends. There is said to have been a Pokemon long ago that had studied legends and myth and some how came across the artifact. But due to its fearsome power, they had hidden it from the world and had left a map to it somewhere in a long lost city.

    Exploration teams have set out to find this city, but most have not returned. The ones that have were nearly dead if they weren't already. There is word of a thick fog that has spread all across the land where the city is supposed to be. The fog is supposedly making Pokemon lose their memory or making them go crazy if they're left wandering within it for too long. Others have reported there being an extremely powerfull foe at the entrance of the city and none have been able to defeat them. Pokemon have begun to lose hope in finding the artifact. But only a few Pokemon still have the curage to go out and try.

    You may team up with other role players. You can only have up to four characters if you are not in a team with another role player. If you are in a team with someone else, then you can only have two characters each. You can only have ONE team.

    There are going to be different positions for each team member; you will be the one who decides what Pokemon is what in your team:

    Team Leader
    The Team's leader is the one that tells others what to do and when. They are the ones that assigned the positions to each team member and they are the ones that approve a possible recruit.

    They are the Leader's right-hand-man. If the team's leader is unavailable, then the leadership temporarily goes to the second-in-command. They help the Leader with whatever they can and they are the ones to go out looking for new recruits.

    Dungeon Map Guide
    This is the guy who knows his locations and knows all about reading a map. They can help leading the team through a dungeon and they hardly ever get lost since they know where they're going most of the time. They are also knowlegeable when it comes to knowing about cities and towns.

    These Pokemon are the ones who help a fallen member back on to their feet. They know how to heal others and hold most of the medical supplies such as the berries. Some could even just know healing or supportive moves.


    1) YES you can have shiny and / or differently colored Pokemon. Just keep the shinies to one per team. NO HUMANS. You also cannot be a Legendary/Mythical Pokemon.

    2) YES you can start off as an evolved Pokemon. YES you can have mega stones. Keep the mega stones to one active member per team.

    3) You can only use the moves/abilities in the move/ability list of a Pokemon. No made up moves/abilites or moves that it wouldn't normally learn. If you don't know what moves/abilites the Pokemon can learn, look up its move list. You can only have up to four moves per Pokemon.

    4) You can only have up to four characters if you are not in a team with another role player. If you are in a team with someone else, then you can only have two characters each.

    5) No harrassing others in any way.

    6) No godmodding. SOME power play is allowed.

    7) I will control the NPCs listed below (and any of the legendaries that happen to appear throughout the story).

    8) Don't be afraid to do your own thing. Just let me know if it may and up changing any plot that is happening at the time!

    9) No killing off others without permission.


    Shinwa Town
    Shinwa town is full of old folk tails and myths. There are old shrines throughout the town and temples just outside of the town's limits. Dispite the smallness of the town, there are actually many shops within the plaza and there is even an exploration team guild on top of a hill (Shinwa Town is one of three places in the region to have a guild (Shinwa Guild). The town is located in the Sothern part of the region.

    Sei City
    Sei is a city where there are many Pokemon that thrive. It is known for one of its land marks which is a giant tree that is in the middle of the city. The city was built around it and they live off of the tree's ever growing life around the city. There is a guild built within the base of the tree (Sei Guild) It is located in the Eastern part of the region.

    Denset Village
    Denset is a small village located in the Western part of the region. There isn't much in the village other than small homes, a village shop, a guild (Denset Guild) and some berry farms. The Pokemon that live here sometimes go to Shinwa to buy their needs and supplies for berry farms. The markets also go to Denset to buy some berries from the Pokemon who grew them.

    The Lost City
    The city is located in the Northern part of the region and the whole location/area is shrouded in thick fog. The city is apparently guarded by some kind of powerful Pokemon. Not much else is known about the place.


    Species: Gallade
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Shinwa Guild Master
    Info: Lance is the guild master of the Shinwa Guild. He is calm and collected and is quite protective of his two younger sisters, Alma (a Gardevoir) and Kryla (a Kirlia). He is able to mega evolve from the Galladite he has.

    Species: Gardevoir
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Second-In-Command at Shinwa Guild
    Info: Alma is Lance's second-in-command in their team. She is smart and is able to quickly decide on what to do. She tends to read a lot about the myths that tell of the ancient artifact.

    Species: Kirlia
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Medic at Shinwa Guild
    Info: Kryla is a shiny Kirlia with a black dress. She is also her family team's medic. She likes dark and creepy things and enjoys using her telepathy to mess with other Pokemon.

    Species: Luxray
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Sei Guild Master
    Info: Rigel is considered the "though guy" out of all three of the guilds. He is strict and firmly holds his ground in battle. He is the guild master of the Sei Guild.

    Species: Zoroark
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Denset Guild Master
    Info: Ruze is the guild master of the Denset Guild. She is sassy and a bit mischevieous, but she always tries to get the job done. She also has an adopted son named Tekkno (a Deino).

    Species: Deino
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: None
    Info: Tekkno is the adopted son of Ruze. He was found as an abandoned egg and was born blind, but his sense of smell and hearing is incredible. He also wears an everstone around his neck because... he just really likes rocks.


    [B][U]TEAM INFO[/U][/B]
    [B]Team Name:[/B]
    [B]Base Location:[/B] (Where is your team's base located at?)
    [B]Guild Association:[/B] (What guild is your exploration team from?)
    [B][U]TEAM MEMBERS[/U][/B]
    [B]Level:[/B] (NO LEVEL 100S! KEEP IT IN BETWEEN LEVELS 10-70!)
    [B]Ability:[/B] (Which ability does your charater have?)
    [B]Unique Appearance Traits:[/B]


    Team Name: Equinox
    Base Location: By a lake just outside of Shinwa Village.
    Guild Association: Shinwa Guild

    Name: Arcane
    Position: Team Leader
    Species: Weavile
    Gender: Female
    Birthplace: She was born on the outskirts of a town that was known as Aurora City. Sadly the City was distroyed by the fighting legedaries...

    Level: 45
    Ability: Pickpocket
    - Night Slash
    - Poison Jab
    - Ice Shard
    - Shadow Claw

    Accessories: Has a red tattered scarf around her neck.
    Unique Appearance Traits: None
    Personality: Arcane is a rather gentle Pokemon. She is caring towards her clients that ask for her team's help and does her best to finish her work. She often gets sad from thinking of her hometown being destoryed, for some of her family was killed in the crossfire of the war.
    Other: She is knowlegable in the feild of Pokemon Mythology.

    Name: Ryuk
    Position: Second-In-Command
    Species: Lucario
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: He was born in Sei City.

    Level: 50
    Ability: Justified
    - Extreme Speed
    - Dragon Pulse
    - Blaze Kick
    - Sky Uppercut

    Accessories: He has a Lucarionite around his neck and a red scarf around his upper arm.
    Unique Appearance Traits: He has a scar that goes diagonally across his abdomen.
    Personality: Ryuk is quite serious most of the time. He is calm and will do he can to insure Arcane's safety (for she saved his life before). He occationally has a silly side.
    Other: He has much knowlege when it comes to gems and stones.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Mar 5, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. -Xero-
    Lately I've just felt less motivated to do things. I dropped out of college because I couldn't deal with it and I feel like just a big disappointment to my family (I'm talking grandparents, aunts, uncles; the whole family basically). I've never liked school. All it does is stress me out and make me even more depressed than I ever need to be. I question my life and what I'm going to do now. I have no motivation to get a "real job" such as working at a fast food restaurant or some other place. I feel pressured to do better than my 14 year old brother who has always done better than me at everything academically but I'm not sure how I can do that now considering I basically ****ed myself over in college. I also feel ignored at times and my brother gets all the attention...
    I've also felt less motivated to finish my art works or to actually try and make them look amazing... I also feel like my art just isn't good enough for anything... I feel stuck and I keep bottling in my emotions about everything. I occasionally ask my mom to take me to go see my old therapist but she ends up forgetting and doesn't take me and I end up not doing anything about it. I got tired of taking anti depressants and stopped taking them a long time ago too.
    I just don't know what to do anymore...
    Thread by: -Xero-, Dec 1, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  10. -Xero-

    Spyrix War RP

    • [​IMG]
      Valinton was standing in front of a window, watching the city as the television behind him was addressing the news with him silently listening. "Good afternoon Oda City. We've just gotten news of the recent break out at the G.E.M.E. Research Facility that happened a few weeks ago. A bounty for a young male Spyrix User named Hiro Shinohara has been placed at ¥150,000. The escapee is 6 foot, 4 inches and has white hair with orange eyes. He also has a tattoo on his wrist with the number 8921. He is known to use fire abilities and is considered to be dangerous. If you see this man, please notify an officer immediately or call the number below and you will receive a reward for ¥150,000." Valinton growled under his breath. Day after day he would hear about things happening to Spyrix Users and Mutants but rarely anything about humans. It was despicable what this city does to others. Humans think that they're so high and mighty but in reality they're pathetic and cowardly.

      Valinton turned around and walked out of his office and walked down the hallway of one of the businesses Doku's family owned. He seemed to be looking for something and made his way into the room his wife would possibly be in, "Doku, where's Kolin? He's not off running around again is he?" his expression was serious, but that was how he always looked; his voice sounded rather annoyed however.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Nov 8, 2014, 18 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. -Xero-

    • This is a rebooted role play from quite a while back (like earlier this year I think). I decided that I wanted to bring it back and start over. I have changed and added a few things but not too much. For those returning to this, the plot will take a much different turn from last time and will probably not at all be the same. There will most likely be different characters and different events that happen too.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Nov 4, 2014, 13 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. -Xero-

    - OOC Thread -

    You are a Pokémon trainer that has just arrived in the Kalos region! You have been selected by Pokémon researchers around the world to help with filling the PokéDex and have already gotten your Pokémon and supplies to start your adventure. You can explore the Kalos region, challenge Gym Leaders, challenge other trainers, anything!

    Now, are you a boy, or a girl?





    ⚫Only 2 characters per person. Yes, you can kill off characters and or Pokémon. Just don't constantly do it.

    ⚫You can NOT be a character that already exists. For example a Gym Leader or a character from the series like Ash etc. However you can be a relative or a friend of that character.

    ⚫No God Modding (I'm serious), Flaming, Over Powering; you know, all that stuff. SOME Power Play is allowed. Just don't drag it out.

    ⚫I will do the best I can to keep track of people's Pokémon, items, badges etc. If there is something missing from your list, please tell me.

    ⚫ No magical abilities/powers or people with animalistic features– this is Pokémon!

    ⚫If you have a problem with someone DO NOT START FIGHTING WITH THEM. You come to ME and I will address the situation unless it will have to involve the Moderators and or Admins.

    ⚫I have the right to add or change rules at anytime.

    ⚫Pokémon can learn moves but only ones in thier move pool. Yes, you can have them learn egg moves too.

    ⚫This is a Free Roam RP. Meaning, you pretty much do whatever you want.

    ⚫It's set in the Kalos region (X & Y) and no, you can't go to different regions.

    ⚫I will control NPCs such as Gym Leaders, Shop Keepers, etc.

    ⚫Pokémon can have their own thoughts and feelings but cannot actually speak. You CAN however put their thoughts in italics.

    ⚫Everyone will start off in Luminous City and branch off from there. This way people can have character interactions sooner.

    ⚫This takes place after the events with Team Flare so you can feel free to start a new mafia group or whatever bad guy group you want.

    ⚫You can start off with any Pokémon as long as it's in its non evolved from or if it doesn't evolve at all. If it has a baby form you start off with that. You can start with a maximum of 2 Pokémon and can have up to 6 Pokémon on hand (there is a PC storage like there is in the game). You can add to your team, but you cannot just go out and just start catching your team like that. You need to have a decent amount of time in the rp before catching each Pokémon on your team. I trust that you will all be able to have good judgment about this, if not, shoot me a PM.

    ⚫Pokémon can evolve when I approve of them being able to (send me a PM or ask in the OCC if you can evolve your Pokémon). If a Pokémon needs a certain item to evolve, you gotta go find it where it is said that it can be found in the game (if your not sure just Google it). You don't need to trade stuff in order for it to evolve, it can just evolve it by having it with the item.

    ⚫You can mega evolve your Pokémon, but only 1! You will get the Mega Ring and your choice of Mega Stone later on in the RP.

    ⚫ You can NOT have duplicate Pokémon in your team.

    ⚫You can NOT have a Legendary Pokémon until probably way later in the RP. I may make exceptions with the smaller ones like Shaymin for example. No, you can't put a minor Legendary as a starter. You will have to find it once I say there is one roaming around.

    ⚫Any Pokémon can be found in the Kalos region as long as it is found in the right environments. I.E. A ground type wouldn't be found in the sea. THEY CANNOT BE FULLY EVOLVED.

    ⚫You can challenge gyms and, if you want, eventually the Pokémon League. You should complete the gyms in order.

    If you read all this stuff put "Pokemanz" somewhere in your post.


    - START -

    REMINDER: Everyone will be starting in Luminous City. You can be anywhere in Luminous, just start there. This way people can have character interactions sooner and won't have to travel to the other side if the region just to find someone.

    Zerith was sitting in the Pokémon Center of Luminous City with her two Pokémon, Arcane and Tekkno. She had just arrived there from the Goldenrod train station in Jotoh. It was a very exhausting trip and after that train she had to get on two other trains. Zerith put a hand on Tekkno's head to pet him as he was taking a nap next to her. She then looked over to Arcane and her breath hitched in her throat, "Arcane!" She snapped at the Sneasel who was reaching into someone's pocket as they weren't looking.

    Arcane flinched then looked over to Zerith and acted like she wasn't doing anything other than standing there. Zerith glared at the Pokémon and pointed her finger to the chair next to her, ordering the Sneasel to sit next to her.

    "What do you think you're doing Arcane? I told you no pickpocketing!" The Sneasel sat next to her trainer with a frown and crossed arms, 'I saw something shiny in his pocket. You can't get mad at me for being curious... I was gonna put it back. And I only take things if I really want them... ' Arcane made growls as she mentally spoke, but since her trainer wasn't a Pokémon Zerith couldn't understand her.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Sep 9, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. -Xero-
    - RP Thread -

    You are a Pokémon trainer that has just arrived in the Kalos region! You have been selected by Pokémon researchers around the world to help with filling the PokéDex and have already gotten your Pokémon and supplies to start your adventure. You can explore the Kalos region, challenge Gym Leaders, challenge other trainers, anything!

    Now, are you a boy, or a girl?





    ⚫Only 2 characters per person. Yes, you can kill off characters and or Pokémon. Just don't constantly do it.

    ⚫You can NOT be a character that already exists. For example a Gym Leader or a character from the series like Ash etc. However you can be a relative or a friend of that character.

    ⚫No God Modding (I'm serious), Flaming, Over Powering; you know, all that stuff. SOME Power Play is allowed. Just don't drag it out.

    ⚫I will do the best I can to keep track of people's Pokémon, items, badges etc. If there is something missing from your list, please tell me.

    ⚫ No magical abilities/powers or people with animalistic features– this is Pokémon!

    ⚫If you have a problem with someone DO NOT START FIGHTING WITH THEM. You come to ME and I will address the situation unless it will have to involve the Moderators and or Admins.

    ⚫I have the right to add or change rules at anytime.

    ⚫Pokémon can learn moves but only ones in thier move pool. Yes, you can have them learn egg moves too.

    ⚫This is a Free Roam RP. Meaning, you pretty much do whatever you want.

    ⚫It's set in the Kalos region (X & Y) and no, you can't go to different regions.

    ⚫I will control NPCs such as Gym Leaders, Shop Keepers, etc.

    ⚫Pokémon can have their own thoughts and feelings but cannot actually speak. You CAN however put their thoughts in italics.

    ⚫Everyone will start off in Luminous City and branch off from there. This way people can have character interactions sooner.

    ⚫This takes place after the events with Team Flare so you can feel free to start a new mafia group or whatever bad guy group you want.

    ⚫You can start off with any Pokémon as long as it's in its non evolved from or if it doesn't evolve at all. If it has a baby form you start off with that. You can start with a maximum of 2 Pokémon and can have up to 6 Pokémon on hand (there is a PC storage like there is in the game). You can add to your team, but you cannot just go out and just start catching your team like that. You need to have a decent amount of time in the rp before catching each Pokémon on your team. I trust that you will all be able to have good judgment about this, if not, shoot me a PM.

    ⚫Pokémon can evolve when I approve of them being able to (send me a PM or ask in the OCC if you can evolve your Pokémon). If a Pokémon needs a certain item to evolve, you gotta go find it where it is said that it can be found in the game (if your not sure just Google it). You don't need to trade stuff in order for it to evolve, it can just evolve it by having it with the item.

    ⚫You can mega evolve your Pokémon, but only 1! You will get the Mega Ring and your choice of Mega Stone later on in the RP.

    ⚫ You can NOT have duplicate Pokémon in your team.

    ⚫You can NOT have a Legendary Pokémon until probably way later in the RP. I may make exceptions with the smaller ones like Shaymin for example. No, you can't put a minor Legendary as a starter. You will have to find it once I say there is one roaming around.

    ⚫Any Pokémon can be found in the Kalos region as long as it is found in the right environments. I.E. A ground type wouldn't be found in the sea. THEY CANNOT BE FULLY EVOLVED.

    ⚫You can challenge gyms and, if you want, eventually the Pokémon League. You should complete the gyms in order.

    If you read all this stuff put "Pokemanz" somewhere in your post.



    *** Remember that this RP does not have a centralized plot. It is like a Pokémon game scenario where you can travel and have your own adventures (you can make parties and travel together - which is strongly encouraged!).

    Region: [/B] What Region is your character from?
    Professor: [/B] Which Pokémon Professor is your character affiliated with?
    [B]Starter Pokémon: [/B] No Dittos. (Yes, you can have shiny Pokémon but don't over do it.)
    [img] place image url of Pokémon here [/img]
    [img] place image url of Pokémon here[/img]
    [B]Favorite Type(s): [/B] What are your character's favorite Pokémon Types?
    [B]Back Story: [/B] Must be at least three sentences. No amnesia, no "I'll fill this out later". Just do it. Doesn't have to be obseardly long.


    Zerithia (Zerith)
    ⚫Sneasel (Arcane)
    ⚫Deino (Tekkno)

    Zeke John Catser
    ⚫Fennekin (Scarlet)
    ⚫Totodile (Tobias)

    Azure Rosenblood
    ⚫Riolu (Leo)
    ⚫Cyndaquil (Flare)

    Prince of Hearts
    Sasha Kiv
    ⚫Eevee (Eli)
    ⚫Raltz (Elayna)

    Miguel Gomez
    ⚫Gible (Luffy)
    ⚫Squitle (Tsunami)

    Ami Mizuno
    Roxam Tsukino
    ⚫ Charmander



    Name: Zerithia (Zerith)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'7"
    Appearance: Long, layered, dark brown hair with swept bangs. Slightly tanned skin and has round green eyes. Wears this.

    Personality: Zerith likes to keep to herself most of the time and doesn't like to be bothered with a lot of questions about who she is. She is quite calm most of the time and will not be afraid to say when she is upset or angry about something. She will speak her opinion about something if she feels like she must and will not care of what others think of her.

    Region: Johto
    Hometown: Blackthorn City
    Professor: Elm
    Starter Pokémon:

    Name: Arcane
    Species: Sneasel
    Gender: Female (couldn't find a female Sneasel gif..)
    Personality: A rather mischievous Sneasel. She likes to mess with other Pokémon and people by taking their stuff while not looking and most times she doesn't them back. Hence the reason why Zerith gets stuck with so much junk in her bag. She also likes to climb things and run around as fast as she can.

    Name: Tekkno
    Species: Deino
    Gender: Male
    Personality: He carries around an Everstone because it is a lot like a rock... and he likes rocks. He is blind, but he relies on his sense of smell and hearing, and he has a very keen sense in touch. Tekkno is quite energetic and playful; he can also be a bit rough when he plays by headbutting people or other Pokémon.

    Favorite Type(s): Dark and Dragon
    Back Story: When Zerithia was younger, she thought she saw a giant Pokémon fly over Blackthorn and has since been wanting to search for it. She also wants to try and challenge the gyms and explore the world. One of her aspirations is to be able to find rare Pokémon.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Sep 7, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. -Xero-

    Spirox War

    - RP SIGN UP -

    Time of Day: Dawn *Lion King opening plays*

    - No god modding or controlling others / killing others without permission.

    - SOME powerplay is allowed. SOME over powering is allowed too.

    - I will allow romance, just keep it PG-13.. no NSFW stuff.

    - You can have up to 5 characters. PLEASE BE SURE YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH THEM! Do not abuse this by killing off characters you just introduced to bring in a new one.

    - If you haven't posted in a week, you will be notified to do so. If you don't post in the next 3 days after notification, you will be booted and characters WILL be killed off. Unless you give a reason for not being able to post (not being motivated isn't an excuse).

    - You can be on any side (Mutants, Spirox User, or Human) and have your own views about the antidote. For example, you could be a Spirox User and you don't HAVE to think the antidote should be for everyone. You could side with the government and think that humans should evolve.

    - You don't have to do what everyone else is doing, you can have a side plot going on if you want. Just if you have an idea that greatly changes what is going on at the moment, run it by me first.

    - You WILL RESPECT OTHERS! This should be self explanatory, but I'm going to explain anyway. I don't care if someone did something wrong in the RP and it got you upset. You DO NOT go to them, you GO TO ME! I will address the situation from there.

    - I will add more rules if I feel like I should.


    Oda City is a city that thrives on science and a new energy known as Spectro. It is divided into 3 different areas and each area has slightly different architecture. Anyone can freely roam the city, but the only way to get around to other districts, is to go through the Dynami district and cross the bridges.

    The Idenshi district is where there are mostly Spirox Users, and they live where there's a lot of high tech technology. It's where you can usually buy Spectro Rings to power whatever needs Spectro to work.

    The Kikei district is where the Mutants usually are and they live in a more run down area (but not so run down they live in shacks or anything like that). It could be categorised as the "not so good side of town". There are also rumors of a giant mutant that goes around eating anything it sees and disappears afterwards.

    Finally, the Dynami district. This is where humans that haven't been touched by the Spirox gene live. It is very futureistic and in the center of the district is Government property. It is the research facility where they hold the Spirox Antidote and it is always heavily guarded by Spirox Soldiers in ensure no one unauthorized can get in or out.

    On the Outskirts of the city is really mostly a wasteland, where the ground is cracked as far as the eye can see, big canyons and rocks surround the area. Nothing really special here.

    The city gets its power sources from Spectro. Everything uses Spectro Rings to get power and the rings can come is many sizes like batteries. The bigger they are, the more power you have. However, they don't last forever. Like batteries, they only have so much juice in them before they run out. You then have to replace them with new rings. The rings look like rings and are an icy blue color that give off a small glow. Weapons such as guns, missiles, or anything of those sorts need Specrto Rings to work. So do cars and other everyday needs.

    There are other Spectro Rings that are deemed as quite valuable; They are known as Ulti Rings. Ulti Rings are different from regular Spectro Rings because they can make weapons more powerful then they usually are. However, they are usually only available to authorized people in the government. However, some people sometimes sell them in black markets.


    As the stars began to slowly fade from the night, the sun began to rise. Hiro ran through an alleyway as if he were running from something. He frantically looked back and began hearing voices and footsteps coming after him. He then quickly looked at his surroundings and saw that there was a latter above a dumpster. He jumped into the dumpster and onto the latter and began to climb. Once he got onto the roof of the building he turned around to see if he was still being followed.

    About three people ran into the alley, all of them male, one with a gun. They looked around frantically and had angry looks on their faces. The "leader" of the small group cursed loudly and began to run the other way. Hiro smirked as he saw them leave and then reached into his button down shirt to pull out a Spectro Ring, "Idiots." He said as he looked at the ring, "What's so special about this one? It doesn't look any different from any other rings.." Hiro rolled his eyes, put the ring back in his shirt and began climbing back down. Once he was on the ground, he walked out if the alley way and turned a corner and suddenly bumped into someone, "Ouch!"

    Xero was walking along the side walk looking up at the stars as they slowly faded from the sky. Suddenly she felt something bump into her and she fell on the ground from being both startled and off balance. "Ouch!" She helped as she hit the ground. She rubbed her head as she looked up and saw a young man looking at her like he had just seen a ghost, "Um.. sorry?" Xero said awkwardly as she noticed something on the ground. She picked it up and noticed it was a Spectro Ring, "I think you dropped this." She said as she began to hand it back to him. She then noticed a few orange dots on the side if it and she gasped, " Wait.. Is this a--" The man quickly grabbed it out of her hand and began walking off, "Hey!" She shouted to him. The man only kept walking but she quickly walked back up to him, "What're you doing with an Ulti Ring?" She asked.

    Hiro stopped looked at the girl for a moment as she called it an "Ulti Ring". Was that why those guys were so butt hurt over him stealing it? Hiro then scoffed, "None of your business, get lost!"
    Thread by: -Xero-, Feb 22, 2014, 267 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. -Xero-
    So I was at a restaurant earlier and overheard a conversation behind me between a mother and her kid. She got mad at him about drawing on his arm and said, WORD FOR WORD, "Why did you draw on your arm?! You're never getting a tattoo! Take that crap off, it makes you look uneducated!" and I swear I almost turned around and told her off.

    I mean really? Are you freaking kidding me? Just because you have body art, it makes you automatically STUPID?! I think she's the uneducated one for thinking that just because you have something that she didn't approve of, it made you automatically stupid. Yeah, because that's totally how stuff works.

    I want to know what your opinions are about this...
    Thread by: -Xero-, Feb 21, 2014, 19 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  16. -Xero-



    Oda City: a place where science and freaks who have been experimented on thrive. Not exactly the best place you want to be caught wandering around at night.

    The city isn’t powered by any electricity; around 2100 scientists created some form of what they called a “new energy”. They said that it would save the world from burning so much fossil fuels and saving electricity. They called the energy they created Spectro; it could power anything, really. Cars, machinery, buildings, weapons, you name it. It could even power weapons of war.

    Then after that, in 2119, there was a breakout of some kind of new gene in newborns. They thought that it was some kind of evolution in the human brain. They began to examine these newborns, and as they grew older they began to notice things that you wouldn’t exactly deem as normal. They could do things… such as levitate, moving things without even touching them, or even fly.

    They took this gene and began to research it, and somehow modify it. They created an artificial gene from the ones they took from the newborns. With the artificial gene, they began to inject it into willing suspects and the side effects of it varied. Depending on the person, the side effects were things such as manipulating an element of nature, telekinesis, shape shifting, and the list goes on. It was a scientific breakthrough that soon ended up into government hands.

    The government would inject the gene into their soldiers and send them off for war. This artificial gene was then soon known as Spirox. However, the gene didn’t always have the side effect of gaining abilities. It would have a more negative effect if the suspect’s body decided to reject it. The suspect’s body would… change... drastically.

    The body would become something that wouldn’t even be classified as a human anymore. It would become mutated and the bone structure would also change making them have horns or spikes sometimes. They called those who had this side effect Mutants. But, technically, anyone who had the artificial gene was a mutant.

    There is an antidote for this gene that can negate the effects of the Spirox and technically turn the suspect back into a human being, whether or not they were born with or injected with the gene. But, it is hidden by the government, for they believe humans should evolve and become an even more powerful race. People began rioting due to them feeling that it wasn't right for them not to feel normal. Especially the Mutants. They wanted to feel human and not look like monsters.

    A riot soon broke out against the government, the mutants and even people with the Spirox gene. Mutants believed that people who didn't have a negative effect with the Spirox shouldn't have an antidote. The Spirox people believed that EVERYONE should have access to it, and the government thought that no one should have it, and they should evolve and become superior.



    Oda City is a city that thrives on science and a new energy known as Spectro. It is divided into 3 different areas and each area has slightly different architecture. Anyone can freely roam the city, but the only way to get around to other districts, is to go through the Dynami district and cross the bridges.

    The Idenshi district is where there are mostly Spirox Users, and they live where there's a lot of high tech technology. It's where you can usually buy Spectro Rings to power whatever needs Spectro to work.

    The Kikei district is where the Mutants usually are and they live in a more run down area (but not so run down they live in shacks or anything like that). It could be categorised as the "not so good side of town". There are also rumors of a giant mutant that goes around eating anything it sees and disappears afterwards.

    Finally, the Dynami district. This is where humans that haven't been touched by the Spirox gene live. It is very futureistic and in the center of the district is Government property. It is the research facility where they hold the Spirox Antidote and it is always heavily guarded by Spirox Soldiers in ensure no one unauthorized can get in or out.

    On the Outskirts of the city is really mostly a wasteland, where the ground is cracked as far as the eye can see, big canyons and rocks surround the area. Nothing really special here.

    The city gets its power sources from Spectro. Everything uses Spectro Rings to get power and the rings can come is many sizes like batteries. The bigger they are, the more power you have. However, they don't last forever. Like batteries, they only have so much juice in them before they run out. You then have to replace them with new rings. The rings look like rings and are an icy blue color that give off a small glow. Weapons such as guns, missiles, or anything of those sorts need Specrto Rings to work. So do cars and other everyday needs.

    There are other Spectro Rings that are deemed as quite valuable; They are known as Ulti Rings. Ulti Rings are different from regular Spectro Rings because they can make weapons more powerful then they usually are. However, they are usually only available to authorized people in the government. However, some people sometimes sell them in black markets.

    Spirox Users are usually more reliable on their abilities to fight. They are also considered stronger in the field of Spirox Abilities than Mutants are; however, they are physically weaker than Mutants.

    Mutants are usually more physical fighters than using abilities from the Spirox. They technically have a lot more physical strength and physical endurance than nonmutated people. They also have more "creature" like features such as horns, claws, etc. Mutants aren't as strong as Spirox Users when it comes to using Spirox Abilities. Just keep that in mind.

    Humans can usually be found around Dýnami. They can fight of course, but just not like Mutants or Spirox users. They can only use some form of self defense and/or with weapons.

    This RP has time periods. It is used to keep track of time in the RP (obviously) and your character must follow these time periods. THIS IS NOT A TIME LIMIT FOR ANYTHING. It is only ment to keep track of the days that have gone by in the RP.

    Morning is when your character will wake up and start their day. Night dwelling characters should start to wrap up what they're doing and sleep.

    Day is when your character does whatever they need to do in the RP.

    Evening is when your character should start to wrap things up with whatever they're doing. It is also when night dwelling characters should start appearing (if you have one).

    Night is when your character should stop what they're doing and sleep. Your character doesn't have to sleep however, BUT if they choose not to sleep, the longer they go without sleep, the more it will affect them in battle and everyday things. Just like real life.

    Time Period Key
    Morning = 3 Pages
    Day= 5 Pages
    Evening = 3 Pages
    Night = 5 Pages

    - No god modding or controlling others / killing others without permission.

    - SOME powerplay is allowed. SOME over powering is allowed too.

    - I will allow romance, just keep it PG-13.. no NSFW stuff.

    - You can have up to 5 characters. PLEASE BE SURE YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH THEM! Do not abuse this by killing off characters you just introduced to bring in a new one.

    - If you haven't posted in a week, you will be notified to do so. If you don't post in the next 3 days after notification, you will be booted and characters WILL be killed off. Unless you give a reason for not being able to post (not being motivated isn't an excuse).

    - You can be on any side (Mutants, Spirox User, or Human) and have your own views about the antidote. For example, you could be a Spirox User and you don't HAVE to think the antidote should be for everyone. You could side with the government and think that humans should evolve.

    - You don't have to do what everyone else is doing, you can have a side plot going on if you want. Just if you have an idea that greatly changes what is going on at the moment, run it by me first.

    - You WILL RESPECT OTHERS! This should be self explanatory, but I'm going to explain anyway. I don't care if someone did something wrong in the RP and it got you upset. You DO NOT go to them, you GO TO ME! I will address the situation from there.

    - I will add more rules if I feel like I should.


    You DON'T have to start off where each area has each person divided. Ex. You can be. Spirox user and start off where the Mutants usually live or vice versa.

    Also remember that "Mutants believe that people who didn't have a negative effect with the Spirox shouldn't have an antidote. The Spirox people believed that EVERYONE should have access to it, and the government thought that no one should have it, and they should evolve and become superior." BUT you don't have to go by this. It's more of a guide line to what's going on. Your character can have his or her own views towards things.


    All Spirox powers must be physical or mental! All abilities must be affiliated with that power!

    You cannot have powers that are:

    Spiritual / Aura related - this isn't going to be something that has to do with "how strong a spirit is" or whatever. Aura stuff is pretty much a "spiritual" thing as well.

    Life and Death related - life and death are sort of OP in a way. You can bring things back to/give things life or kill them however.

    Spellcasting - this is sort of OP and it in a way makes it to where you can have more than one power. I don't want that.

    Considered Magical - magical being like "spells" or something that isn't really considered a "super power" to put it simply.

    I will add more if I feel like I must.

    Spirox User
    Power:[/b] (Only 1)
    [B]Abilities:[/b] (You can have up to 10 Spirox abilities)
    [B]Weapons:[/b] (Optional)
    [B]Strengths:[/b] (What are good things about your character that makes them "strong"?)
    [B]Weaknesses:[/b] (What are the not so good things about your character that makes them "weak"?)
    [B]Starting Area:[/b] (which of the three areas are you starting off?)
    [B]Other:[/b] (Relationships, crushes, secrets, etc.)
    Mutated Features:[/b] (What about your character is mutated? Ex. They have horns, claws, wings, etc. )
    [B]Power:[/b] (Only 1 but it won't be as powerful as regular Spirox people)
    [B]Abilities:[/b] (You can have up to 5 Spirox abilities)
    [B]Weapons:[/b] (Optional)
    [B]Strengths:[/b] (What are good things about your character that makes them "strong"?)
    [B]Weaknesses:[/b] (What are the not so good things about your character that makes them "weak"?)
    [B]Starting Area:[/b] (which of the three areas are you starting off?)
    [B]Other:[/b] (Relationships, crushes, secrets, etc.)
    Weapons:[/b] (Optional)
    [B]Fighting Style:[b] (what form of martial arts does your character use?)
    [B]Strengths:[/b] (What are good things about your character that makes them "strong"?)
    [B]Weaknesses:[/b] (What are the not so good things about your character that makes them "weak"?)
    [B]Starting Area:[/b] (which of the three areas are you starting off?)
    [B]Other:[/b] (Relationships, crushes, secrets, etc.)
    Accepted Characters
    Spirox User ¦ Mutant ¦ Human

    1) Roe "Xero" Setsoku
    2) Hiro Shinohara
    3) Valinton Alchem Dolkka
    4) Ethel Queenstown
    5) Reno Fawkes

    Ryuko Matoi
    1) Doku
    2) Pele Ahi
    3) Dead

    1) Jim Anem (Deceased: Eaten)
    Erika Bugan
    2) Stephen Castra
    3) Arioch Firarze
    4) Caleb Stitem
    5) Darius

    1) Serena "Neko"
    2) Celsius Wynter
    3) "Damnation"
    4) Oerva
    5) Zeta Hephaestus

    1) Chrona
    2) Shroud
    3) Skorge
    4) Haru Shinryu
    5) Kaied

    1) Pride "Project VII"
    2) Clive Strider
    3) Dr. Johann Faust
    4) Sakurano Isamu
    5) Slade "The Black Devil" Wulf

    1) Xaria
    2) Zage
    3) Zylen

    1) Richie Paul
    2) Duncan Paul
    3) Joe Paul

    1) Alcatraz "Alcer" Gryffon
    2) Jak "Raiden" Skyre

    1) Damion
    2) Beucefilous

    1) Ayako

    1) Gamory

    1) Steven "Smolder" Solaris
    2) Walter "Animus" Dixon
    3) Belinda "Slithe" Dixon

    1) Blanc

    My Characters & NPCs

    Username: Xero
    Name: Roe "Xero" Setsoku
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female

    Power: Manipulation over Dark Energy (or "Corrupt" Energy)

    Xero can take the energy that exists around her, whether it be the electrical energy from a lightbulb, radio frequencies, etc. She can take the energy out of said things and channel it within her for a short time and corrupt the energy, then quickly release it and use it as dark energy.

    (These abilities are not Spirox related)

    - Good hand-eye coordination, enabling her to dodge/deflect some attacks. She is also quite nimble.

    - Quite acrobatic and has a high endurance. Due to a high endurance, she can take more damage than an average person could. Being acrobatic enables her to be able to jump fairly high and have good upper body strength.

    - Since she has a rather petite body, she can easily move around freely, enabling her to be able to have a lot of agility.

    (These are Spirox related abilities.)

    Black Shockwave - Can slam her scythe into the ground and pulsate huge shockwaves of dark energy.

    Damaging Shield - Can create a dark energy shield around her that can deflect attacks and also cause damage to anyone that comes in contact with it.

    Black Crescent - Can swing her scythe and shoot out a black, crescent shaped beam from the blade that attacks everything in its path.

    Obliviation - [LAST RESORT] Begins absorbing massive amounts of energy and releases it all at once, creating a gigantic blast of dark energy that is capable of obliterating anything within range and leaves a big creator of nothingness afterwards (Xero only uses this as a last resort due to the alarming amounts of energy it takes to use it and is capable if killing her afterwards and possibly even before she's actually able to use it).

    (These are obviously what makes her weak.)

    - She tends to only focus on what's in front of her and whatever is in range of her vision. She is most vulnerable from behind.

    - She can only use so much dark energy at once before it becomes lethal. The more she uses it, the faster she becomes fatigued.

    - She can't touch the energy in living things.

    - She must do her corruption method quickly, if so much energy is within her for too long it can severely harm or even kill her unless she is able to release it I'm time.

    Weapons: Collapsible Scythe

    Strengths: Nice, caring, stands up for herself, doesn't take crap from others, imaginative, expresses herself, confident around people she knows, likes helping others.

    Weaknesses: Afraid of bugs/spiders, has anger issues, short temper, leaps to conclusions, very prone to emotional stress, acts on impulse, doesn't plan things out usually, quite stubborn, kind of sarcastic, not good with talking to people she doesn't know.

    Starting Area: Idenshi

    Bio: Since Xero was a child, she was able to manipulate dark energy and she eventually taught herself how to fight with it. She had a rather tough time growing up. She was bullied for having such a strange power and for having the Spirox gene within her. When she was fifteen, she came home to see her parents dead and saw someone flee out her window. She has now been set on finding, and killing whoever killed her parents.

    Username: Xero
    Name: Hiro Shinohara
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male

    Power: Manipulation over Fire
    (These are not Spirox related abilities)

    Hand to Hand Combat - Hiro is very skilled when it comes to hand to hand and close range combat. He will usually do this combined with his fire abilities

    Thermal Resistance - Hiro is not immune to fire. He can resist temperatures up to 10,000 degrees F.

    Alert - Hiro is very alert of his surroundings, making him able to have heightened reflexes if someone comes up from behind him.

    (These are Spirox abilities)

    Flame Pillars - Hiro can make pillars of fire shoot out from the ground below and also attack from afar with this.

    Fire Ball - Hiro can create various sizes of Fire Balls and launch them at his opponent.

    Flame Body - Hiro can completely engulf his body in his own flames or any other parts if his limbs and fight with them to enhance his blows.

    Inferno - [LAST RESORT] Hiro can create a massive explosion of fire that cab destroy a very large office building (He only uses this as a last resort for it can take his life afterwards if he doesn't have proper control over his fire).

    Black Fire - If Hiro uses Black fire, he can use all of the same abilities he already has but they are enhanced as he uses this. He also risks losing control not only of his fire, but of his conscious as well, making him vulnerable of possession from Shiro. Another thing he risks, is having unintended casualties with allies. Black Fire is inextinguishable and is very troublesome to control, and can cause lethal backfire if not used properly. So he rarely uses this.


    - Hiro cannot use his fire abilities if there is little to no Oxygen in the air. He also can't use his fire if he is in water / if it is raining.

    - Hiro must have proper control over his fire. Meaning he must have great concentration while fighting. If this is broken, the fire can become catastrophic and harm others unintentionally.

    Weapons: Fists engulfed in flames. Or whatever he finds on the ground.

    Strengths: Protective of those he sees as friends, can be nice at times (but once they notice he goes back to being a grumpy butt)

    Weaknesses: Almost always grumpy about something, sarcastic, stubborn, doesn't like most things, has trust issues, short temper, likes to be alone, tries not to show his emotional side

    Starting Area: Idenshi

    Bio: Hiro was taken into a research facility in Dynami when he was 13 and had lived there as a resident for 8 years. While he was there, the doctors injected the Spirox gene into him and he soon gained his fire abilities. When he turned 19 he became fed up with being treated as a test subject and set the facility in flames and escaped to the Idenshi area. He now lives in hiding in hopes of also finding the antidote.

    Other: He sometimes hears a voice in his head that eventually dives him crazy and he also sees a person that looks just like him just with black hair and an alternate personity. He has named this voice Shiro (in other words, he's pretty much schizophrenic).

    Username: Xero
    Name: Valinton Alchem Dolkka
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Mutated Features: Has dragonic horns and claws on his hands, skin is pale white, eyes are dragonic as well.

    Power:Has dragonic abilities

    - Very good with tactics. He is good at planning things out and observing things during battle.

    - Master swordsman. Knows how to use swords and can fight with almost any type of sword.

    - Very agile. Valinton is quick, and well coordinated with his attacks.


    Scale Armor - Valinton can make his skin become scale like and hard and act as armor.

    Dragon Roar - Valinton can roar like a dragon and create an earth shattering sound wave.

    Blade Retraction - Valinton can make blade like "scales" retract from his arms and fight with them.

    Enhanced Strength and Durability- Valinton is much stronger and more durable than most.


    - He has the fundamental weaknesses of a dragon's body.

    Weapons:Two katanas and claws

    Strengths: Good with words, well coordinated

    Weaknesses: Hates losing

    Starting Area: Dynamiol

    Bio: Valinton was injected with the Spirox gene and evidently his body rejected it and he became dragonic. He soon began to love the power he gained but was soon shunned by other mutants for actually liking his mutations. Valinton only ignored the others and wanted to find a way to make his new found powers stronger.

    Other: He is affiliated with Damnation. Also hardly ever shows any emotion.

    Username: Xero
    Name: Ethel Queensland
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female

    Power: Manipulation over Gravity

    - Ethel is a rather smart woman and is good at improvising during heated moments. This enables her to be able to quickly think of a clever plan on the spot. However, things won't always go as planned, but most of the time they do.


    Gravitational Field Manipulation - Ethel can control gravitational fields and bend gravity to make the environment very "heavy" or very "light". Her power over gravity also enables her to cause objects to "fall" toward other objects, instead of the earth, or flatten objects.
    Gravity Crush / Float - Ethel can increase the gravity around an opponent to crush them, or to make them unable to move from the "weight" of the gravity. She can also decrease gravity around her opponent and cause them to float in the air to render them defenseless.
    Force Field - Ethel can create a gravitational force field to repel objects and attacks.

    Repel / Attract - Ethel is capable of repelling and attracting objects with her acting as the epicenter. She can repulse matter, and energy regardless of its mass, similar to magnetism. She can attract objects as well in a telekinetic manner.

    Concussion Beam / Blast - Ethel can repulse people or objects and with enough force it can shatter wood, rocks, and human bones.


    - Distance and the amount of force depends on her strength and skill .


    Strengths: Smart, good with tactics, witty, confident, doesn't usually hesitate

    Weaknesses: Quiet, a bit sadistic, shy, can be emotional

    Starting Area: Dynami

    Bio: Ever since the man Ethel was involved with suddenly disappeared, she assumed he was dead and left for a different life. She had went to a city far away that was in a whole different country. Now she decided to return to Oda City, for she feels that she would maybe, just maybe find him again.

    Ethel was also born with the Spirox Gene.

    Other: Has known Damnation since before his mutation.

    Username: Xero
    Name: Reno Fawkes
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Mutated Features: Has spikes/horns on his head and some on his ears. Some natural red markings on his face, and feathers growing from his head like hair.

    Power: Extreme Speed
    Supernatural Speed

    Accelerated Vision: The user's mind and eyes process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down, allowing the user to easily perceive what would normally be moving too fast to see and respond accordingly.

    Enhanced Durability: The user's physical durability (ability to endure/resist damage) is extremely high, allowing them to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects.

    Enhanced Stamina: The user's body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins in their blood, allowing them to be physically active for considerably longer periods of time than the average member of the user's species.

    Enhanced Reflexes: User has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.

    Flash Step: User can perform a burst of speed that allows the user to move so fast it appears as if they have teleported, many users can sustain only short dashes. In most cases the user is able to maneuver at the high speeds accurately and does not cause any shock or disturbance to the surface they stop on.

    , also knows martial arts.

    Strengths: He is loyal to his friends

    Weaknesses: He doesn't give a damn about what people say, he doesn't like being told what to do, has a tad bit of an ego

    Starting Area: Idenshi

    Bio: Reno was born a mutant and was bullied thoughout his childhood. He wanted to have the antidote to become a human so the bullying would stop, but then soon came to realize he didn't need to give a damn what people thought of him. He was a mutant and proud to look like a badass.



    You can fight these guys if your character encounters them.

    Name: "Colossian"
    Age: ??
    Gender: Male
    Mutated Features: Everything. There isn't a single trace of any human features left. He has become a rampaging animal that has no control of his human mind anymore.

    Power: Camouflage
    - Colossian can make his coloration blend with the coloration of his background to avoid optical perception.

    Weapons: Giant claws, giant spikes on tail, giant teeth, his head, and his feet.

    Bio: Colossian was injected with the Spirox and it went horribly wrong as his body rejected the gene. Over time, his body never stopped mutating and eventually he became how he is now. He now roams Oda City unseen due to him always having his Camouflage active. He also goes around eating other Mutants, Spirox Users, and even Humans when he feels hungry. Only a few have actually seen the monster without his camouflage.

    Other: The nickname "Colossian" was given to him because 1) no one knows his actual name anymore, and 2) he is the larget mutant to roam the city (15 feet tall).

    Name: Rendel Melendez (General Melendez)
    Age: 35
    Gender: Male
    Power: Telepathy

    Illusion Manipulation: The ability to manipulate what others perceive, such as making them see things that aren't actually present, or not see things that are.

    Darkside View: The ability to communicate with and bring out the dark side of a person's personality.

    Pain Inducement: The ability to induce an illusion of pain.

    Thought Manipulation: The ability to control the thoughts of others.

    Psychic Energy Manipulation: The ability to produce and manipulate mental energy. (This is affiliated with telepathy, look at the link if you don't believe me.)
    - Can create concussive blasts of mental energy
    - Can create and discharge a destructive psychic energy across a wide range.

    Copied and pasted cause I'm lazy:

    Weapons: AR-15

    Strengths: Can talk people into getting what he wants

    Weaknesses: Short temper

    Bio: Melendez is the General of the government forces in Oda City. He was injected with the Spirox, knowing full well that he had a chance of mutating. But he wanted power. He is the one that hid away the Spirox Antidote and told people to guard it. He believes people should embrace the gene and evolve. Melendez is also a Spirox User and uses his powers to his advantage.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Feb 19, 2014, 77 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. -Xero-
    I've been drawing pretty much all my life and although I do always get complements about how "amazing" I draw, I feel like I need someone to tell me what I've done wrong or something I could do differently so I can improve. I feel stuck at the current level I am at now and I would really like to improve even more. However it's a bit hard to do that when people always just complement you. I'm not saying its a bad thing that I get complements, I just want someone to actually give me an honest critique and tell me what I can do better and such.

    So here are a few pieces I've done that are done digitally and in pencil. PLEASE give me an HONEST critique about them and give me some tips on what I can do to improve later on!


    Thread by: -Xero-, Nov 26, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. -Xero-

    Many eons ago dragons ruled and inhabited the world and wielded magic that allowed them to control the elements of the world: Fire, Water, Ice, Earth, Wind, and Electricity. With these elements that the dragons wielded, dragons were easily known as the superior race. But one day, two very unique and special dragons were born: Darkol and Levell. Two twin dragons that wielded something that was not of the regular elements of the earth. They wielded a much different set of elements.

    Darkol wielded elements such as Poison, Destruction, Weather, Darkness, and Death. Levell wielded elements such as Healing, Recreation, Gravity, Light, and Life. These two dragons were quite different from each other but, they were encouraged to keep practicing their abilities. However, Darkol began to want more and wanted to find a way to enhance his abilities to the max. But his powers knew no limit, and once the Elder Dragons began to notice, they forbid him to find the power he wanted.

    Levell began to worry for her brother, for he seemed to change. She believed that the powers he possessed were too much for him and that he was not ready to wield the elements he had. Outraged, Darkol began to secretly train under the Dragon Temple he lived in. He had found a small cave on the side of the cliff that the Temple was on. But this secret training did not last forever; soon the Elder Dragons found out and came to realize that Darkol would not stop. Fearing that his search for power would soon corrupt him, the Elder Dragons exiled Darkol from the Dragon Temple.

    Levell was soon named the new Maiden of the Dragon Temple once the Elder Dragons have passed on. Darkol was soon forgotten, and no one knows where he had disappeared to; until an attack on the Dragon Temple was made. Levell was heartbroken to find out that the attack was made single handedly by her brother Darkol. He had become much stronger than the last time she saw him, and she was defeated by him and killed.

    Darkol had forcefully taken Levell’s place as the Maiden of the Dragon Temple and now became the Ruler of the Dragon Temple. Once he had this power, he exiled all of the dragons in the city and in the Dragon Temple, and had divided the country in half. The side where Darkol and his followers stayed was called Tenebris Regnum (Latin for The Dark Realm), dubbed the Forbidden Realm, and the side that inhabits the exiled is called Regni Lucis (Latin for The Realm of Light) and is dubbed the Country of Exiles.

    It has been about one thousand years since Darkol has taken over and The Country of Exiles has begun planning an attack on the Forbidden Realm. They are hoping to take back what once belonged to them and to avenge Levell’s death.


    OKAY! I know the end of the plot didn’t exactly seem clear as to what you’re supposed to do. I intended to do that because I want you to sort of do your own thing and have your own sort of character development. However, the attack on the Forbidden Realm does have to happen eventually.

    Anyway, here’s a list of NPCs, Elements you can use, and Positions you can be in. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me about them.


    Twin Dragons
    Darkol – Ruler of the Dragon Temple; Element is Darkness; Male; 2,743 years-old

    Levell – Maiden of the Dragon Temple; Element is Light; Female; 2,743 years-old (Deceased)

    Elder Dragons
    Ignis – Master of the Fire Element; Leader of the Elder Dragons; Male; 4,879 years old (Deceased)

    Glacies – Master of the Ice Element; Female; 3,211 years-old (Living)

    Terrae – Master of the Earth Element; Male; 3,255 years-old (Deceased)

    Fulgur – Master of the Electricity Element; Male; 4,553 years-old (Deceased)

    Leaders of the Realms
    Saltus – Leader of the Country of Exiles; Element is Earth; Female; 2,356 years-old

    Ros – Second in command of the Country of Exiles; Element is Water; Male; 2,346 years-old

    Mortem – Army Commander of the Forbidden Realm; Darkol’s right hand man; Element is Destruction; Male; 2,345 years-old



    Dragons Only
    Only DRAGONS can use these Elements! However some are limited (see limited elements).


    *Limited Elements
    Life – Due to it being able to bring something back to life AND it can create life. It is limited because, if one of your characters die a dragon who has this element can bring that character back to life, however in exchange for bringing something back to life, they die in return. Just ask me if you can use this and tell me what you plan to have the abilities based off of it are.

    Death – Due to it being able to possibly animate a corpse, kill everything in one’s surroundings (which will be banned by the way), causing things to decompose, etc. It is VERY LIMITED. I shouldn’t really have to explain why. Just ask me if you can use this and tell me what you plan to have the abilities based off of it are.

    Positions are what you are in the RP pretty much.

    Tactician – You help plan out things and are quite skilled at winging things on the spot.
    Soldier – You are the one that goes into battle. You can fight and you are good at it.
    Guard – You help keep up security and you keep away either Darkol’s goons or the Exiles.
    Messenger – You send messages to others far and wide by the generals and leaders.
    Spy – You get sent into the enemy’s forces to act as a recruit and find out their plans.
    Pedestrian – You are merely a town’s folk. You can switch to either of the positions later on if you chose.


    The Boarder Line/Cascade Bridge – This is where the two countries of Tenebris Regnum and Regni Lucis are separated. It is a giant bridge that is over a river. At the end of the river is a giant dam where a lake is behind it.

    Locations in Tenebris Regnum (Forbidden Realm)

    • Draco – A city where dragons and other creatures were once welcomed and the atmosphere was lively. Now it is an almost barren city now filled with fear. The Dragon Temple is located in this city with Darkol inside. However, this city has Darkol’s guards everywhere and a wall all around it, making it currently off limits to those who want in.

    • Illuminas – A city where light once shined down and made the crystal buildings shine. Now it is a city of darkness and gloom.

    • Virtútis – A town where the residents seem to like violence and brutality. They often have tournaments where others fight until they either pass out or die.

    • Aeternus – A town near Cascade Bridge. Some areas in the town secretly help the Exiles of Levell. However, some of Darkol’s guards are there making sure the Exiles don’t cross over.

    Locations in Regni Lucis (Country of Exiles)

    • Florem – A town that has much vegetation and where many dragons of the Plant Element live. However, the plant life seems to be dying around the small town.

    • Jactacus – A village where most dragons of the Electric Element thrive. It is near Cascade Bridge.

    • Timor – A run down town where it is quite dark and there always seems to be dark clouds above the town. The atmosphere is rather gloomy and dark. The residents there are quite mischievous and not so friendly.

    • Bellum – A city where the plans and meetings to attack the Forbidden Realm are secretly being held. Guards are also in this city keeping up security against any of Darkol’s goons. It is where Saltus and Ros are currently located.


    [1] No god modding, powerplay, overpowering, flaming, killing off others without permission, and controlling others without permission.

    [2] NO HUMANS! This takes place before humans even existed. You CAN be something else besides a dragon but it has to be some kind of animal or fantasy animal such as a griffon for example (no human hybrids).

    [3] NO ONE LINERS! Try to make each post three sentences or more (a paragraph would be best for a minimum amount).

    [4] If you haven’t posted for a week I will send you a reminder to post. If you haven’t posted a week after I sent you the reminder then you will be booted from the RP and if you posted, your character will be killed off.

    [5] Keep this PG-13. No hardcore romance crap. SOME swearing is allowed, don’t go overboard.

    [6] Please try to go into some detail with your character forms. You can have as many characters as you want BUT MAKE SURE YOU CAN KEEP TRACK OF THEM!!! And don’t kill off your character you just posted as four posts later! Wait a while before you decide that you really want to kill them off.

    [6.5] I will be the one to control NPCs such as Darkol. I may add some more NPCs later as the story progresses.

    [7] Don’t be afraid to throw in plot twists. Feel free to make sub plots for your characters as well. Have fun with it!

    [7.5] If the sub plot you are planning that might end up majorly changing the plot, I ask that you ask me about it first.

    [8] You are able to change sides but don’t do it after the first few posts you posted as that character.



    Age: (around 100 = child, around 500 = teenager, around 800 = adult, 2000 and above = Elder. DRAGONS ARE NOT IMMORTAL! Keep the years around 100 to 4500!)
    Element: (you can only have one element that your dragon has mastered. Other elements your dragon isn’t as powerful with)
    Other Elements: (Only two; optional)
    Abilities: (These have to be based off of the elements you chose)
    Side: (Are a Darkol Follower or an Exile of Levell)
    Position: (Tactician, Soldier, Guard, Messenger, Spy, Pedestrian)
    Starting Location:
    Other Info:


    Age: (Ages only from 1 to 200. Animal ages are much different form humans.)
    Element: (Only one)
    Abilities: (These have to be based off of the element you chose)
    Side: (Are a Darkol Follower or an Exile of Levell)
    Position: (Tactician, Soldier, Guard, Messenger, Spy, Pedestrian)
    Starting Location:
    Other Info:
    Thread by: -Xero-, Sep 27, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. -Xero-

    No I did not know that there was a PokePark game named Wonders Beyond..


    Reshiram, Zekrom. These legendary Pokémon have been battling over something that no one is sure about. They say it is for Ideals and Truth, but no one is certain. With the two Pokémon of Yin and Yang fighting and fighting, they have caused mass destruction across the land. Many exploration teams have tried and failed to quell these two Pokémon from fighting, some costing them their lives.

    Lately other Pokémon have started fighting about Ideals and Truth as well... Soon it will become an all-out war between Ideal and Truth. Due to the twin dragons leaving a trail of destruction wherever they went as they fought, they ended up destroying other towns and leaving barren wastelands of them. Even Treasure Town was destroyed in the crossfire. If these two continue fighting, what will become of this land? Let alone, the world?

    The Legendary Pokémon of the world have begun to notice the mass destruction the twins have caused and began to take action. They have begun to search for a Pokémon that is related to the Pokémon of Yin and Yang…the Pokemon of Wuji, Kyurem.

    They have informed other Pokémon of Kyurem and how it can help quell the twin dragons. Pokémon have searched far and wide for this Pokémon and have found no trace of it. Some are now thinking that Kyurem is only a myth, which it never existed. Pokémon have begun to lose hope and ceased searching for the Pokémon; many now angered at the other legendary Pokémon for believing that theyhad given them false hope…

    Thankfully, there is a place in a town called Aura Town named the Explorers’ Guild. They still believe that Kyurem is indeed real, and have multiple exploration teams going out to search for it. But time is running short, Reshiram and Zekrom are said to be heading toward the town and it won’t be long until they leave the town in ruins once they get there.


    You have been chosen by the Explorers’ Guild in Aura Town to help out with our search for Kyurem! Please read the rules of the guild and fill out the information below and come to the guild in person to complete your registration.


    1. NO LEGENDARY POKÉMON OR 6TH GEN POKÈMON (AT LEAST UNTIL THE GAME IS RELEASED)! Other than that, you can be whatever you like. If your Pokémon evolves, it MUST be in its un-evolved state when you start the RP! Yes, you CAN be a shiny; just don’t make your whole team shiny. Keep it to one shiny Pokémon per team.

    2. For appearances, you ARE allowed to make MINOR changes to a Pokémon such as:
    -Two different eye colors
    - Slightly different fur/skin pattern and/or color (PLEASE NO NEON COLORS OR REDICULOUS PATTERNS LIKE CHECKERS FOR EXAMPLE)
    - If you like, I can make a sprite of your Pokémon; just ask me (this includes accessories). c:

    3. Accessories. You will have to buy these throughout the RP with money you earned from missions. The “default” accessory you automatically get after joining the guild/signing up for the RP is a handkerchief of any color you want.

    4. I will be the one who decides what moves you start off with and the moves you learn as you level up. I will be going by the levels that Pokémon learns the move(s).

    5. As GM (Game Master) I will be the only one to control NPCs and Mission Bosses.

    6. Don’t be afraid to do your own thing while on a mission. Just don’t go off too far from the main plot and BE SURE to complete the mission!

    7. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO BATTLE DAMAGE CALCULATIONS! I will be doing all of that along with EXP and Leveling stuff.

    8. You can only have FOUR accessories on at a time!

    9. No godmodding, SOME power play is allowed, and no killing off others.

    10. Please keep posts over 3 sentences long

    11. If we are waiting on one person, after two days I will move om if the plot line at the time allows it without people getting left to far behind. If you haven't posted after a week without giving me any notification, you will be booted off the RP and your characters will be killed off. So be sure to notify my of any reason why you can't post.

    12. You can only have one main character. You can switch out the Pokèmon you have on your team but the character you signed up with must ALWAYS be on your team!​


    Team Name:
    Accessories: (Put the color you want here) Handkerchief
    Appearance: (I don’t want any neon green Pikachus or whatever walking around…)


    Different natures have different stat boosters, while another stat is sacrificed; however there are 5 that are nullified meaning that they have no effect at all on the stat. So choose carefully about what you want.


    Adamant (-SpATK)
    Brave (-SPD)
    Lonely (-DEF)
    Naughty (-SpDEF)

    Bold (-ATK)
    Relaxed (-SPD)
    Impish (-SpATK)
    Lax (-SpDEF)

    Modest (-ATK)
    Mild (-DEF)
    Quiet (-SPD)
    Rash (-SpDEF)

    Calm (-ATK)
    Gentle (-DEF)
    Sassy (-SPD)
    Careful (-SpATK)

    Timid (-ATK)
    Hasty (-DEF)
    Jolly (-SpATK)
    Naïve (-SpDEF)


    Here’s a few things you’ll need to know about the RP itself.

    1. HP – Hit Points: How much health you have before you’re KO’d.

    2. PP – Power Points: The energy you require in order to use an attack; once the attack has run out of PP, you will be unable to use it.

    3. ATK – Attack: Your physical attack power used for physical attacks.

    4. SpATK – Special Attack: Your special attack power used for special attacks.

    5. SPD – Speed: Your overall speed.

    6. DEF– Defense: Your physical defense against physical attacks.

    7. SpDEF – Special Defense: Your special defense against special attacks.

    8. ABLY – Ability: An ability you have that helps you in battle.

    9. TP – Type: It’s what you’re categorized as.
    10. SPEC – Species: It’s what you are.

    11. MVS – Move Set: It’s the moves you know that you use in battle.

    12. NTR – Nature: It’s in your nature mate.
    13. EXP – Experience Points: The stuff that helps you level up. How good are ya?

    14. TM – Technical Machine: These can teach you different moves to use in battle.

    15. HM – Hidden Machine: These can teach you special moves that you can use to get to different places you aren’t able to get to without them.

    Thread by: -Xero-, Sep 13, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. -Xero-


    It was the year 2025 when the ones we called Keshins started mysteriously appearing here and there. We didn’t know what they were or why they came, all we knew was that they were vicious and evil. Whenever one would appear, they destroyed everything in their way; cities would be destroyed in mere seconds and we couldn’t do anything about it. We didn’t know how they would get here, they just somehow appeared. It wasn’t long after that they began to multiply in appearances.

    The government began to build a giant nuclear missile that they called H.O.P.E. and began to build underground shelters for us. They planned to launch the missile in hopes to “cleanse” the world of the Keshins. When the day came to launch the missile, everyone was crammed in the underground shelters and when the missile went off, it completely wiped the earth.

    However, even though everyone was safe from when the bomb went off, there was so much radiation that it began to reach into the shelters; people began to slowly die off. Eventually there were only a few thousand people left in the world (like around 800,000 people), but some ended up gaining special abilities after being exposed to the radiation.

    Sadly, we soon found out that the Keshins only kept coming after the wipeout. Soon after this, scientists began to create massively sized hybrid creatures they called Guardians. Only a select few people that had special abilities were able to connect with the Guardians through synchronization with their brains. Once synchronized with the Guardian, the person can fight alongside them during battles with enemies such as the Keshins; and also telepathically communicate with each other. However, due to the way the Guardians and people are synchronized with each other, if the Guardian died so did the other and vice versa.

    We soon found out that the Keshins began taking over our world while we hid in the shelters underground. Keshins came in all different shapes and sizes; some are giants the size of skyscrapers while others where the size of a small dog. Keshins usually had really thick skin or super hard scales used as armor; they even began developing defense mechanisms such as being able to spray acid, creating an electrical shockwave, etc.

    The people with Guardians were sent out to eliminate the Keshins on sight so we could take back our world. However, some people and their Guardians went rouge and began to start fights with other people and their Guardians. They say that they went rouge because they believed that they only reason that the Keshins would attack us is because WE were attacking THEM; and they thought that we could live alongside the Keshins.


    - NO GODMODDING OR OVERPOWERING. SOME power play will be allowed but don’t go overboard. Don’t flame othersand if there is a problem between two RPers, don’t come here with your drama. No one else wants to hear about it.

    - Please have a minimum of ONE PARAGRAPH each post and NO WALLS OF TEXT! Please divide it into PARAGRAPHS because walls of text are very hard to read.

    - You may have as many characters as you want but please make sure that you will be able to keep up with them. You can also kill off your character if you wish but DO NOT kill off another’s character without their permission.

    - SOME swearing will be allowed, don’t go overboard with it. Also, if you have some sort of romance between two characters, keep it to a minimal.

    - Blood and gore is defiantly welcome here! Just don’t make it too graphic.

    - Please don’t join if you do not have time to role play. If you don’t post after a week without telling us why, you will be booted from the RP. Also, don’t continuously nag others to post.

    - If any ideas you have that will majorly effect the plot, please run it by me first.

    - You may TEMPORARALY play as a Keshin if you are fighting one.

    - If any other things come up that I don’t exactly approve of, I will add it to the rules.


    The rp will start off in an abandoned and ruined city is slowly falling apart from the explosion of the H. O. P. E. Missile. The atmosphere is brutally destroyed and filled with radiation. A normal human being wouldn't be able to last five minutes in the area. It is a VERY big city with lots of big buildings, so no matter how big something is, it will still be hard to see unless you're up close to it. It could very well be crawling with Keshins and you wouldn't be able to tell unless you hear one roar.

    Time of day: Night
    Year: 2045 (20 years after)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Iris was riding on the back of her Guardian Scorpio as they wandered through the destroyed city of a now forgotten name. She was a Rouge Master... But not like any of the other Rouges out there that fought for the Keshins, she went rouge because she was tired of taking orders from the Resistance. Also because she was tired of being cooped up in a shelter that was isolated from everything.

    "I wonder if we'll find anyone in this godforsaken place. How long has it been since we last saw another human being besides those damn Keshins?" Iris asked her Guardian with a bit of a frustrated expression. Scorpio sighed, his voice echoed in Iris 's head as he spoke, 'I really don't know... Maybe if we get to higher ground we'll actually be able to see something.' he said as he walked on the ground of the city. He then used his abilities over gravity to lift himself up from the ground and levitate higher off the ground. When he couldn't go any higher, he still only saw a cluster of buildings. He growled and then went back to the ground, "Guess we'll have to keep looking then. " Iris said.
    Thread by: -Xero-, Aug 28, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home