In your Bed O:!!!
Yep!!! I'm going to miss the full head of ginger hair.
Lies!!!!! I saw what you did last night ;D
Let's fuck.
I went over the about seven days ago :P And guess who just got all his hair mutilated off? TT_TT
That's hawt. I love the wrestler part :]
Homo. :]
So wait... If I eat her...
Or are you a druggie!??! O:!! hah no prob.
Yeah she's pretty. but she's a druggie and she's going out with a druggie/drinker. sooo :P
ahahaha, someone actuall;y derepped me for this xDDD that's rather lulzy.
Done, and Done :D
It's not that simple, J.D., It's just not that simple. ...My C.D.s are in CtR's truck.
I hate you all. You're all just so fucking annoying. You guys need to learn when to drop a fad. it's like you're all a bunch of sheep following one fuckin ******. You're all like the 18 year old virgin that goes to a stripper and just attempts to do what he saw on porn videos that he jacked off to for so long. You all also have no clue when a person means nothing of what he just said.
You look like a girl at my school :P lol random statement.
No .
And none of you know who she is, fer sure. :P But i've been officially "whipped" But i'm loving it. She probably wont even see this at all though, so oh well.
pshhh my friends are betterrr D: hahajk.
Jeans that are happy... Sounds... KINKY?! ;] loljk.
Yes, i believe we did ;D