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  1. Trigger
    send feet pix lol jk haha unless?
    Thread by: Trigger, Dec 4, 2020, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Trigger

    This was only just announced on the Japanese PlayStation Blog but the website is also already functional in multiple languages (including English) and with both my European and US account

    My PlayStation lets you access PSN features through a browser, such as checking your friend lists, viewing/accepting friend requests and sending messages (including those cute PS stamps) to your PSN friends. You can also view your trophies and check/edit your profile.

    PlayStation Blog Japan also writes that in the future, SEN account managing features will be migrated to My PlayStation as well.

    These features were already available in the mobile app, so I guess you can see My PlayStation as a web version of that.
    Thread by: Trigger, Feb 24, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  3. Trigger

    best girl Ivy is back
    Thread by: Trigger, Feb 22, 2018, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Trigger
    I can go back all the way back to the 8 bit era.

    However, I have a hard time going back to pre-NES. Most of the games I enjoyed on those pre-NES systems are arcade ports, not originals. While Pitfall was novel, I cannot play it with any enjoyment today.

    But, I can have tons of fun with many NES and Master System games to this day and I'm still exploring those libraries.
    Thread by: Trigger, Feb 14, 2018, 19 replies, in forum: Gaming
  5. Trigger

    Interesting study. Even in a world where there were no ethnic inequality or negative stereotypes I think a lot of people would still wind up with ethnic preferences. Black woman brushes past you as a child and from then on you find curly dark hair hot forever. Definitely the big trends are shaped by ethnic inequalities, but there are a lot of people who are exceptions to the big trends and still have this fetish or that. It’s all a crap shoot what experiences with various ethnicity (or just various physical traits) that we have in our sexual imprinting phase.
    Thread by: Trigger, Feb 14, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. Trigger
    With the release of Monster Hunter World, I am yet again reminded that most of my favorite games are developed in Japan. The question as to why has been at the back of my mind for a long time, but I think it comes down to one simple concept; prioritizing gameplay over everything else. As PCs and consoles get more powerful, it seems that the goal of having fun gameplay has mysteriously eluded some Western developers.

    Take Horizon Zero Dawn for instance. I love sci-fi and fantasy, and my favorite genre of video games is Action RPG. I should have loved it, but I bounced off after a dozen or so hours due to one very specific reason. I wasn't having fun with the combat. At least, not compared to Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, or Yakuza. While Horizon Zero Dawn looks beautiful, has good voice acting, and tells a compelling story, it lacked the combat to tie it all together. By all rights, it should have been one of my favorite games of last year. I'm sad that it wasn't.

    One of the more egregious examples is the Uncharted series. While I marveled at Uncharted 2 when it released, the spell wore off after shooting the millionth bad guy with the most 'by the numbers' gameplay imaginable. It wasn't bad, not at all, but the combat played second fiddle to presentation. The pretty graphics, voice acting, and a story that wasn't terrible (sounds familiar, right?). When Uncharted 4 came out, I didn't even play it. I had zero interest. I was done with the series. It's pure spectacle. There are many other games that suffer from the same issue. Assassin's Creed, The Order: 1886, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Quantum Break.

    This isn't to say that Japanese games are always better. They get a lot wrong. Some games don't have the level of polish you may have come to expect from modern games, and it seems like some developers really don't understand how the internet works (I'm looking at you Nintendo). I'm also not a fan of the uninspired designs and tropey characters that plague a lot of JRPGs, but what I love about Japanese developers is that they aren't afraid to let a game be a game! I love having an armored cat battle monsters with me in Monster Hunter. I love swinging comically large weapons at even larger and amazingly designed bosses in FROM's games. I love running around in a cardboard box as Snake and laying down adult magazines as traps for the enemies. I love jumping on fang toothed mushrooms as a plumber. It's ridiculous and fantastical, but most importantly, fun! They don't take themselves as seriously as their Western counterparts. I'm sure there are reasons behind why that is, but I'm just so glad I live in a time where I can enjoy the products of another country so far away as much as I do.

    So, thanks Japan.
    Thread by: Trigger, Feb 14, 2018, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Trigger
    I mean both have:
    1. A protagonist with some type of ancient power (be it demon or ability to control all elements) that bestows an expectation and social stigma around them
    2. An angsty character who steals half the showtime and switches alliances constantly while following their "dark path" thanks to a dark past with their family
    3. Said angsty character having rivalry with their siblings
    4. Elemental based powers
    5. Council of those who rule the land
    6. Badass quiet kids who have highly unnaturally high skill controlling the Earth elements
    7. Everyone gets paired off at the end
    8. Spin-off shows about new generations exploring new timeline in the settings that fans constantly cannot agree if they have any worth
    There has to be something to this.
    Thread by: Trigger, Feb 13, 2018, 11 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Trigger
    if so what do you listen to? for years i've kept a fan by my bed that i usually have on medium or low. i have trouble sleeping in silence so this helps a lot.
    Thread by: Trigger, Feb 12, 2018, 16 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. Trigger
    hey they announced a lot of stuff

    new monster hunter world trailer, you get an aloy (from horizon zero dawn) costume if you're on ps4. beta launches december 9th, lasts a minimum 3 days

    new sucker punch game called ghost of tsushima. it's an open world samurai game looks rad

    the last of us 2 trailer where they beat a girl with a hammer cause lol so edgy and dark and mature please respect video games as an art form!!!!!!!! who cares

    some god of war footage

    spider man stuff

    far cry 5 coop trailer, looks like a fun romp in the south with a buddy

    more shadow of the colossus remake footage. comes out february 6 for $40 usd

    detroit become human trailer but it's david cage so honestly who cares

    call of duty lol

    concrete genie for all your artistic vandalism needs (it's graffiti)

    first destiny 2 expansion cinematic trailer comes out early december

    star wars lootbox 2 oops i mean battlefront 2 trailer please give ea all your dollars

    horizon zero dawn the frozen wilds trailer looks cool i love snow

    spelunky 2, guacamelee 2, and locoroco 2 were announced

    alright that's it what did you guys think of sony's paris games week 2017 showing
    Thread by: Trigger, Oct 31, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Trigger
    Something I'm always trying to do is not assume a person's gender online. This was before I became aware of the intricacies of gender politics and preferences, I'd always thought it bad to assume everyone was male by default and I try my best not to.

    Still, I'm stuck in the usage of vernacular like "guys" when referring to a group of players. There are a few female gamers I group up with quite often when playing Overwatch, and almost always the word is used by the entire team. "Well played guys!" and so on.

    It only ever really becomes awkward when a player joins a group, hears a girl, says something like "well played boys!" and awkwardly adds "...oh and girls!". Usually the woman in the group (singular, mostly) will say "don't worry, it's not a problem", but I'm curious if we should be making more of an effort here.

    Before we begin, I'm not overly worried or fussing about how I come across personally, I'm curious about the overall conversation of exclusivity. I've talk to a few women and they've told me that there are behaviors that are present that make it difficult for the women to feel at home in gaming communities, and while this may be a tiny part of the problem I'm curious how does this use of language make you feel? This question is to all gender types, not just the binary.
    Thread by: Trigger, Oct 29, 2017, 7 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Trigger
    Thread by: Trigger, Oct 29, 2017, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Trigger

    hi heres mine i worked ureally hard on it so please like subcirbe and comment thanks b ye also be sure you post yours too lol bye for reeal now
    Thread by: Trigger, Oct 29, 2017, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Trigger
    Thread by: Trigger, Oct 27, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Trigger
    yo khv. what is your favorite type of chart (or graph)

    for me, i've always been a huge fan of pie charts and bar graphs. i think they're the most aesthetically pleasing and easiest way to convey statistical information. here are some examples of both:



    damn good looking charts, don't you think?

    what say you????????????????????
    Thread by: Trigger, Oct 6, 2017, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Trigger
    It's October! That means it's time to break out the candy and settle down with your favorite Halloween movies! But before you do, how about you share some with us?

    For more light hearted movies I've always enjoyed Hocus Pocus, Beetlejuice, Coraline, The Addams Family, and Ghostbusters. When it comes to movies that are actually scary I don't think you can go wrong with Scream, Carrie, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Fog.

    I hope everyone has a spooky October and even spookier Halloween. ヽ(°〇°)ノ
    Thread by: Trigger, Oct 2, 2017, 6 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Trigger
    I've been a fan of the Alien movies since I saw the first when I was a teenager and I've enjoyed them all (except the third, that one was really boring to me) so I was pretty excited for this. Are there any other Alien fans on here? Was this your first Alien movie? What did you like/dislike about it?

    I actually really enjoyed it. Michael Fassbender was brilliant in this movie, every interaction David and Walter had got more intense as the movie went on. And those white xenomorphs were even creepier than the regular ones, especially when they stand upright.
    Thread by: Trigger, Sep 25, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Trigger
    Hey all, there's something that's been on my mind lately, and it's the decreasing activity in our Discord server. It's a huge bummer. Our server that used to always have a lot going on, tons of members talking, hanging out, posting dank memes and having fun is now just a place of casual conversation for a select few individuals.

    Now it's possible that everyone suddenly got busy and forgot that our homely little server existed, but I think it's something more substantial than that. A lack of order from the moderating team. To be clear, this is not a callout post! I'm not trying to name and shame any mods for not interacting with the server, and no one expects the staff to have their eyes and ears glued to the chat, but I seldom see anyone besides Luxord or Cstar in #general. It feels like our server has become a wild west where anything goes, and I think this has caused some of our members to shy away from it.

    I feel that the server would benefit from additional moderation handled by users who are around more frequently than the current team. We have a handful of people that I talk to and see on the server everyday, and if they want to help the out I don't see why it shouldn't be given some consideration.

    While the most recent example of moderation being 'heavily' needed on Discord was the fiasco between Nova, Nate, and a few others, and that was quite a while ago. The fallout of that event shows a slight disconnect between community and staff. When push came to shove and the staff had to do their jobs, the amount of public outcry was rather alarming. This is where my idea comes in. It wouldn't be very practical to just 'demand' that the current staff lineup become more active in the Discord chat, a more elegant solution from there would be to take active members from the current Discord usergroup and accept volunteers from among them to moderate the chat. This handles some issues, such as:

    1. It streamlines activity and moderation. These users already use the general chat casually, and since that is the case there won't be any extra effort needed to read the chat since they already do so.

    2. Creates a bond of trust between those moderating and those using the chat for casual reasons. Situations tend to explode less often when a familiar face tells you to calm down or stop doing something, whereas having someone come out of the shadows can seem rather cold.

    3. This allows the current staff lineup to actually focus more on the site, instead of what I can only assume is the current split focus. KHV has been kinda quiet lately.​

    With all of this in mind, I'm sure at least a few active Discord users would offer to help in this way, myself included. Perhaps an open application to those who have been active could work out. Either way the current 'version' of the KHV Discord could use some fine tuning, and I would be glad to help with that in any way I can. Thank you for your time!
    Thread by: Trigger, May 10, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. Trigger
    Thread by: Trigger, Mar 1, 2017, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Trigger
    sometimes i do, and i feel kinda creepy/weird afterward
    Thread by: Trigger, Jul 1, 2015, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Trigger
    post 'em




    Thread by: Trigger, Jul 1, 2015, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone