here are the instructions: EDIT: i just ported the play as pajamas roxas code here: play as pajamas roxas RAW: 11CFAC7C 0000005A 01CB9E37 0000005F 21CB9E38 5F43504E 21CB9E3C 414A4150 21CB9E40 0053414D AR MAX: UTVD-21BR-24MBE V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 NJ3B-R101-FZRZJ CXFG-0Y0K-8MGT7 BY8J-UVF5-V9DRQ DFYC-F7UW-D3TUW credit to me for porting it and credit to roxas212 for testing the code for me :)
wait.does this mean that we can play as dummy people like kairi.
we now have a riku code and a DW sora code
antiweapon,erkz and Xendran made the code khkid had nothing to do with this code and again thx everyone. :)
it is possible to port from kh2 FM to kh2.but you have to use ps2dis
hmm..weird i can fight while playing as riku. :( try to turn off all the other codes you have activated and tywm :)
riku code: RAW: 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 21CDCE80 00000000 01CDCE96 00000023 01C88E64 00000005 10340E60 000001C6 10340E66 00000001 11CDCE9E 00000002 20340CE4 00020100 AR MAX: P5Y6-0TMP-YCTT8 JXZW-7MU7-W9V8K F7XU-M49N-UKN20 QAJH-Q1RQ-RYZ0Q 2YZ0-KR96-04M0Q KH36-TQBF-6Y141 CK2B-B0RR-FD22U HHPH-0BN5-N84WD AHU5-QJ63-J1UW3 PYMP-220R-8RJKC 8A8J-0KWH-EEM71 5X8K-W3CW-PBZ1H
quote from antiweapons vid: and thx for the rep :)
thx guys :) anyway i think we need to get back on topic.
success i ported the riku code :) here: riku code (PORTED BY MIKAEL110) RAW: 11CFAC7C 0000089B 01CDD377 0000002E 21CDD378 7465736D 21CDD37C 00000000 21CDD380 00000000 01CDD396 00000023 01C89364 00000005 10341360 000001C6 10341366 00000001 11CDD39E 00000002 203411E4 00020100 AR MAX: 3HKE-DXXH-74T77 NQZH-BEP6-5EK9T 8QPE-TXMH-GYNAR 13MX-PG8W-6B33J H428-ZD7J-8HZD8 4JJ9-MWC9-1ADXV Q2F9-B2YK-NX78D UPTR-ZNY7-KW3DT UX42-MVM5-P4YB6 1NEW-WRDR-8MH15 J8GG-CY1D-DQFVM ZW2D-ZENC-UB680
yeah i know im. trying to port that code
yes i ported it to pal
im working on it i have ported the normal sora duel wields - valor style Choose a keyblade, then hold R2 and walk into a new room. Do NOT change keyblades afterwards Normal Sora Dual Wields - Valor Style (PORTED BY MIKAEL110) E003FDFF 0035BA5C 01CB9C36 00000002 21CB9C3C 09020000 im still working on porting the riku code
we can already wield the stick
nope thats the neo moveset code erkz made a while ago.
yes you must equip the kingdom key. btw i would recommend that you use this code instead: B305-R9JC-UVJ8D TXB7-PHHZ-CFBNE it does the exact same thing but its 10 times shorter.
no prop.anyway i must go now so cya :)
welcome to the code vault:) if you ever need a code converted,ported.condensed or jokered just ask me and i will gladly help you :) and thx :)