KH-vids has a caps filter. It's very annoying as you might imagine, and most of you probably already know. So I have to waste my time typing out this useless paragraph in order to post in caps. Let's continue: NO MEMES NO HUMOR NO ELITISM ONLY UNFUNNY FINAL DESTINATION
*rolls eyes* QUOTING A POST LACKING HUMOR. Please don't ruin it, kitty. So uh, on a relevant note, it took long enough for this to happen. Congratulations~
You know, amp.
Very bad weather will take place! ;3;
Trinity is the kind of name you hear when you walk into a strip club.
I put on my robe and wizard ha-*stares at Rook* >:
...way to miss the point. *Sora* was inactive MUCH longer than Arc, lol. In all honesty, Arc's demotion isn't any big loss. The forum will survive without him, modding the RP section is like trying to decontaminate and ocean of pure feces. There are enough staff to cover whatever he was doing anyway. You're all making this a personal thing. It isn't personal. I'm not exactly a cheerleader of KHV's staff team, but I can tell you right now that this wasn't as far out of their bounds as you are claiming it is, DW, and you too, Arc. If Arc were in a larger forum that had higher standards for staff, they'd drop him immediately; since no offense, there's much better mods/admins out there. He's not irreplaceable as staff. Life will go on.
Online rape is serious business, and also a bannable offense. I propose Risk be temp. banned.
You should definitely change your name to F- I mean, JIIIIIIIIIMMY :D. That would be just too cool.
The exceedingly handsome Stephen Colbert.
wuts goin' on.
Moreover, they stick it on Youtube.
Tell us kitty, who was it. :X
ITT when blingee falls into the wrong hands.
Leave it to KHV.
lol. Mish: Getting banned is a talent.
The majority of this thread has been hijacked by phail. There's no saving it. And not really, no one paid for those pictures. She's just a ****. But there are many other girls across the internet who have done the same thing if not to greater extent.
That is all.