reminds me of this: When I was a child my sister would come and play with in my sega genesis (Mega drive), but I don't know why whenever a girl grow up they are more prone to abandon their video games, even as a child I don't recall many female gamers, but I think this is the only thing about it , I don't remember mistreat a woman, or seeing then been mistreated (in gaming), the problem is that today's video games are online (AKA INTERNET), and It is commom at internet that people get picked upon, because that's how internet roles.. While in FPS there are some trashing I don't know if it is specially target towards women, because when bros play together they are always cursing each other, so maybe women are just not used to with it? While is been said that 40% of gamers are women, of my experience I only know female facebook gamers, not console owners or things like that.. when GUITAR HERO was exploding we could convince some to play along, but now days I don't even know any.[DOUBLEPOST=1378146326][/DOUBLEPOST]reminds me of this: When I was a child my sister would come and play with in my sega genesis (Mega drive), but I don't know why whenever a girl grow up they are more prone to abandon their video games, even as a child I don't recall many female gamers, but I think this is the only thing about it , I don't remember mistreat a woman, or seeing then been mistreated (in gaming), the problem is that today's video games are online (AKA INTERNET), and It is commom at internet that people get picked upon, because that's how internet roles.. While in FPS there are some trashing I don't know if it is specially target towards women, because when bros play together they are always cursing each other, so maybe women are just not used to with it? While is been said that 40% of gamers are women, of my experience I only know female facebook gamers, not console owners or things like that.. when GUITAR HERO was exploding we could convince some to play along, but now days I don't even know any.
this is making me sick >_<![DOUBLEPOST=1378137315][/DOUBLEPOST]this is making me sick >_<!
Probably not I got 9.72Mb/s , 4 stars. And I don't have this problem in other sites.
I still have to play some FF.. the turn based thing never appealed to me, but I am playing "Dragon fantasy book" (that was on sale cross-buy of Ps3/vita) . And now I get it! But I think that I get some on my vita, not only because it feels like rpg are meant for handleds, but my vita can always enjoy new games! My Ps3 has a lot of his own now.
It is something with the site! I click on "Post comment", and wait a while, than the button comes back to the normal color, but the post still...
LOL he is just bitchslaping Capcom right? The entire plot reminds me of a Mega man X (3 or 4 don't recall which).. the thing about chose the stage and take the weapons from enemies XD! (Which I wouldn't do, If I was the only non infected robot taking parts of robots that I know are infected!). The strange thing for me is that he has being doing some great things other than mega man (Like Soul Sacrifice that will have a sequel!), Is like he doesn't like what capcom is doing to his game, and not just want to show that he can do a better job then theirs, but also using this kickstart just to show them how much money they could be doing.. is like a "IN YOUR FACE, YOU GOT BURNED!" . But I want it bad ç.ç (or Mega man X , back, whichever gets out).
Terra most of things he is blamed for he didn't do it, he really tried his best to stay good, but it wasn't in the cards for him, and have to "kill" his father to protect his "brother" is pretty intense, not to mention that he have been brain raped by Xehanort over the last 10 years LOL! At least Aqua is doing "fine" in the realm of darkness knowing that the hearts of her friends are still protecting her from darkness.. Ventus screwed his heart apart, but it was his resolve since the begining to save his friends (and he thinks he did it).. also he is crashing at Sora's heart for the second time ! He probably will be fine and YOUNG!
I was under the impression that Orange was the new black?[DOUBLEPOST=1378093892][/DOUBLEPOST]I was under the impression that Orange was the new black?
Sora acts as a "memory's hub" that connects hearts, probably when Sora remembers Xion everyone else probably will he did it so many times this trick: 1) Kingdom hearts chain of memories, his memories of Leon , made the "fake Leon" remember Sora, others in CO had the notion that they meet Sora before. 2)When Sora loses his memories at CO, everybody else also loses the memories conected with him, when he remembers people start to remember as well. 3) KH II when people forgot about Sora, Roxas made Kairi remember him, by the time Sora was up everybody remember him. I think everyone will probably recover their memories as Sora's heart conects with everyone, what good will it do ? I don't know! Asuming Roxas memories are back (they are, at the end of KH II ?), the only thing that would "change" is that when Ventus wakes up he will have memories of Roxas + Vanitas + his own. Sora can have shion's memories but her body is gone as much Riku's replica . Only if by the use of a DEUS EX MACCHINA "everyone are able to revive" what would suck.[DOUBLEPOST=1377977996][/DOUBLEPOST]Sora acts as a "memory's hub" that connects hearts, probably when Sora remembers Xion everyone else probably will he did it so many times this trick: 1) Kingdom hearts chain of memories, his memories of Leon , made the "fake Leon" remember Sora, others in CO had the notion that they meet Sora before. 2)When Sora loses his memories at CO, everybody else also loses the memories conected with him, when he remembers people start to remember as well. 3) KH II when people forgot about Sora, Roxas made Kairi remember him, by the time Sora was up everybody remember him. I think everyone will probably recover their memories as Sora's heart conects with everyone, what good will it do ? I don't know! Asuming Roxas memories are back (they are, at the end of KH II ?), the only thing that would "change" is that when Ventus wakes up he will have memories of Roxas + Vanitas + his own. Sora can have shion's memories but her body is gone as much Riku's replica . Only if by the use of a DEUS EX MACCHINA "everyone are able to revive" what would suck.
We didn't expect KH III being made when they announced, If we lucky they give us a release date...[DOUBLEPOST=1377903106][/DOUBLEPOST]We didn't expect KH III being made when they announced, If we lucky they give us a release date...
Watch Shin Senkai Yori, Psycho Pass, read Shin Angyo Onshi here: (the best Mawha ever written)[DOUBLEPOST=1377902948][/DOUBLEPOST]Watch Shin Senkai Yori, Psycho Pass, read Shin Angyo Onshi here: (the best Mawha ever written)
Liked how they show us Riku as an alternative.. even though You need to unlock it first![DOUBLEPOST=1377888710][/DOUBLEPOST]Liked how they show us Riku as an alternative.. even though You need to unlock it first!
You are still young children of summer! Fear is for the winter, and winter is coming!
I played the game with some help of faqs.. Isn't that much we are losing.. the game is like a facebook game it is OK! And you can spend ours on it, or seconds, After i got all keyblades i stoped playing.[DOUBLEPOST=1377887840][/DOUBLEPOST]I played the game with some help of faqs.. Isn't that much we are losing.. the game is like a facebook game it is OK! And you can spend ours on it, or seconds, After i got all keyblades i stoped playing.
Fun fact ! Power rangers is doing its 20th anniversary! "Tommy"(green ranger) will be in Brazil at a event!
I was seeing the video on youtube, then they lock it >_<![DOUBLEPOST=1377888149][/DOUBLEPOST]I was seeing the video on youtube, then they lock it >_<!
I HOPE MY BODY CAN TAKE THIS! Please let be 2.5 as well!
Pokemon is a fairly good point! I will look down on my vita the day Pokemon X/Y is out.
They still could make Hank make Ultron at avengers 2 by mistake, and after he becomes the ANTMAN. I heard a rumor that Ultron probably would be JARVIS (the Stark's computer) that was taken by Loki at a previous script of the avengers: [DOUBLEPOST=1377829997][/DOUBLEPOST]They still could make Hank make Ultron at avengers 2 by mistake, and after he becomes the ANTMAN. I heard a rumor that Ultron probably would be JARVIS (the Stark's computer) that was taken by Loki at a previous script of the avengers:
If you need the AP from zero experience in another good ability, and you still want to be a level 1.. never did it though.