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  1. Wheel of Time
    Profile Post

    Don't forget :P

    Don't forget :P
    Profile Post by Wheel of Time for adamboy7, Oct 11, 2012
  2. Wheel of Time
  3. Wheel of Time
  4. Wheel of Time
  5. Wheel of Time
  6. Wheel of Time
  7. Wheel of Time
  8. Wheel of Time
  9. Wheel of Time
  10. Wheel of Time
  11. Wheel of Time
  12. Wheel of Time
    You actually didn't see the code in the post he posted?

    Pseudo Cure Spell (L1+X)
    //Fills HP, empties MP


    Pseudo Cure Spell (L1+X)
    E004BBFF 0034D45C
    01C6C750 000000xx
    01C6C8D0 00000000
    21C6C90C 453B8000
    21C6C910 453B8000
    Post by: Wheel of Time, Sep 25, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Wheel of Time
    Ah, I guess that makes sense ^^ Thanks for explaining ^^
  14. Wheel of Time
    Okay so I've got most of the story of 3D but one thing still puzzles me and that's how can Xemnas and Xehanort's Heartless be alive? I thought that once a Nobody and it's Heartless counterpart dies it revives the original persona, right? So then only Xehanort should be alive but now somehow all three are alive ^^'

    So could someone explain this to me? If you can ^^
    Thread by: Wheel of Time, Sep 22, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  15. Wheel of Time
  16. Wheel of Time
    Here you go ^^

    NTSC: 03B6
    PAL: 0478
    Post by: Wheel of Time, Sep 22, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Wheel of Time
  18. Wheel of Time
  19. Wheel of Time
  20. Wheel of Time
    I believe these have the same effect?

    _C0 Full Open skills (only Terra)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000116 0x00000002

    _C0 Full Open skills (only Ventus)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000117 0x00000002

    _C0 Full Open skills (only Aqua)
    _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A
    _L 0x10000118 0x00000002
    Post by: Wheel of Time, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Code Vault