Don't forget :P
Yeah, it was a while ago lol ^^ Awesome cake indeed ^^ I'll sign in around that time then ^^
I believe that I was six hours from you xD So that's 10pm :P But yeah, I can work with that ^^ Hmm, now... about day ^^ What do you think?...
AWESOME CAKE, lol ^^ Then the only thing we have to figure out is the time and after that we can take the day ^^ At what time is school over for...
Heeey Adam ^^ We have to play Portal 2 again soon, cuz I want more trophies xD Well, you see I didn't get the trophies for the main campain, only...
Exactly lol xD If you one day manage to make one, make one more and send it my way xD
Yeah ^^ I guess it would be possible to make an all-in-one console, maybe you should try to make that lol xD
And good luck with Critical, I imagne it'll be hard ^^
The news is that Nomura decided to make a HD collection including KHFM, KH: Re CoM and cutscenes from 358/2 days in HD ^^ Bad news for you is that...
Also it seems interesting with KH HD or what do you think? Hope you haven't missed the news :P
Awesome cake ^^ lol, that explains a bit :P I thought you had so much school work that you didn't have a single minute to reply to me :P I think...
You actually didn't see the code in the post he posted? Pseudo Cure Spell (L1+X) //Fills HP, empties MP patch=1,EE,E004BBFF,extended,0034D45C patch=1,EE,01C6C750,extended,000000xx patch=1,EE,01C6C8D0,extended,00000000 patch=1,EE,21C6C90C,extended,453B8000 patch=1,EE,21C6C910,extended,453B8000 -> Pseudo Cure Spell (L1+X) E004BBFF 0034D45C 01C6C750 000000xx 01C6C8D0 00000000 21C6C90C 453B8000 21C6C910 453B8000
Ah, I guess that makes sense ^^ Thanks for explaining ^^
Okay so I've got most of the story of 3D but one thing still puzzles me and that's how can Xemnas and Xehanort's Heartless be alive? I thought that once a Nobody and it's Heartless counterpart dies it revives the original persona, right? So then only Xehanort should be alive but now somehow all three are alive ^^' So could someone explain this to me? If you can ^^
OK, I've just watched a complete walkthrough of Dream Drop Distance and well, it sure was confusing lol ^^' But now I'm up to date so to say lol ^^
Here you go ^^ NTSC: 03B6 PAL: 0478
No, not the new Iphone 5 :P It's Iphone 4S, the new one had not been released when I had my birthday and I just couldn't wait xD But yeah, it's...
Awesome cake ^^ And the time sure flies by :P Thanks ^^ Nah, nothing really big was planned/happened but I got an Iphone :P So I'm happy ^^
Going well thank you ^^ How about you? ^^ Yay, I'm 18 :P
I believe these have the same effect? _C0 Full Open skills (only Terra) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000116 0x00000002 _C0 Full Open skills (only Ventus) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000117 0x00000002 _C0 Full Open skills (only Aqua) _L 0x81729C66 0x0009000A _L 0x10000118 0x00000002