Jacob and his men, including Maxamilias, had gotten far away from their camp."We can get weapons at a secret cash to the west of here, but the problem is, it's near the oasis, which as you all know, is haunted. So, lets go" Jacob said smiling. "Agreed" max and all the other men said in response.
how you doing
that is waht i was going to do
Username-DeathKingApocalypse080808 Name (full)- Sebastion Race-Angelian Powers (if any)- true form, can create explosions(look at human form for details) can fly and is can warp short distances to get away from his explosions human form-can create explosions that, but the bigger the explosion, the longer it takes to recharge, a 3 foot diameter explosion takes 1 month to recharge Age-100 Gender-Male Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)Good Weapon (if any)- ! 7 foot long(You guessed it) sword Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!) was born after the demons were sealed, doesn't exactly know what he is doing. His master is the shining dragon, who tought him everything he knows. Likes to be alone, and to himself, but compliments others well Appearance- true form- http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime hawk/FallIceKat/Anime Girls/Hawk-Altra.jpg?o=5 human formhttp://media.photobucket.com/image/a...imeboy.jpg?o=5 Username-DeathKingApocalypse080808 Name (full)-Maximalias Bland Race-Human/vampire Powers (if any)- water vapor Age-913 Gender-Male Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)Neutral Weapon (if any)- 1 six foot long broken blade Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)-high ranking officer of the Guild of the broken Blade. Keeps most things to himself Appearance-http://media.photobucket.com/image/a...anshin.jpg?o=5
OOC:Thanks BIC: Jacob had got to the camp, and saw the fire, and started running. HE got to the place where his men were. He picked up a sharp piece of metal and untied on of the men. He amd his men were able to save 25 people, 35 died in the fire, and 15 refused to let him help them. They than felt the explosion/ earthquake and started running away, thinking something had ignited in the camp and was going to explode more.
OOC: recap, only for Zuiden however
OOC: fixed ,and gtg, won't be back tonight, so don't di anything with my characters
Jacob stood up, and headed back towards the fires."Some will have survived, an they can help, if they still trust me, and why am i talking to myself?" jacob said to himself as he walked toward the old camp.
Jacob smiled, he didn't need anything to survive. He was a survivor, and would do anything but kill to live. I' ll be back, he thought
OOC: you can't take off Jacob's ring, it's impalnted into his bone
"Why would you do that," Jacob yelled at Zieden,"They were perfect and you ruined them." He pretended to cry."I'm just, kidding, they weren't that impoeratnt"He said
OOC: i like improvising
OOC: pezz, i thought you said he knew th plan, because this is not wat i thoutht it was
"just leave me in the middle of the desert already, but give me my swords, i want to die with them." Jacob said, struggling to stand up
OOC:yah, forgot about that, but there is none around
OOC: yeah but he needs food energy to use it or it will eat away at other parts of his body
"Your not the one who walked through a desert, and no i cant' mold because there are no thunderstormes around he said as he collapsed onto his knees
"Who said i'm trying he said as he stopped moving, being very thirsty, and losing energy fast. What have i done to myself he thought
"I'm just getting warmed up" Jacob said as he lunged at Zuiden with one sword doing a horizontal slash and the other doing a vertical
when do we start