hi im an old member 2
not much a fan of lion king :c
Feeling sorry for myself has a whole new meaning now.
I've sold games that no longer work before to Game Stop and I haven't been caught yet. #thuglyf
oh dag nabbit. yes pfff >_>
explain as in whether its avatar or sig? probably, you usually ask for avatars more, but i just wanted to verify.
okeydoke princess
his skype demeanor is a facade, he really does just hate everybody.
water u doing, we aren't ready for your fabulous it cannot be contained.
yeah that's one of the symptoms of 'post'-ban appeal. welcome back Makaze. Don't play too rough with the kiddies ;D
i think ill of your punctuation.
Jokes on you I'll be there in an hour. literally
locked upon request.
Not yer average Tolstoy novel, eh? srsly grats boyo!
We are all banned, it's just a matter of when. Fight not the inevitable, but welcome the fact that what must happen, will happen. There is no banishment in the future, just the banishment of today. in the name of the Jayn, the Plums, and the holy Misty, go in grey my children. amen.
no Bastila 0/100