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  1. Dmaster
  2. Dmaster
  3. Dmaster
  4. Dmaster
  5. Dmaster
  6. Dmaster
    Mind if i ask how you are?
    Profile Post by Dmaster for sie, Dec 2, 2008
  7. Dmaster
    if you haven't already read it, then what aobut one of the inheritance trilogy?
    Post by: Dmaster, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Literature
  8. Dmaster
    Mellody giggled queitly. "Well tell her i said not to again. Anyways thanks Roxxie, as i said keep me updated."

    And with that she flicked her phone away, turning to her computer. Something struck her when Roxxane'd mentioned him and for some reason, it didn't seem wrong.
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dmaster
    "I need you to have a look at all the recent gang activites, mobilization, basicaly anything like that, and make sure you pay close attention to anything suspicious. For some reason. One of my friends was kidnapped, and i really don't want to leave her on her own." Mellody requested, rushing to her room, and shutting the door behind her. "As i said, pay as close a detail as you can, i'm going to check all the police records i can find on my end, so inform me of any information you gather."

    And with that, Mellody went to hang up, stopping barely a second before she did, remembering something with an odd smile, and brining the phone back up. "Oh... and how is she...?"
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dmaster
    "Hey Roxanne, i know, sorry." Mellody replied hurriedly, hoping to get over all the small talk before too lang. Tme was precious, and she was only making this phone call for Lana anyway. "how's everyone? oh, and can i ask a favor of you?"
    ooc: i'm officially out of the DN mood again :\
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dmaster
    ooc: *tis somehow independant of the person in chains* um... how'd you manage this one...? *pkoing chained self* and is it real?
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dmaster
    ooc: good luck with that.

    Mellody sighed, managing the hallway in only a few strides, and partially regretting what she had done...

    What if they HAVE been trying to figure this out, or maybe had found a clue, and had sent agents, or they could've even She shook her head. No, i did what i did and even if they have, i'll do this my own way.

    Her hand went to her mobile, a single number popping up. Even if it had been years since Mello (a small lump appeared in her throat) She still had one contact, and she knew that she wouldn't let her down...

    ooc: Dem, i think you know who she's calling :sleepy:
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dmaster
    Mellody smirked at the both of them, shooting a disturbingly demanding gaze at Near. "No offense, but this isn't the time for hugs, nor is it the time for that 'boo-hoo it's my faults sh*t either!"

    She took a step towards Near, every inche of her body threating to launch itself at him at any moment. "Now i don't give a living sh*t about what you think, Near, or whatever the hell's going through your mind, Theory" A slightly mellodic tone took over now. "All i care about is that my friend's been kidnapped, and you two are too f*cking busy playing emo to do anything about it!"

    She lunged her hand out towards Near, aiming to grab him by the collar but stoping herself mere centimeters away. "Now i swear to god, if ANYTHING happens to her, expect to be the ones bitten on the ar$e."

    And with that, she spun around and stormed off, not even bothering to look back, or see the chaos she had just formed.

    ooc: you wanted her back *shrugs*
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dmaster
  15. Dmaster
  16. Dmaster
  17. Dmaster
  18. Dmaster
  19. Dmaster
    i was right 0.0 it was Kairi that appeared in Ty's image.

    And i repeat what i said before, you are one of the only people i know who can keep us going into a story and still have no idea what's going on O.o
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. Dmaster
    Profile Post

    Yosh, been awhile!

    Yosh, been awhile!
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Dinny, Oct 6, 2008